Archive of Liberty News' "APRIL 2021" Feeds...
Below is a compilation of the LNews daily feeds related to the effort to MARCH 2021 our nation of President Trump, Trump supporters, and anyone who has an opinion differing from the ruling Oligarchs. (For the LN daily feed, go here)
April 30 Feed:
Top Feeds
- must be 28 cycle threshold or below to report covid after vax, but 35, 40 or above was fine to report covid "illness"
- Same standard would have ELIMINATED 90% of Covid CASES!
- Here's the CDC document
- Actually, NYT reported on bogus high cycle thresholds back in August 2020
- LN-- This PROVES that the Covid CRISIS (the one the required the entire world to change how we lived) was a MANUFACTURED SCAM. MOST of COVID "cases" would not have been counted as cases if the CDC used the same standard it is now using to COVER UP jab-covid cases. They DON'T WANT lots of post-jab covid cases so they've changed the standard. We've been scammed. Plain and simple.
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
- Tim Scott Takes Down The Left
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's "100 Days" of Division and Radical Govt. Expansion
- Joe's First Speech: 26.9m viewers; Trump's first speech: 37m viewers
- (Grassfire) Joe even attacked the Constitution
- (Grassfire) Tim Scott on how Dems are pulling us apart
Bizarre -- Joe says "white" Middle Class bought homes, passed on equity (video)
- LN--this is one of the most racist things ever said by someone sitting in the Oval Office
- Two Americas: Supreme Court punts, allows CA to sanction TX
Joe's border crisis
Joe asks for "another five days" to close border detention centers (video)
- LN--What? Joe is still having "car rallies"? What country is he living in?
Joe asks for "another five days" to close border detention centers (video)
- Joe's Hidin Bidin crisis
- Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
Joe's "100 Days" of Division and Radical Govt. Expansion
The Purge
- Tucker interviews Rudy Giuliani (video)
UK -- pastor arrested for saying marriage is "man and woman" (video)
- more here
- Officer who dared to mock LeBron suspended without pay
- Schiff -- white nationalist terrorist threat "part of the Trump base"
- Juan Williams says cities didn't burn last summer. What?
- Clarence Thomas Docu PURGED from Amazon streaming
Trump and People push back
Trump v. McConnell et. al?
- McConnell pushes back against 1619 project
Trump-DeSantis 24?
- “I endorsed Ron and after I endorsed him he took off like a rocketship,” the former president told Fox Business on Thursday. “He’s done a great job as governor. I’m saying what I read and what you read, they love that ticket. Certainly, Ron would be considered. He’s a great guy.”
- Report on how Red States are fighting the Reset
- Mike Lindell on Jimmy Kimmel (video)
- Squishy GOP leaders now pushing Scott for Prez
- Gaetz, Greene launching "America First" rallies, first next week
- OKla moves to ban critical race theory
Trump v. McConnell et. al?
- Election Watch
Great Reset
Pixar to cast first transgender teen role, "Jess"
- Need teen "actress" who "Can authentically portray a 14-year-old transgender girl"
- LN --wait... is a "transgender girl" a boy or girl to start out? We thought boy. So why are they looking for an "actress"? I'm sure we're just confused.
Pixar to cast first transgender teen role, "Jess"
- Media/Tech bias
Covid crisis OVER in much of Britain
- Around 22 million people are living in areas across the UK which had no reported Covid-19 deaths in April
UK finds that large crowds not vector of transmission
- LN--of course, LN and Grassfire readers have known this for months; actually about a year
Covid crisis OVER in much of Britain
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- If jab covid risk so low, WHY DO JABBED STILL NEED MASKS?
HHS Sec continues the Maskerade (video)
- "We want people to continue to wear masks … I am fully vaccinated and still wear a mask. I asked my family to continue to wear a mask.”
The Jab...
- must be 28 cycle threshold or below to report covid after vax, but 35, 40 or above was fine to report covid "illness"
- Same standard would have ELIMINATED 90% of Covid CASES!
- Actually, NYT reported on bogus high cycle thresholds back in August 2020
- LN-- This PROVES that the Covid CRISIS (the one the required the entire world to change how we lived) was a MANUFACTURED SCAM. MOST of COVID "cases" would not have been counted as cases if the CDC used the same standard it is now using to COVER UP jab-covid cases. They DON'T WANT lots of post-jab covi cases so they've changed the standard. We've been scammed. Plain and simple.
- UK Vax Pass starts in May!
- MI gov ties jab % to reopening
- Rogan -- young people shouldn't get jab (video)
Yale Epidemiologist: 60% of new Covid patients have already been vaccinated
- jab cuts covid transmission about in half
- Jab for 12-year-olds by June!
- heart attack victim questions jab
CDC to start covering up jab infection reporting
- would have ELIMINATED 90% of all Covid infections if same standard used!
- Fauxi
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
April 29 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Hannity and Tim Scott undress Joe's address
- Best read: WSJ -- Biden's Cradle to grave government
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's "6 TRLLION DOLLAR MAN" Address
- Claims he faced greatest attack on democracy since Civil War (video)
- "more than build back better, we need to build back better" (video)
- Calls Constitution's words "We The People" "trite" (video)
- Joe pushes Equality Act in speech (video)
- Identifies "most lethal terrorist threat" in U.S. -- "white supremacy" (video)
- Gibberish... "universal public schools... we're on Mars... vaccines... gave us Internet..." (video)
Attacks 2A (video)
- talks about gun control "from the very beginning"
Steals Obama's "you didn't build" line
- "The American Jobs Plan is a blue-collar blueprint to build America. And, it recognizes something I’ve always said. Wall Street didn’t build this country. The middle class built this country. And unions build the middle class.
- full video and text
- CNN calls Joe's plans "moderate radicalism"
Dem Senator calls out Joe for ignoring border crisis in address
- "what I didn’t hear tonight was a plan to address the immediate crisis at the border, and I will continue holding this administration accountable to deliver the resources and staffing necessary for a humane, orderly process as we work to improve border security, support local economies, and fix our immigration system.”
Conservatives Respond To Joe...
- Tim Scott's Response (video)
- Laura Ingraham: Joe says America plagued by crises, except border (video)
- Hannity's response: Joe even took credit for the Jab (video)
- Hannity and Lindsey Graham respond (video)
WSJ -- Biden's Cradle to grave government
- "The destructive part is the way the plan seeks to insinuate government cash and the rules that go with it into all of the major decisions of family life. The goal is to expand the entitlement state to make Americans rely on government and the political class for everything they don’t already provide.
- National Review: Six Trillion Dollar Man
- Joe's Race and Law & Order Crisis
- Joe's border crisis
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
Joe pushes Equality Act in speech (video)
- "I also hope Congress can get to my desk the Equality Act to protect the rights of LGBTQ Americans. To all the transgender Americans watching at home – especially the young people who are so brave – I want you to know that your president has your back.
Joe pushes Equality Act in speech (video)
- 100 days of abortion extremism
Joe's "6 TRLLION DOLLAR MAN" Address
The Purge
Rudy Giuliani's home raided; his son responds (video)
- What? FBI didn't take Hunter's hard drive in raid?
Tucker -- Joe using power to crush political dissent (video)
- "In four months this White House has changed America more quickly and more radically than any before it."
Rudy Giuliani's home raided; his son responds (video)
Trump and People push back
Trump to re-start MAGA rallies; won't announce until after '22
- "I think probably the most appropriate time would be right after the '22 election, that's my opinion. Could do it sooner, but I think right after the election would be good, especially if you have a good election."
- On life now: "It's a different kind of life, but still very political because of the endorsements. Everyone comes and they all want the endorsement, more than they've ever wanted an endorsement. It's never been an endorsement that's meant so much, which is an honor to me."
- When asked if 'good vaccine news' might have swayed the election in his favor, Trump replied: "no, I won the election anyway. I ran two elections I won them both, as far as I'm concerned, and we'll see about a third."
- Bongino show interview (Video)
- CNN's look at Trump's transition
- Trey Gowdy: Joe will cause GOP to win House in 22 (video)
- "In my nine years in the Senate, I’ve received $2.6 million in contributions from corporate political-action committees. Starting today, I no longer accept money from any corporate PAC. I urge my GOP colleagues at all levels to do the same.
Trump to re-start MAGA rallies; won't announce until after '22
- Election Watch
- Great Reset
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- PUSH BACK -- interview with Canadian pastor (video)
The School Lockdown is POLITICAL -- blue/red states
- "88% of Students are offered In Person School in Trump States, and only 47% are even offered fulltime in person in Biden States.
PUSH BACK -- AZ parents PROTEST school mask mandate (Video)
- "Let our children breathe"
- Video-- parents elect new school board; ban mask mandate (video)
- LN-- we love the protest, but maybe it's time to join the bigger education revolution GET YOUR KIDS OUT OF THE OPPRESSIVE GOVERNMENT SCHOOL SYSTEM. Read about explosion in school choice.
PUSH BACK -- AZ parents PROTEST school mask mandate (Video)
- The Jab...
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Fauxi
This is so bizarre... Fauci reads off OBSURD CDC chart like its the Bible (video)
- "Kids will ultimately wind up being vaccinated" (video)
- "When children are out in the community...they are more at risk of getting infected....
- LN-- NBC's Guthrie is almost childlike in her confusion and then submission to Fauci's nonsensical explanation of why children still must be masked. Bizarre
This is so bizarre... Fauci reads off OBSURD CDC chart like its the Bible (video)
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
April 28 Feed:
Top Feeds
- "Benedict" Kerry and the CDC's mask freakshow
- Best read: Mask Freakshow from CDC continues
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Mask Freakshow from CDC continues
- LN -- this is INSANITY. The CDC "guidelines" are a total mess. For example...
- "If the unvaccinated people come from multiple households, there is a higher risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission among them, and the safest place to visit is outdoors. If the visit takes place indoors, all people involved should take precautions including wearing a masks that fit snuggly, staying at least 6 feet away from others, and visiting in a well-ventilated space.
- LN -- let's be clear; the new "guidance" is timed with Joe's 100 days of masking; Joe throwing us a bone for moderately good behavior
- Masks still required for outdoor events
National Review: this is a JOKE
- "To be clear, the science was overwhelming last year that the risk of outdoor transmission of COVID-19 was low to non-existent. Anybody following the science should have never felt compelled to wear a mask outdoors during the pandemic.
- BTW, research involving 90k kids found possibly one case of outdoors transmission
- Only the vaccine gives you even the little bit of mask freedom they are offering
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's "Benedict Kerry" Problem
- Hannity on shocking new Kerry report (Video)
Kerry called to resign
- "Biden and Kerry have to answer for why Kerry would be tipping off Iran, the number one sponsor of terror, while stabbing one of our greatest partners, Israel, in the back." --Nikki Haley
- Kayleigh: media hiding biggest scandal in 2 decades
Joe's "100 Days" of Division and Radical Govt. Expansion
- Ingraham compares media's treatment of Trump v. Biden first 100 days (video)
- Newt previews Joe's 100 days speech (video)
Joe to announce "American Families Plan"
- Among other things... "The plan calls for at least four years of free, public education for every child, and a universal "high-quality preschool" to all children between the ages of 3 and 4, a senior administration official said. Two years of free community college will be available to all Americans.
- MORE details here
- Joe's job approval far below historical norms
- Joe's Race and Law & Order Crisis
- Joe's Court- and House-Packing Scheme
- Joe's Hidin Biden Crisis
- Joe's border crisis
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- (Grassfire) Biden Full Court Press Coming?
- Big Business DOUBLES DOWN on pushing Equality Act
Mutilated girl's remorse over gender transition
- “I can’t believe I was allowed as a child to have this procedure. No one could have prepared me for the reality of it. I was promised sunshine and rainbows. Happiness. All my sadness and gender dysphoria would go away. Of course a kid who was miserable would take that immediately,”
- Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- Joe's team defends fetal tissue research
Joe's "Benedict Kerry" Problem
The Purge
- Report: FBI spied on Americans looking for "right wing domestic extremists"
DHS to expand hunt for "domestic terrorists" (i.e. conservatives)
- DHS... is moving toward a sweeping set of policy changes to detect and stop what intelligence officials say is now a top threat: domestic violent extremism.
- a DHS spokesperson said: "Domestic violent extremism poses the most lethal, persistent terrorism-related threat to our homeland today.
- America First host put on NO FLY LIST!
- Epoch Times press credentials revoked by Congress
- Trump and People push back
- Election Watch
- Media/Tech bias
COVID's lab origins explored
- "scientists who spoke with me say genome sequencing, coupled with what’s known about research conducted by a U.S.-Chinese partnership, leaves them with little doubt that Covid-19 is a product of experiments.
- A rough week for the FAKE covid "science"
STUDY--Masks for children NOT RECOMMENDED
- "I do not feel we can recommend that children wear face masks, especially since most of the children with COVID‐19 get few symptoms7 and do not seem to drive the mortality of the pandemic.
COVID's lab origins explored
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
Meanwhile CDC admits there are no real scientific studies confirming that masks work!
- From the CDC in response to a FOIA request: "CDC is not aware of any randomized controlled trials that show that masks or double masks or cloth face coverings are effective against COVID-19."
- That "DISPOSABLE" mask you are wearing? yeah. It's full of germs (Video)
Meanwhile CDC admits there are no real scientific studies confirming that masks work!
The Jab...
Covid Jab DANGEROUS compared to flu jab
- C19 vaxes, relative to flu vaxes, are >11-fold more likely to be associated with hospitalizations, and >100-fold more likely to be associated with death
- LN-- yes, 100 times more DEADLY than flu jab
Covid Jab DANGEROUS compared to flu jab
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
April 27 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Tucker on the outdoor Mask Myth (video)
- Also, the ULTIMATE MASK INSANITY (video)
- Best read: WOKE CAPITALISM is using China's model
- If China’s communists have appropriated capitalism, in “woke capitalism” the capitalists have appropriated socialism.
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe's Race and Law & Order Crisis
- Joe's Hidin Biden Crisis
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
Dems are now party of the rich
- Democrats represented 65% of taxpayers with a household income of $500,000 or more in 2020, according to IRS data,
- Joe advances $15 federal worker minimum wage
- More pressure to forgive student loan debt
Dems are now party of the rich
- Calls for John Kerry to be investigated over what he told Iran
Trump and People push back
- UFC Dana White -- "people tune in for sports" (Video)
Oscars ratings plummet 58% year over year
- Down 67% from two years ago
- See the downward trend
- RECALL NEWSOM now official
- AWESOME Trump portrait installed in National Art Gallery
- Trump moving to NJ for the summer to escape heat, heat up campaign?
- 2-to-1 voters oppose police defunding
Goodbye Section 230
- "My bill would (1) abolish Section 230, (2) treat Big Tech—defined as any interactive computer service platform with more than 100 million active monthly users world-wide—like a common carrier that must provide reasonable, nondiscriminatory access to all consumers, and (3) prohibit political censorship by Big Tech.
- Three new pro-life laws in Montana
Election Watch
Census -- TX gains 2 seats, CO, FL, MO, NC, OR gain 1; CA, IL, MI, NY, OH, PA lose 1
- LN -- that's enough net gain to get rid of Nancy!
- Hannity and Gingrich: GOP's best chance (video)
- POLL -- 77% of Americans want Voter ID
- POLL -- GOP poised to take back House in 24
Trump on AZ full forensic audit
- “Thank you State Senators and others in Arizona for commencing this full forensic audit,” the former president said. “I predict the results will be startling!”
- AZ GOP Chair: "This is America's Audit"
- Maricopa Madness: New Judge on Case Was Appointed by Former Democrat Governor
- AZ--Parties Have 10 Days to File Motions – Audit Continues!
Census -- TX gains 2 seats, CO, FL, MO, NC, OR gain 1; CA, IL, MI, NY, OH, PA lose 1
Great Reset
WOKE CAPITALISM is using China's model
- If China’s communists have appropriated capitalism, in “woke capitalism” the capitalists have appropriated socialism.
- The new voter laws in Georgia will fall, if they do, to challenges not from the Justice Department or the courts, but from Major League Baseball, Delta Airlines and Coca-Cola, which operate at once as profit-making concerns and political organizations. Rather like mini-Chinas.
Great Reset Utopia Described
- "Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city - or should I say, "our city". I don't own anything. I don't own a car. I don't own a house. I don't own any appliances or any clothes.
WOKE CAPITALISM is using China's model
- Media/Tech bias
- COVID Facts
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
WHAT? Feds will PAY $9,000 for covid funerals!
- LN -- Move along. This ISN'T an incentive to classify deaths as "covid"
- Stim checks WRECKING labor pool
- Doocy exposes Joe's Zoom Maskerade (video)
Tucker on the OUTDOOR MASK MYTH (video)
- "Your mask is making me uncomfortable"
- The Jab...
- Fauxi
Fauci now says masks may not be needed outdoors
- Thanks Emperor Fauci. BTW you have no clothes on and more and more people know it... except you
- Breitbart mocks: "this our big reward for getting vaccinated? The CDC might tell us we no longer have to wear a mask outside?"
- This IDIOT was not mocking Fauci (although we thought he was) (video)
Fauci now says masks may not be needed outdoors
WHAT? Feds will PAY $9,000 for covid funerals!
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
April 26 Feed:
Top Feeds
- This video exposes Left's real RESET agenda
- Best read: WSJ -- Joe's "Dumbest Tax Increase"
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's "100 Days" of Division and Radical Govt. Expansion
Biden Doctrine of Govt. Expansion is called "Help Is Here"
- Joe: "Help is here, and we will not stop working for you,"
Compare to Reagan's Inaugural (video)
- “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’ ” -- Ronald Reagan
- Rand Paul -- still waiting for unity (video)
- 82% believe nation is divided
- Lindsey Graham: Biden "destabilizing"
Biden Doctrine of Govt. Expansion is called "Help Is Here"
- Joe's Race and Law & Order Crisis
Joe's border crisis
- Joe eliminates fines against illegals
- Kamala: "we're making progress" (video)
Where's Kamala? (not near the border)
- But illegal kids get HER BOOK!
- "Unaccompanied migrant kids brought from the U.S.-Mexico border to a new shelter in Long Beach, Calif., will be given a copy of her 2019 children’s book, “Superheroes are Everywhere,” in their welcome kits.
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
Joe's "100 Days" of Division and Radical Govt. Expansion
Trump and People push back
- What? "Caitlyn" Jenner makes more sense that CA gov Newsom? (video)
Bush Republicanism must go away
- "Republican voters must stop pretending the Brahmin Class Republicans who spend more time bashing their own party's faithful than fighting the evil authoritarianism in full bloom on the other side are anything other than double-agents trying to demoralize and fatigue the only Americans principled enough to resist.
Election Watch
Watters: Why the lie of Sicknick's death? (video)
- nation is nearing mass psychosis... by design
Watters: Why the lie of Sicknick's death? (video)
Great Reset
Build Back Better, Build Back Better (just keep saying it) (video)
- LN -- never seen anything. like this; ALL the WOKE global leaders say the same thing
- LN -- it's not a "conspiracy": they are out in the open about it; the real agenda of the pandemic is the Great Reset, and the slogan of that reset is "build back better"
- Attack on Steve Scalise was "suicide by cop"
- NewsBusters: Oscars "So Woke"
Build Back Better, Build Back Better (just keep saying it) (video)
- OK doing GREAT 6 weeks after restrictions lifted
- 2020 all-cause mortality was high, but actually only back to 2003 levels.
Huge Study -- natural immunity from getting covid as ood as vax
- “Our results question the need to vaccinate previously infected individuals” Huge Israeli study (n~6.4 million) demonstrates clearly that naturally-acquired C19 convalescence immunity is equivalent to vax-acquired immunity in preventing C19 infection, morbidity, and mortality
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- Shutdown labor shortage -- nobody wants to work at Tampa McDonalds
- PUSH BACK -- Canadian pastor pushes back again against covid gestapo (video)
- PUSH BACK -- huge protest in London (video)
- MASKerade
The Jab...
Study: Pfizer could cause nerodegenerative disease
- “The vaccine could be a bioweapon and even more dangerous than the original infection.”
- Fashion designer, 59, dies of covid after being fully vaccinated
- Millions skipping Jab #2
Joe SCRUBS "Operation Warp Speed" from WH website
- "We should be looking at OWS like we do the Apollo Program or the global campaign that wiped out smallpox. Yet we’ve seen very few victory laps, let alone reflection on one of the most successful government interventions in living memory.
Study: Pfizer could cause nerodegenerative disease
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Fauxi
- Rand Paul questions Fauci's role in origins of covid (video)
- Media Worship of Fauci
Lord Fauci soon to revise outdoor mask guidelines; throws crumbs to the people
- LN -- this is ANIMAL FARM. There has NEVER been a serious risk of catching covid outdoors. We explain it here. Now Lord Fauci is going to tell us it's OK so now it's OK?
Misc Don't Miss
- Bill Maher on Millennial and Gen Z's zany Marxist ideas (video)
- Collapsing birth rate is bad economic barometer
Want to make $100k/year? Become a government employee!
- 122k in Illinois on public payroll made over $100k/year
- Stunning Cloudburst
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
April 23 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Mom PLEADS for no masks in school (video)
- Best read: WSJ lambasts Joe's capital gains tax increase plan
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Fox News Explains: Joe's "Flooding The Zone" (video)
- LN--Overwhelm with insane policies; some sneak through
Joe's Climate Scam
- WSJ -- Far-fetched without a vote in Congress
Even Joe's Secretary of Defense: Climate crisis "existential" (video)
- "The climate crisis is a profoundly destabilizing force for our world."
- LN -- what? I'm sure that's what's on the mind of hostile regimes that want to kill our troops and destroy America.
Joe's Race and Law & Order Crisis
- Hannity on Dem's "vilification of the police" (video)
- BLM activist in OH: "they shoot us, we shoot them" (Video)
- OH -- neighbor video; different view
- LeBron tries to cover up his clown show
- Chauvin juror admits truth -- they feared the mob
- Stacey Abrams: GOP will not stop "men from murdering women of color"
- Joe's Court- and House-Packing Scheme
- Joe's border crisis
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- (Grassfire) What science and common sense tell about Equality Act
- John Hopkins Psychiatrist: transgender is "biologically impossible"
Confirmed: Equality Act will RUIN girls' sports
- LN-- this article from LGBT Blade makes it clear they won't compromise on transgender sports "rights"
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
Joe to propose Capital Gains Tax up to 43.4%!
- LN -- remember, you've ALREADY been taxed on the capital (you originally purchased the capital with income); plus, much of the "gain" is inflationary; now they get 40% of the gain?
- But LOWER rates produce HIGHER tax revenues
And Joe will effectively add another DEATH TAX!
- LN--under Joe's plan, your heirs will get CRUSHED
Joe to propose Capital Gains Tax up to 43.4%!
Fox News Explains: Joe's "Flooding The Zone" (video)
- The Purge
- Trump and People push back
- Election Watch
- Great Reset
Media/Tech biasNBC Caught in OH shooting report
Politico bans "crisis" from border reporting
- Also... "Avoid emotive words like onslaught, tidal wave, flood, inundation, surge, invasion, army, march, sneak, and stealth,"
- (Exclusive) How Deep State is invading Crypto Currencies
Data on Lockdown v. Free states
- "predictions about Texas’s fate have proven to be spectacularly wrong. Moreover, many of the states with the worst growth in covid cases—and the worst track records in overall death counts—have been states that have had some of the harshest lockdowns.
Data on Lockdown v. Free states
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
The Original "Model" That Caused The Shutdown
- "Just over one year ago, the epidemiology modeling of Neil Ferguson and Imperial College played a preeminent role in shutting down most of the world. The exaggerated forecasts of this modeling team are now impossible to downplay or deny, and extend to almost every country on earth. Indeed, they may well constitute one of the greatest scientific failures in modern human history.
- 17 MILLION still on jobless benefits thanks to shutdown
CDC weighs changing its mind on wearing masks outdoors?
- like giving "vaccinated peasants a little treat"
- MASKerade
The Jab...
WPost Op Ed: stop catering to jab "holdouts"
- "At some point, only the willfully ignorant and destructive will remain unvaccinated. Once that happens, employers, retail establishments, entertainment venues, public buildings, public transportation, colleges and (when vaccines are approved for children) K-12 schools should insist that people present a secure form of proof of vaccination before entering."
- "The ornery holdouts won’t be mandated by the government to get shots, but they should not be able to enjoy the benefits, privileges and access that responsible Americans have earned by getting vaccinated."
- LN -- wow. just... wow.
- jab centers shutting down for lack of interest
- Twitter labels tweet "misleading" for reporting on 18-year-old's jab-related health crisis
- Jab Alert -- jab may cause jabbed to have WORSE covid with no symptoms
More mixed data on jab effectiveness
- "Second, @cdcgov also helpfully provided hospitalization and death data for each category - vaccinated, partially vaccinated, unvaccinated. And the percentage of infected residents in each category who were hospitalized or died is roughly the same...
"Why I'm not taking the vaccine"
- "I simply want to know if the vaccine will still look safe a year from now. Can you blame me?"
- NIH DIRECTOR -- Jab mandate "will make a lot of sense" (Video)
WPost Op Ed: stop catering to jab "holdouts"
- Shutdown FOREVER!
The Original "Model" That Caused The Shutdown
Misc Don't Miss
Funny... where every day is "Earth Day"
- because they lights are always out!
Funny... where every day is "Earth Day"
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
April 22 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Tucker: dangerous fallout for America
- Also, What really happened in OH shooting (video)
- Best read: Joe says we may have to CANCEL JULY 4!
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's Racial Harmony Crisis
- Joe now investigating Minneapolis police department!
OH teen shot while attacking another with knife...
LeBron James to OH police officer: "you're next"
- "Officer Tatum" explains frame-by-frame (video)
OH Shooting: BLATANT evidence of NBC news bias; editing 911 call and video
- NBC News report
- ABC, CBS emphasize person shot had knife and was attacking another person
- Of course, Psaki politicizes: "she was a child" (video)
- BLM takes to streets (Video)
- -- "final blow" for BLM and media?
LeBron James to OH police officer: "you're next"
Tucker on Fallout from Chauvin trial (video)
- "Political actors harnessed the emotions over that video and over Floyd's death to control the country and change it forever."
- "Seeing mobs trying to influence this trial should shock and horrify you at least as much as the George Floyd video did."
- Poll: anti-police rhetoric endangers public safety
- Joe's Court-Packing Scheme
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
Joe's Racial Harmony Crisis
- The Purge
- Trump and People push back
- Election Watch
Great Reset
- "2030" is the new global warming goal -- memorize it!
- Media/Tech bias
- COVID Facts
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
The Covidian Cult -- 6 conditions of mind control
- " millions of people continue to behave like members of an enormous death cult, walking around in public with medical-looking masks, robotically repeating vacuous platitudes, torturing children, the elderly, the disabled, demanding that everyone submit to being injected with dangerous experimental “vaccines,” and just generally acting delusional and psychotic.
- Pepsi product tests POSITIVE for covid
- MASKerade
The Jab...
Joe: Paid Time Off to get the Jab!!!!! (video)
- Calls it fulfilling our "patriotic duty of getting vaccinated"
- Tax reimbursement from IRS!
- LN-- OK, it takes 30 minutes to get the jab; they are getting DESPERATE to get everyone jabbed. Question is, what happens when 30-40% of Americans still refuse?
- UK -- VaxPass next month
Joe: Paid Time Off to get the Jab!!!!! (video)
Shutdown FOREVER!
- “To celebrate our independence from this virus on July 4th with family and friends in small groups, we still have more to do in the months of May and June. We all need to mask up until the number of cases goes down, until everyone has a chance to get their shot.”
- Fauxi
The Covidian Cult -- 6 conditions of mind control
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
April 21 Feed:
- Top Feeds
Chauvin Verdict
- Hannity Responds -- for Left, nothing is enough (video)
- Tucker -- Politics invaded every aspect of this case (video)
Brit Hume blasts those who call America racist country (video)
- "I don't think Americans mostly think our country is systemically racist."
- "The Civil Rights movemeent was one of the great successes in American history... and huge strides were made."
- "Perhaps the greatest achievement of the civil rights movement is the nearly unanimous consensus in America against racism."
- "America may be the least racist country on earth."
- "Critical race theory is bunk."
- "Justice for victims is not rare. It is common."
- "There will be a huge backlash against this cry that we are a racist nation."
Candace Owens: "mob justice"... "this was not a fair trial" (video)
- "pandemic of ignorance... and cowardice"
WSJ -- system worked, but...
- "It would be nice to think all of this would prompt reflection among those who have exploited Floyd’s killing for political purposes. But it probably won’t. Even after the verdict, commentators who applauded the jury gave last year’s riots in American cities the credit for inspiring it. Not the facts. Not the law. But lawless protests.
Derschowitz "no confidence" in verdict
- ''I have no real confidence that this verdict, which may be correct in some ways, but I have no confidence that this verdict was produced by due process and the rule of law, rather than the influence of the crowd,"
- Lawyer's analysis of the trial: Chauvin "did nothing wrong"
- Analysis: media coverage damaging our understanding of legal presumptions
- Never Enough for the Radical Left
- Before verdict Joe said he was "praying " for a guilty verdict (video)
- House unanimously supports Waters' call for violence
- AOC: "not justice... system not working" (video)
- Pelosi: "Thank you George Floyd for sacrificing your life for justice."
- Joe's AG Merrick Garland: "Racism is an American problem. (video)
- BLM crowd to NYCPD: "Quit your job" (video)
- Antifa poster calls for "rage" in Portland no matter verdict
- The Purge
- Media/Tech bias
- Another Study: masks a health problem
The Lockdown paradigm is collapsing
- "The problem is that the presence or absence of lockdowns in the face of the virus seem completely uncorrelated with any disease trajectory.
- COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
April 20 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Trump interview gives HINTS at '24 run (video)
- Watch the Trump Interview: Part One; Part Two
- Best read: Study: masks don't help and may cause illness
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Trump and People push back
- Hannity's Interview with President Trump
- DeSantis signs tough anti-riot bill into law
- Small-dollar donors fueling GOP political pushback
- Clay Travis -- NBA has lost HALF of all their TV fans (video)
The American's Creed
- “I do not choose to be a common man. It is my right to be uncommon. I seek to develop whatever talents God gave me—not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me. I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of utopia. I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cower before any earthly master nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid; to think and act myself, enjoy the benefit of my creations and to face the world boldly and say – ‘This, with God’s help, I have done.’ All this is what it means to be an American.”
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's Racial Harmony Crisis
- Chauvin trial
Judge: Waters has given grounds for appeal (video)
- more here
- "I wish elected officials would stop talking about this case, especially in a manner that is disrespectful to the rule of law and to the judicial branch and our function. I think if they want to give their opinions, they should do so in a respectful and in a manner that is consistent with their oath to the Constitution, to respect the co-equal branch of government. Their failure to do so I think is abhorrent
- Defense closing (video)
- Prosecution closing (video)
- Minneapolis pre-boarded up
Judge: Waters has given grounds for appeal (video)
McCarthy to force Waters censure vote
- Chauvin trial
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
Joe's Racial Harmony Crisis
Election Watch
Ken's Election News
- Alan Dershowitz, First Guest On Mike Lindell’s “FRANK” Social Media Platform Drops Bombshell
- Fake News 60 Minutes Runs Hit Piece on Oath Keepers that Is Complete Garbage
- Media lied about cause of Sicknick's death
Ken's Election News
- Great Reset
- Four-in-ten reasons to stay away from transgender (wo)men
Study: masks don't help and may cause illness
- "The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks.
- "Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects. These include hypoxia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety and depression.
- Full study here
- Study -- wearing masks reduces athletic performance
- Study -- no relevant asymptomatic spread in childcare facilities
Yale epidemiologist -- lockdowns are show
- “Once an epidemic has spread widely in a population or around the world, there’s no chance you can eradicate the virus completely....“This is all show, this is all theatre.”
- Data -- why we shouldn't vaccinate young people
CNN report on masks JUST BEFORE the world was changed by the global elites:
- "To be clear once again, Americans don't need masks. The CDC says that healthy people in the US shouldn't wear them because they won't protect them from the novel coronavirus.
In fact, warns US Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams, face masks might actually increase your risk of infection if they aren't worn properly.
- "To be clear once again, Americans don't need masks. The CDC says that healthy people in the US shouldn't wear them because they won't protect them from the novel coronavirus.
Study: masks don't help and may cause illness
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- PUSH BACK IN UK -- man kicks pro-lockdown politician out of his pub (video)
- Hypocrite -- Whitmer visits FL while keeping MI shut down
- The Jab...
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Fauxi
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
April 19 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Will America EXPLODE again this week?
- Top video: Maxine Waters INFLAMES race war
- Best read: Who is happiest? Conservatives!
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's Racial Harmony Crisis
- Maxine Waters calls for BLM activists to"stay on the street" (video)
- MN BLMers got to neighborhood; man can't get to his house; police retain HIM! (video)
Chris Cuomo gets full racist; white kids need to get kill before change (video)
- “your kids start getting killed. White people’s kids start getting killed.”
- How politics skews our view of police and violence (survey results)
- Joe's Court Packing Scheme
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
Joe's Racial Harmony Crisis
- The Purge
- Trump and People push back
Election Watch
Ken's Election News:
- EXCLUSIVE: Big Tech’s Google Is Targeting Arizona Maricopa County Audit
- The Arizona Senate has found a place to audit Maricopa County's 2.1 million ballots
- BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hillary’s Attorney Marc Elias Inserts Himself Into the Arizona Senate Audit
Ken's Election News:
- Great Reset
- Media/Tech bias
- Report: U.S. gov trafficking in abortion baby parts
What? STudy finds NO EXCESS RISK OF DEATH in nursing homes in 2020?!
- "Covid or not, about 25% of patients died over the nine months studied"
- LN -- itobragncfi -- THIS IS WHAT GRASSFIRE SAID FROM THE BEGINNING; median life expectancy when entering a nursing home is about five months; we've destroyed our society to save us from a disease for which the average age at death is above the average life expectancy
What? STudy finds NO EXCESS RISK OF DEATH in nursing homes in 2020?!
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- Ontario is now a police state! WATCH THIS (video)
- SF -- 2x died from drug overdoses than covid!
- Bill Maher shows Democrats more OFF on covid (video)
- "Hero Pay" laws cause Krogers to close
- MASKerade
- The Jab...
- 2,602 deaths, 8,285 serious injuries from jab; nobody cares
- "These case series show that a number of previously healthy young people have so far been killed by the Astra-Zeneca vaccine. Considering their age and underlying health status, the risk to them from covid-19 itself was infinitesimal. For healthy young people it is not at all clear that the potential benefits from the covid-19 vaccines outweigh the potential harms.
- "indiscriminate COVID-19 vaccination of the naturally infected and immune in the midst of this pandemic outbreak risks severe, and at least partially avoidable, harm to a non-negligible minority subset of Americans
Jab rollout stalling out?
- LN -- not enough "want" vaccine; HERE COMES THE REAL PRESSURE TO JAB!
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Fauxi
- Vaccinated must wear mask! (video)
Fauci gets even more partisan; slams Republicans for actually following science (video)
- More here
WATCH Fauci's irrational response to Rep. Jordan on why Texas is lower than CA (video)
- LN -- Fauci says lockdown states aren't obeying the lockdown...
Misc Don't Miss
- WWII plane EMERGENCY LANDING on FL beach (video)
- NASA picks SpaceX for moon lander (video)
- Volcanic eruption St. Vincent island (video)
- Tucker interviews filmmaker who obtained Navy's UFO footage (video)
- Late Antonin Scalia on Anglo-Saxon common culture (video)
- Person attempts carjacking; shot by police (video)
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
April 16 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Congressman puts Fauci in his place (video)
- How BARRAGE of change is destroying America
- Best read: NYPost's BANNED story on BLM founder's buying spree
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe's Court-Packing Scheme
- Joe's Gun Grab
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
(Exclusive) Here's an ACTUAL modern infrastructure problem
- "We the People are yet again being subjected to the Left’s ridiculous torture of the English language. Everything Is ‘Infrastructure’ According To Democrats. Thankfully, not everyone is playing linguistic Torquemada. No, Not Everything Is Infrastructure. But THIS actually is...
(Exclusive) Here's an ACTUAL modern infrastructure problem
The Purge
Tucker -- NYPOST purged on Facebook for BLM story (video)
- Other outlets PURGED on this topic as well; also Daily Mail
- Here is the PURGED STORY on BLM founder's real estate spree
- BLM leader calls for investigation; BLM threatens to sue
Twitter PURGES James O'Keefe
- O'Keefe -- I"m suing. here's his TELEGRAM account
Tucker -- NYPOST purged on Facebook for BLM story (video)
- Trump and People push back
Election Watch
Ken's Election News
- BREAKING: Hillary’s Attorney Marc Elias Inserts Himself Into AZ
- VIDEO: Professor David Clements: There Hasn't Been a Real Election Audit
- Media in AZ Continues to Attack 2020 Election Audit
Ken's Election News
Great Reset
How "Pandemic" Sets Stage for Climate Reset!!!
Climate Change now "Climate Emergency"
- “The media’s response to COVID-19 provides a useful model. Guided by science, journalists have described the pandemic as an emergency, chronicled its devasting impacts, called out disinformation and told audiences how to protect themselves (with masks and social distancing, for example).”
Time magazine illustration of BURNING WORLD (video)
- Caption: Climate is Everything. How the pandemic can lead us to a better, greener world
- LN -- Do you now see that the shutdown was not really about the bad flu virus?
Climate Change now "Climate Emergency"
- What? Claim that "Woke" CEOs leading fifth spiritual awakening
- Bill Gates wants to block out the sun. What could go wrong?
How "Pandemic" Sets Stage for Climate Reset!!!
- Media/Tech bias
- Sad -- MN police have to build two walls to protect police station
- Sad -- U.S. sets new records in... STDs
- Chauvin invokes 5th; jury next week
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
WSJ -- More Real Estate Agents than Homes on market
- Yes, this is because of the ridiculous shutdown
Shutdown causing LABOR SHORTAGE!!!
- People "not looking for work... no job seekers" because of govt. BAILOUTS
- MASKerade
- MI parents have had enough! Demand NO MASKS for schools (video)
Reminder -- when the CDC jumped the shark on masks
- Said masks reducing covid spread rate by 1% "statistically significant
- The Jab...
Pfizer -- you'll need. BOOSTER! Yay!
- "likely" need to receive a third "booster" shot within 12 months of being vaccinated, and possibly as early as six months after receiving their second dose.
- TX youth baseball team must get jab THEY CANNOT GET!
- Is Jab affecting women's monthly cycle?
93 Israeli doctors -- don't use jab on children
- "We believe that not even a handful of children should be endangered through mass vaccination against a disease that is not dangerous to them," they wrote. "Furthermore, it cannot be ruled out that the vaccine will have long-term adverse effects that have not yet been discovered at this time, including on growth, reproductive system or fertility.
- Study-- Pfizer may be as dangerous as J&J
Pfizer -- you'll need. BOOSTER! Yay!
- Fauxi
Rep. Jordan CONFRONTS Fauci; Jordan wins (video)
- Fauci: we shutdown until "no longer a threat"... “I don’t look at this as a liberty thing, Congressman Jordan. I look at this as a public health thing.”
- Tucker exposes Fauci's lies
- Another Fauci-driven health scare is dying
Rep. Jordan CONFRONTS Fauci; Jordan wins (video)
WSJ -- More Real Estate Agents than Homes on market
Misc Don't Miss
- UFO caught on camera by military? You decide (video)
- Just strange seeing someone faint; she's OK (video)
- Hoops legends talk about "Larry Legend" (video)
- "mindfulness" actually makes people more SELFISH
- FL driver jumps rising drawbridge (Video)
- Whales and dolphins playing together (Video)
- Husband saves wife from Bobcat (video)
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
April 15 Feed:
- Top Feeds
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's Court-Packing Scheme
- Tucker exposes (video)
- FoxNEWS breaking news (video)
Intercept story that broke the news
- "The bill would add four seats to the high court, bringing the total to 13 from the current nine. The bill is led by House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerry Nadler, subcommittee Chair Hank Johnson, and first-term Rep. Mondaire Jones. In the Senate, the bill is being championed by Ed Markey of Massachusetts.
- Jim Jordan confronts Nadler (video)
- GOP counters with anti-packing amendment
What Joe said before election... (video)
"You'll know my opinion on court-packing when the election is over"
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- (Exclusive) Joe nominates Manchin's wife for gov gig. wonder why?
Joe's Court-Packing Scheme
Trump and People push back
- DeSantis pushes back AGAIN against CBS (video)
- Cheney won't support Trump and vice versa
- Rubio -- nobody tops Trump in '24 (video)
- Trump is looking like Andrew Jackson
- Jason Whitlock on his future
"Our generation's war"
- "They regard you as their enemy. Whether by weakness or strength — I believe undoubtedly weakness; their crisis of legitimacy explains all — understand your reluctance to submit to their dictates and perversions as proof of your seditionist intent.
- Brett Favre WRECKS woke sports (video)
Election Watch
Rasmussen Poll: 62% don't think voter ID laws discriminate
- "Majorities of all racial groups – 59% of whites, 56% of Blacks and 63% of other minority voters – say it is more important to make sure there is no cheating in elections than to make it easier to vote.
- Seventy-five percent (75%) say requiring voters to show photo identification such as a driver’s license before being allowed to vote is necessary to “a fair and secure election process.”
- "A majority (51%) of voters believe it is likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election...a view shared by 30% of Democrats
Ken's Election News:
- Rand Paul: Courts didn't hear Trump's challenge
- We need Seal Team 6 to protect AZ ballots
- Ashli Babbitt shooter will not be charged
- Pregnant 30-year-old mom faces 30 years for walking into Capitol
- NYT used to oppose absentee ballots
- NH state house special election may show PUSH BACK VOTER TREND
Rasmussen Poll: 62% don't think voter ID laws discriminate
Great Reset
How Wokeism destroys "merit"
- Wokeism assumes that merit was mostly an arbitrary white construct. Its use was to insist on ethnocentric and culturally exclusionary criteria to ostracize the Other. Otherwise, “merit” had not much relation with real competency.
Church membership BELOW 50% for first time in recorded history
- "There are a couple of major trends driving the plunge in faith in organized religion - millennials with no religious preference are soaring above all other generations, and religious membership is plunging among the youth. In fact, membership continues to decline across all generations, but millennials are increasing faster. "
Joe's UN ambassador: America "imperfect union" (video)
- “White supremacy is weaved into our founding documents and principles”
- Reparations coming to Capitol Hill
How Wokeism destroys "merit"
- Media/Tech bias
- COVID Facts
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- Veritas Expose -- CNN pushes Covid fear for numbers (video)
- (Grassfire) VAX Pass poll reveals huge divide
- The Jab...
- How Bill Gates is behind the massive VAX push
- J&J Jab still paused
- Yes, people ARE at risk from the jab
- Pro-Life groups assess use of aborted fetuses in covid vaccine"
- Coming: "maze of vaccine passports
- What? Little League requires kids to jab?
- UK Christian leaders -- Vax Pass is "medical apartheid"
- Fauxi
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
April 12 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Team Joe caught in massive jobs LIE (video)
- Best read: WSJ-- Left's attack on Senate is attack on federalism
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
Chris Wallace calls out Pete B on Joe's infrastructure lies (video)
- Fact -- U.S. actually ranks FIRST among large companies in infrastructure
- Fact -- Joe's bill actually "creates" only about 2.7m jobs (not 19m)
- That's actually $666,000/job "created"
- Buttigieg -- there is "racism physically built into some of our highways"
Even Stephanopoulos is questioning what infrastructure is... a little (video)
- Joe's Energy Sec basically says infrastructure is anything Joe says
- EVEN CNN calls out the lie on job creation
- Joe's team sends Ivy League schools another $168m
Chris Wallace calls out Pete B on Joe's infrastructure lies (video)
- Joe's Court-Packing "Study"
- JOe's Gun Grab
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
Joe's Bogus "Unity" Lies
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
Trump and People push back
- Trump unloads on McConnell
- Trump golfed Sunday with 24 running mate?
- Ha! Leftists who created anti-My Pillow quits company
BETRAYAL -- Roberts joins with Left Wing in opposing in-home religious gatherings
- LN -- can we stop pretending that Roberts is part of "conservative" wing of court?
- Election Watch
- Great Reset Marxist BLM founder goes on massive real-estate binge
- Media/Tech bias
- Therapeutic -- steroid inhalation decreases hosp. risk by 90%
- All those surface-cleaning products you bought to stop covid? Didn't/don't need them
- OK is A-OK after lifting all restrictions (see chart)
- "Neanderthals" winning over "Science"
- Fact-- 12x more people dying from cancer than covid and shutdown will make this worse
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
Small business closures back to 2020 shutdown peak
- "22% of U.S. small businesses were closed in February, up significantly from October's 14%, and back near May's pandemic peak when 23% of small and medium-size businesses closed
- Meanwhile, billionaires added TRILLIONS in wealth
- Shutdown causing BABY BUST!!!
What? Vaccinated MORE AFRAID of catching covid than non-vaccinated
- CDC: "the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection via the fomite transmission route is low, and generally less than 1 in 10,000, which means that each contact with a contaminated surface has less than a 1 in 10,000 chance of causing an infection."
- CA teacher caught berating students and parents (video)
- The Jab...
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Fauxi
- Fauci- SHUTDOWN FOREVER! Not safe to gather indoors
Fauci BEFUDDLED why Texas hasn't had covid explosion (video)
- "It can be confusing because you may see a lag"
- LN -- What? The Emperor of Lockdown has no clothes and he is the only one who doesn't know it.
Small business closures back to 2020 shutdown peak
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
April 9 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Exposing Joe's new GUN GRAB
- Best read: Covid "crisis" causes historic JOB MARKET CRISIS
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's Gun Grab
- Joe -- second amendment is a "phony argument" against gun grab (video)
Joe dreams of God giving him gun control
- “If I get one thing on my list, the Lord came down and said, ‘Joe you get one of these, gimme that one.’ Because I tell you what, there would be a come-to-the-Lord moment these folks would have real quickly.”
Analysis -- Joe just declared war on gun owners
- details on the 6 executive orders...
- Breitbart's take
Tucker exposes what's behind gun control (video)
- “Gun control is not about guns. Gun control is about who controls America.”
- PUSH BACK -- Abbott will make TX "2 A Sanctuary State"
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Equality Act could force shelters to house men and women together
Trump rips Asa for chemical castration veto
- "Bye-bye Asa,' that’s the end of him!"
- Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- Joe's Hunter Crisis
Joe's Gun Grab
- The Purge
Trump and People push back
- (Exclusive) Exposing a GOP pretender in VA
- DeSantis PUSHES BACK against CBS' "half-baked conspiracy theory" (video)
- TN now open and concealed carry without permit
Trump endorses Rand Paul
- "Rand will continue to stand up for our great AMERICA FIRST policies because he believes in stopping wasteful spending, defending our Second Amendment rights, and taking care of our Military and our Vets,"
- TX Senate passes "Star-Spangled Banner Protection Act"
- Eric Bolling storms off set after being accused of racism (video)
- Election Watch
Great Reset
- INSANE -- Left wants to BLOCK THE SUN! (video)
Axios gives teaser on great reset
- " a hinge moment in American history that's unlike any since the transition from the Agrarian Age to the Industrial Age in the late 1800s.
- Media/Tech bias
- (Exclusive) Alleged "Conservative" Court Screws us again
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
Covid "crisis" causes historic JOB MARKET CRISIS
- "the trillions in Biden stimulus are now incentivizing potential workers not to seek gainful employment, but to sit back and collect the next stimmy check for doing absolutely nothing in what is becoming the world's greatest "under the radar" experiment in Universal Basic Income.
Media befuddled by red state covid success and "risky behavior" (video)
- LN--they blame it on lower testing in red states but we've been over-testing for THE ENTIRE CRISIS!
- LN -- no matter the facts/science WE MUST SUPPORT THE COVID SHUTDOWN NARRATIVE!
- MASKerade
- The Jab...
Covid "crisis" causes historic JOB MARKET CRISIS
Misc Don't Miss
- See USAF jets flying over Arctic (video)
- Zoom In on Milky Way from Hubble (Video)
MUST WATCH -- Monkey Mind Pong (video)
- Monkey plays pong with just his brain
- Just for MATH FUN -- understanding Pi (video)
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
April 8 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Citizens REVOLT against shutdown police (video)
- Best read: where your state ranks on shutdown restrictions
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
- JOe's Gun Grab
Joe's border crisis
- (Grassfire) Shock: 170k illegals in March
- Joe converting border hotels into illegal sanctuaries
- Gutfeld mocks Joe's plan to "fill gaps" in wall (video)
- ASSAULT allegations at TX migrant children facility
- John Roberts -- "Where is VP Harris?" (video)
- Pelosi -- "We're on a good path at the border" (video)
- Photo -- 130 aliens "surrender" at border; given masks
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- Trump and People push back
- Election Watch
- Great Reset
Media/Tech bias
Gutfeld -- media wants us to hate each other; don't buy it (video)
- Ratings grow; Fox wins every time slot
- Youtube censors DeSantis
Gutfeld -- media wants us to hate each other; don't buy it (video)
- George Floyd trial blockbuster (Court TV)
- Consumers say pandemic over -- back to our credit spending ways!
- UK will achieve herd immunity NEXT WEEK
CDC -- actual covid deaths at least 20% lower than reported
- Just 1 in 1,000 covid cases from outdoor transmission (study)
CDC now says risk of covid transmission on surfaces now 1 in 10,000
- "The risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection via the fomite transmission route is low, and generally less than 1 in 10,000, which means that each contact with a contaminated surface has less than a 1 in 10,000 chance of causing an infection.”
- LN -- If risk of death from covid infection is .3%, then your risk of death from touching a covid-infected surface is .00003%. Scary. But that won't stop us from wiping down surfaces a zillion times.
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
See where your state ranks on shutdown restrictions
- best 5: IA, FL, WY, SD, TX; WORST five: VT, DC, DE, VA WA
- WSJ -- shutdown CAUSING housing crisis
- Lockdowns "opiate of champaign socialists"
Compare POW "coercion" chart to the shutdown
- example: "Isolation: Deprives victim of all social support of their ability to resist. Develops an intense concern with self."
- Nationwide Ketchup shortage! (Thanks, covid shutdown)
- MASKerade
- HS track coach fired for not requiring masks OUTDOORS
New "smart mask" alerts if you forget or wear improperly (video)
- video warns disposble masks environmental problem; cost $166b; 75% end up in landfills or ocean...
- LN -- In our "animal farm" world, even our solutions are problems. We need more solutions.
- The Jab...
- Shutdown FOREVER!
See where your state ranks on shutdown restrictions
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
April 7 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Tucker BLASTS Ark. Gov on "chemical castration of children" (video)
- Best read: VaxPass "coercive scheme"; extends lockdown
- Best read #2: A case AGAINST jab for those already infected
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- (Grassfire) Dems target one of their own
Tucker clashes with Ark gov over teen protecting law (video)
- Tucker: you are "pro-choice on chemical castration of children"
- Gov: bill "overbroad, extreme"
- WIN -- Ark legislature OVERRIDES veto
- Truth -- children mature and accept their gender
- What? Joe has "difference of opinion" with Catholics on Equality Act
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- Cruz on Hannity -- Joe is jacking up taxes (video)
The TRUTH on never-ending spending
- "Borrowing and printing up trillions and trillions of dollars isn’t real. It’s a special form of deceit we economists call inflation.
- WSJ -- higher taxes will hit blue-collar workers
GAME OVER? Schumer can now pass Joe's agenda with NO GOP votes
- "Schumer now has the flexibility to advance Biden’s infrastructure spending and tax reform goals in two separate packages and also to raise the federal debt limit by year’s end.
The Purge
Joe's All-Star Game Purge
- Battle lines being drawn (FOXNews)
Joe says GA needs to "smarten up, stop it" (video)
- business boycotts "reassuring"
- Hannity blasts lies of "media mob" (video)
- Doocy to Psaki -- but CO laws similar to GA (video)
- Game moved from 51% black Atlanta to whiter Denver
- Ban Coors Field! Named after Heritage Foundation Founder!
- The Bee -- Google removes GA from map
Joe's All-Star Game Purge
Trump and People push back
- Gutfeld CRUSHES competition in 11p launch
Trump calls in to NewsMAX to PUSHBACK (video)
- All-star game, etc -- 28 MINUTE INTERVIEW
- Watch DeSantis PUSH BACK at "smear merchants" (video)
Pence tries to make MAGA comeback with new group
- LN -- but will MAGA folks ever forgive...
- Election Watch
Great Reset
- United Air promotes diversity (over excellence?)
Gallup -- America is LOSING ITS RELIGION
- "A Gallup poll released last week found just 47% of Americans reported belonging to a house of worship, down from 50% in 2018 and 70% as recently as 1999.
- COVID Facts
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- PUSH BACK PASTOR Speacks on FoxNews (video)
- Biden is an IDIOT -- leans in real close to instruct on social distancing (video)
- Cruise lines may have to LEAVE U.S. to survive!
Analysis: 80,000 retail stores will CLOSE!
- LN -- look who wins from shutdown -- AMAZON!
- MASKerade
- The Jab...
A case AGAINST jab for those already infected
- "we believe it is not only potentially unsafe but we can argue it is unsafe, to indiscriminately vaccinate the recently or currently infected.
- "There are data that support that if you vaccinate persons who are infected or have been infected, there is evidence of potential adverse events/harms.
- We argue that natural immunity provides for the type of durable, robust, full, comprehensive protection needed, and is much more robust than immunity induced by vaccination alone.
Joe BLASTS GOP men who don't want Jab while defending Black Dems (video)
- Calls it "Patriotic responsibility"
- LN -- could there be a clearer example that this IS about political manipulation?
- A-Z TRIAL in minors stopped due to risks
- TX Gov BLOCKS VaxPass
Biden says vaccine gives us independence on July 4 (video)
- “If we take the precautions I’ve been talking about, you’ll be able to have a 4th of July — an Independence Day on July the 4th … So you’re able to get in the backyard with a small group of people … because you’ve been vaccinated,”
White House says it is against VaxPass...
- LN -- but... feds never mandated masks; let state and business do the dirty work
- For example, Brown U mandates Vaccine
Opinion -- VaxPass "coercive scheme"; extends lockdown
- "The vaccine passport should therefore be understood not as an easing of restrictions but as a coercive scheme to encourage vaccination.
- "The idea that everybody needs to be vaccinated is as scientifically baseless as the idea that nobody does. Covid vaccines are essential for older, high-risk people and their caretakers and advisable for many others. But those who’ve been infected are already immune.
A case AGAINST jab for those already infected
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Fauxi
McConnell still LOVES Fauci (video)
- "we have to take advice from somebody... most reliable witness"
- Fauci can't explain Texas' success (video)
McConnell still LOVES Fauci (video)
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
April 6 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Mask Police remove 2-yr-old from flight (video)
- Best read: Justice Thomas -- regulate Big Tech
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
Senate Parliamentarian opens door for two more ALL-DEM votes
- more here
WSJ -- but the economic crisis is actually over; STOP SPENDING!
- "It’s getting harder for the Biden Administration to claim we’re in an economic crisis that demands more spending. It’s closer to the truth to say the economy is growing in a way that calls for spending and monetary restraint.
- "It’s getting harder for the Biden Administration to claim we’re in an economic crisis that demands more spending. It’s closer to the truth to say the economy is growing in a way that calls for spending and monetary restraint.
- George Soros pledges $20m to push Joe's $3t boondoggle.
- PUSH BACK - Manchin breaks with Joe on biz tax increase (video)
Senate Parliamentarian opens door for two more ALL-DEM votes
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
Trump and People push back
Justice Thomas -- regulate Big Tech
- “We will soon have no choice but to address how our legal doctrines apply to highly concentrated, privately owned information infrastructure such as digital platforms.”
- More here
- Trump statement pushes back against NYT attack
- Rep. Gaetz -- I'm not giving up
Justice Thomas -- regulate Big Tech
Election Watch
(Exclusive) Ken's Election News
- Latest news, essential resources, and more!
Poll -- 72% of Americans want Voter ID!
- Even strong majority of Dems!
Battle Over Georgia Integrity Law
- Hannity Open -- Joe's lies on GA law (video)
- Meanwhile MLB moves game to CO which also has Photo ID
- McConnell -- "jaw dropping" that corporations go for this
- Psaki -- Joe will continue lying about GA law (video)
- Apple condemns GA but uses FACE-ID to protect phone!
- CBS still airing Masters despite attacking GA law
- What's GA Sec State hiding?
- United Airlines takes sides in election integrity battle (against integrity)
- Newt -- HR1 is "corrupt politicians act" (video)
(Exclusive) Ken's Election News
Media/Tech bias
DeSantis pushes back against hit (video)
- Brit Hume on CBS's "sloppy" DeSantis hit piece (video)
Here's the CBS edit v. full clip (video)
- LN -- clearly Publix was in context of a larger plan and CBS used editing to lie
- Freeest state SD just one death/day; freedom wins!
- Gutfeld's premier on late night competitors (video)
- Piers Morgan -- I still don't believe Markle (video)
DeSantis pushes back against hit (video)
THIS Antibody treatment reduces hospitalization/death by 70%
- See if you are eligible; where available
MORE EVIDENCE that you don't need a mask outdoors
- LN: you can also read our report here
50,000 Americans DIDN'T die from the flu this year! But why?
- 1,893 total cases; down from 290,000 last season
- LN -- mark our word -- overall real COVID mortality increase will be more like a bad flu season. Ultimately, more worldwide will die from LOCKDOWN than covid.
THIS Antibody treatment reduces hospitalization/death by 70%
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- Another Toilet Paper crisis coming?
- PUSH BACK -- See PACKED baseball stadium in Texas! (video)
- MASKerade
- The Jab...
- CA Mandates test or VAXPASS for indoor meetings!
OH No! 44% of Americans WANT VAXPASS
- 62% of the jabbed want it
- LN -- two Americas: Jabbed v. UnJabbed
- Half will get their kids jabbed
- UK has been planning VaxPass for months!
- FBI warns against "fake" VaxPass
- Ron Paul -- VaxPass might push us over the top (video)
- FB flags post about vaccine; woman dies shortly thereafter
- Fauxi
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
April 5 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Pastor RESISTS shutdown police in his church (video)
- Must watch: Steve Hilton exposes wokism
- Best read: The coming "biosecurity state"
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- Even Chris Wallace says Joe's bill isn't infrastructure (video)
- Joe's Energy Sec admits Joe's taxes hit the middle class hard (video)
- Sen. Blunt -- make this infrastructure and we'll support (video)
Joe now pushing "global minimum tax rate"
- LN -- so Joe's tax increases don't hurt US globally!
- Yellen: "Together we can use a global minimum tax to make sure the global economy thrives based on a more level playing field in the taxation of multinational corporations, and spurs innovation, growth, and prosperity,”
Joe's border crisis
Bongino exposes media bias on border crisis (video)
- "We the media get to decide when something is a crisis"
- Joe purges "alien" from USCIS
Bongino exposes media bias on border crisis (video)
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- The Purge
Trump and People push back
- Trump goes to war with "woke cancel culture"
- Easter message from Don Jr.
- Charles Barkley exposes system designed to inflame racial tensions (video)
- Pastor in Canada PUSHES BACK against police in his church (video)
- Steve Hilton -- we must "unite, fight back" against religion of wokeism (video)
- IA new pro 2A gun law
- DeSantis PUSHES BACK against 60 minutes hit piece
- Homeschooling EXPLODES from 3% to 11%!
- GA GOP to Coke -- get out!
- Election Watch
- Sober analysis of George Floyd's death
- Media/Tech bias
- COVID Facts
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
Police SHUT DOWN Good Friday service (video)
- 200 pound fine or arrest
- MASKerade
- The Jab...
Tucker takes on the VaxPass (video)
- "violates principle of patient autonomy"?
- VaxPass -- cornerstone of totalitarian state
Tucker takes on the VaxPass (video)
- Shutdown FOREVER!
The coming Biosecurity State
- "We are witnessing the birth of what you might call the 'biosecurity state', a new world in which politicians and the scientists who advise them decide that suppressing disease is more important than the human freedoms we take for granted.
- UK -- passports for sporting events
- UK -- two TESTS per week FOR EVERYONE
UK -- Jab passport for "less than a year"
- LN -- Right! 10 days to flatten the curve?
The coming Biosecurity State
- Fauxi
Get vaccinated... keep your mask on (until we tell you otherwise) (video)
- Masks in 2022? "We don't know... it is conceivable
Get vaccinated... keep your mask on (until we tell you otherwise) (video)
Police SHUT DOWN Good Friday service (video)
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
April 2 Feed:
Top Feeds
- We expose Left's attack on GA election law
- Best read: Heritage Action debunks Dem myths on GA law
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's attack on GA election law
Biden wants GA purged of all-star game (video)
- "Jim Crow on steroids" (what?)
- dissecting Joe's lies
- Psaki lies about law (video)
Coke, Delta wage war on American voters
- "The Woke Gestapo at Coke and Delta oppose putting common sense safeguards in place to ensure drop boxes, early voting, and vote-by-mail do not become reservoirs of fraud
- WSJ -- "Woke and Weak CEOs"
- PUSH BACK -- Heritage Action debunks Dem myths on GA law
- Lindsey Graham -- attacking GA will hurt businesses (video)
- PUSH BACK -- Georgia Republicans Vote to Cancel Delta Tax Break
Biden wants GA purged of all-star game (video)
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- Tucker -- Biden raises your taxes while dodging his (video)
- Doocy to WH -- why infrastucture plan doesn't include infrastructure? (video)
- Joe's plan really about racial "equity" (not "equality")
- WSJ -- Joe's biz tax increase plan fights global trend
- Rich Lowry" "Spending is what Joe can actually do"
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's admin bows to china
Joe's attack on GA election law
- The Purge
- Trump and People push back
Election Watch
- Dems Furious After Texas Senate Passes Election Integrity Bill
- Election Integrity Bills Have Been Introduced In 47 States
- MI Whitmer slams election reform while showcasing Fauci pillow (video)
- FINALY TALLY FROM 20 ELECTION IN HOUSE -- Dems lose 10 seats!
- Even Left admits Trump made huge inroads into Latino vote
- Great Reset
- Media/Tech bias
- COVID Facts
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- Spain using DRONES to nail unmasked beachgoers
YOUNG PEOPLE are still the most nervous about covid!
- more under 35 are nervous than not nervous while over 55 (the group that perhaps should be nervous) are the LEAST nervous
- NBC says "planet earth got a break" (video)
- The Jab...
- Cases soar "despite" jab
- Hawaii CLOSE to jab passport
Vaccine Passport "ticket back to life" (video)
- "We need to make it clear to them that the vaccine is the ticket back to pre-Pandemic life. And the window to do that is really narrowing.
- "If you're vaccinated you can do all these things! Here are all these freedoms that you have. Otherwise have a very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status. Because otherwise, if everything is reopened, then what's the carrot going to be? How are we going to incentivize people to actually get the vaccine?
- "So that's why I think the CDC and the Biden Administration needs to come out a lot bolder and say, "If you're vaccinated, you can do all these things. Here are all these freedoms that you have," because otherwise, people are going to go out and enjoy these freedoms anyway.
- LN: This is SICK. This is OPEN ADMISSION this is about government control.
- Brits SUPPORT vac passport
- How vac passports are sold with propaganda
- Biggest campaign issue of 22? jab passports
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
April 1 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Lara Trump's BANNED interview with President Trump (video)
- Best read: Joe's massive spending really GREEN NEW DEAL (WSJ)
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- Joe announces tax increases (video)
- Libs pushing for $10 TRILLION!
WSJ -- Joe believes govt. can drive growth
- "It all marks a major turning point for economic policy. The gamble underlying the agenda is a belief that government can be a primary driver for growth. It’s an attempt to recalibrate assumptions that have shaped economic policy of both parties since the 1980s: that the public sector is inherently less efficient than the private, and bureaucrats should generally defer to markets.
WSJ -- middle class will pay
- "Mr. Biden’s corporate tax increases will hit the middle class hard—in the value of their 401(k)s, the size of their pay packets, and what they pay for goods and services.
WSJ -- most of "infrastructure" actually GREEN NEW DEAL
- "The rest of the $620 billion earmarked for “transportation” are subsidies for green energy and payouts to unions for the jobs his climate regulation will kill
- "Then there’s $174 billion for electric vehicles, including money to build 500,000 charging stations and for consumer “incentives” on top of the current $7,500 federal tax credit to buy an EV.
- "Mr. Biden also wants to force-feed green energy onto the U.S. electric grid—especially after the embarrassment of the last year’s power outages in California and Texas due to their over-reliance on solar and wind. He wants $100 billion to “decarbonize” the grid by 2035—e.g., banish coal and natural gas.
Trump: "globalist betrayal"
- "The legislation would be among the largest self-inflicted economic wounds in history. If this monstrosity is allowed to pass, the result will be more Americans out of work, more families shattered, more factories abandoned, more industries wrecked, and more Main Streets boarded up and closed down
- Hannity on Joe's spending spree (video)
- Kristi Noem response to Joe's new boondoggle (video)
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- Brutal NYC attack exposes Left's failures (video)
- The Purge
- Trump and People push back
- Election Watch
- Media/Tech bias
- COVID Facts
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- Tucker: Canada sending covid travelers to "internment" facilities (video)
- MASKerade
- The Jab...
- WA -- 102 post-vaccine covid cases, 2 deaths
Pfizer says jab good for 6 months
- LN -- sounds like a report to their stockholders
- Fauxi
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
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