Archive of Liberty News' "MARCH 2021" Feeds...
Below is a compilation of the LNews daily feeds related to the effort to MARCH 2021 our nation of President Trump, Trump supporters, and anyone who has an opinion differing from the ruling Oligarchs. (For the LN daily feed, go here)
March 31 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Student resists race indoctrination (video)
- Best read: No place in "new normal" for unvaccinated
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
- JOe's Gun Grab
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
(GRASSFIRE) Franklin Graham on Equality Act: No Surrender
- Actress: Ark. law protecting minors from sex-change same as "murder"
Act 'at war with reality'
- At stake is the freedom of rational human beings to use a common vocabulary when speaking about what all can see. Also at stake are the countless vulnerable souls falling prey to the tyrannizing “gender identity” ideology and the medical atrocities that go with it.
LGBTQ "students" of Christian colleges file suit against Christian colleges
- LN--This is about federal funding being the "camel's nose" into the tent of private religious schools; they are going to use the fact that school allow students to accept federally backed loans to destroy Christian schools. the lawsuit may fail, but under Equality Act, Christian private schools will be in peril.
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
$3 TRILLION in new taxes
- While initial reports pegged the next round of stimulus at $3 trillion, the Washington Post's Jeff Stein now reports that new spending could top $4 trillion, while new taxes to pay for it - some of which Biden will also unveil Wednesday - could total over $3 trillion.
- About 1/4 of Joe's infrastructure bill for infrastructure
- Dems want "recurring direct payments" of stimulus; ie perpetual living wage
- Schumer's plan to kill filibuster
$3 TRILLION in new taxes
- The Purge
- Trump and People push back
- Election Watch
Great Reset
World leaders push for more globalism b/c of covid
- “At a time when Covid-19 has exploited our weaknesses and divisions, we must seize this opportunity and come together as a global community for peaceful cooperation that extends beyond this crisis,” the letter states.
No place in "new normal" for unvaccinated
- they are discussing the need to segregate us, how to segregate us, when to segregate us, in order to protect society from us. In their eyes, we are no more than criminals, or, worse, a plague, an infestation.
Schools Gone WOKE!
- I am writing this letter to alert those we may describe as “sleep-wokers”. A sleep-woker is one who has not taken the woke creed to heart, yet nevertheless tacitly complies with the linguistic, pedagogical, political, and moral imperatives of wokeness. Sleep-wokers go through the motions;
World leaders push for more globalism b/c of covid
Media/Tech bias
Youtube looking at removing "dislike" button
- Why? Maybe because Joe gets too many dislikes?
Youtube looking at removing "dislike" button
Study": reinfection rate .3%
- There were 34,424 previously recovered COVID-19 cases who participated in the screening. Of the 34,424 participants with a history of COVID-19, 107 tested positive again, giving a repositive rate of 0.310% (95% CI 0.423–0.574%).
- Tucker: why media won't investigate origins of covid
- Dr. Scott Atlas HITS BACK at Fauci, Birx (video)
- (Exclusive) Why you should NEVER wear a mask OUTDOORS
Study": reinfection rate .3%
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- Spending surging but still not recovered from shutdown yet
- MASKerade
- The Jab...
- Germany: Berlin suspends AZ -- 31 brain thrombosis, 9 deaths
- Jab-only sections at NBA games
Scarborough blasts vaccine critics (video)
- "This anti-science idiocy, you know, let them do that under a rock or in their caves," he added, concluding that "the time to try to reason with these people has long passed."
- Political battle over jab passports heating up
- Man's skin peeled off after J&J jab
- Same outcome, jab and no-jab countries (chart)
- pfizer raves about "trials" in children; but children DON'T NEED VACCINE!!!!!
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 30 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Biden wants MORE SHUTDOWN (video)
- (Is this a distraction from border crisis?)
- Best read: (Exclusive) Why you should NEVER wear a mask outdoors
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's border crisis
- (Grassfire) Cruz: Border crisis "worst I've seen"
- Surge expected for seven months
- Hannity Open -- Biden's border crisis (video)
- Shannon Breen -- Biden still no plan to visit border (video)
- Ingraham: Biden caught in massive lie (video)
- Mo Brooks -- DEMs using illegal immigration to create a dependent "voter bloc"
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Act tramples on doctors' religious freedoms
- Act threatens parents' rights, children's safety
Act promotes ideology over science
- "As a Catholic, I'm upset by the fact that the bill threatens houses of worship by expanding the definition of public accommodations. Woe to churches that maintain single-sex bathrooms and hosts a food pantry; plaintiffs' lawyers will be lining up to harass them. As an adoptive parent, I'm saddened that faith-based agencies that place children only with married mothers and fathers will be drummed out of the business of finding homes for our hardest-to-place children. The Equality Act explicitly circumvents provisions of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act which were designed to protect religious minorities and ensure religious freedom for all."
- Heritage; 11 Equality Act Myths
- Joe's Never-Ending Spending
Joe's border crisis
- Tucker on bail reform (video)
- Kamala kackles at parents who can's send kids back to school (video)
- Hunter Biden Blockbuster
- The Purge
Trump and People push back
- Trump launches official website
- Lara Trump joins FOXNews (video)
Trump slams Fauci and Birx
- "Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx moved far too slowly, and if it were up to them we’d currently be locked in our basements as our country suffered through a financial depression.
Murkowski CHALLENGER; Kelly Tshibaka
- Intro video: conservataive, pro-life, pro-second amendment, America first
- Groups fight critical race theory in court
- SC to hear KY abortion case
- School choice gaining momentum
- Election Watch
Great Reset
Inside the Great Reset (good read)
- “The Great Reset” is the latest deceptive euphemism for totalitarian socialism that is being promoted by yet another group of wealthy corporate elitists who think they can centrally plan the entire world economy.
Oxford professors -- sheet music tied to white supremacy. what?
- "Professors said that music notation has not "shaken off its connection to its colonial past" and that sticking with it would be a "slap in the face" for students of color,"
Inside the Great Reset (good read)
Media/Tech bias
Watters: Press are becoming politicians (video)
- "Where are the network news crews?"
Watters: Press are becoming politicians (video)
Evidence AGAINST vaccinating children
- In terms of children and Covid-19, we know children do not transmit Covid-19 virus and that the concept of asymptomatic spread has been questioned severely, particularly for children. Children, if infected, just do not spread Covid-19 to others readily,
- A total of 1174 close contacts of the asymptomatic positive cases were traced, and they all tested negative for the COVID-19.
- A year late... CBS covers story of covid leaking from China lab
- Vaccinated people do not carry the virus (CDC director)
Evidence AGAINST vaccinating children
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- Illegals at border get in-person instruction before US citizens
PUSH BACK -- Rand Paul calls for "more resistance" to shutdown
- " there's no science behind any of this."
- MASKerade
The Jab...
- Per CDC: 2x vaccine deaths than deaths from ALL OTHER VACCINES past decade
- PUSH BACK -- DeSantis to take action against jab mandates (Video)
WPost: Vaccine passports "on the way"
- "The Biden administration and private companies are working to develop a standard way of handling credentials — often referred to as “vaccine passports” — that would allow Americans to prove they have been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus as businesses try to reopen."
Dr. Scott Jensen -- immunity passports "immoral" (video)
- CDC bias against those who have ad the disease
- Fewer now say "no" to jab (17%)
- Canada suspends AZ
How mRNA vaccine works
- "mRNA vaccines send detailed instructions to our cells to make its distinctive “spike protein.” Our immune system, seeing the foreign intruder, targets these proteins for destruction without disabling the mRNA.
- Shutdown FOREVER!
Biden wants mask rules REINSTATED! (video)
- "far from over... deadly serious... if we let our guard down now" (video)
- says he shares sentiment of Walensky (below)
CDC Director Walensky warns "impending doom" (video)
- "Right now I'm scared"
- LN comment: this all feels like an orchestrated response to distract from the border crisis.
- Germany: Merkel warns "curfews, restrictions..."
- UK -- working on FACE SCANS for vaccine passports
Biden wants mask rules REINSTATED! (video)
- Fauxi
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 29 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Ted Cruz video exposes border crisis
- Best read: Biden plans vaccine passports;
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's border crisis
- Joe says he doesn't care what Trump does (video)
- DHS preparing for 800k family migrants
- Kamala doesn't follow Joe's weak order
- Maria B airs Ted Cruz border confrontation (video)
Sen. Lankford exposes the crisis
- Even Chris Wallace confronts Biden Border Blackout (video)
- Trump plans to visit the border in next few weeks (video)
- Poll: 57% oppose Joe's border chaos
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- JOe's Gun Grab
- Joe's Never-Ending Tax & Spending
Joe's border crisis
Trump and People push back
- Election Watch
- Media/Tech bias
- TX covid numbers fall for 17th straight day following lifting of maskerade
- Time to lose the lockdowns
- What? Now Redfield says covid came from Wuhan lab?!
StudY: reinfection rate .6%
- more here: Of the initial 533,000, more than 525,000 were eligible for follow-up during the second surge from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31. In this population, 2.1% of individuals had tested positive during the first surge. Of those, 72 (0.65%) tested positive again during the second surge
Similar to vaccination
- this is arguably the kind of figure that one might compare against vaccination,
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- Ugly Truth of covid lockdowns (video of speech)
Dartmouth study: media pushed "vicious cycle of fear" on Covid
- "The most striking fact is that 87 percent of the U.S. stories are classified as negative, whereas 51 percent of the non-US stories are classified as negative,"
- Even when Covid-19 cases were falling nationally between April 24 and June 27, major media discussed rising caseloads 5.3 times as frequently as falling ones.
- The study found 86% of US mainstream media articles about school reopenings are negative.
- MASKerade
- The Jab...
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Fauxi
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 26 Feed:
- Top Feeds
Team Biden Chronicles
JOe's Joke-Conference
Joe pathetically struggles to find names of approved reporters to call on (video)
- PHOTO of cheat sheet of which reporters to call on
- More on cheat sheets
- More here on cheat sheets from FoxNews
the FIRST SOFTBALL arrives... (video)
- Border question -- Media says they're coming because Joe is "moral" and "decent" (video)
- Joe's brain sputters on filibuster question (video)
- Joe's dumbest line? Tough to choose, but PJ Media picked this
- Takes questions from just TEN OUTLETS from pre-approved list. Says "I'm going" (video)
- Trump: strange questions... softballs (video)
- Hannity-- like watching a train wreck in slow motion (video)
Tucker -- what press conference? (video)
- You've heard the term "pregnant pause." Joe Biden's pauses were third-trimester quintuplets"
Even Chris Wallace notes Joe reading "talking points" (video)
- Covering Ronald Reagan I never saw that... never seen that
- Doocy -- they only allowed "friendly" media questions (video)
- FoxNews fact checks (video)
- Good summary here
- If you dare, watch the whole thing here
Joe pathetically struggles to find names of approved reporters to call on (video)
JOe's Joke-Conference
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 25 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Ted Cruz SHAMES mask police (video)
- Best read: WSJ--Dems want to rig the rules
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
JOe's Gun Grab
- (Grassfire) Do Americans want gun rights?
- Joe's team argues before SC for "warrentless gun confiscation"
9th Circuit -- Americans have NO right to open carry!
- “The en banc court held that the Second Amendment does not guarantee an unfettered, general right to openly carry arms in public for individual self-defense.”
Joe's border crisis
- Joe turns it over to Kamala
- Joe blames Trump, turns it over to Kamala (video)
- Gallup -- 42 MILLION latinos want to come to U.S.
- Govt now says 130,000 illegals "got away" into US so far this year
Breitbart: only 16 GOP senators on record opposing amnesty
- “Do I have 60 now? I think I’m close,” Durbin said
- Senate Dems block "border crisis" resolution
- Kamala: border is "huge problem" (video)
- Gingrich: it's a "peaceful invasion" (video)
- Hannity: "unmitigated disaster" (video)
FOXNews inside look at migrant children quarters (video)
- cost: $1,000/day/child; 17,000 arrive this month
- housing in military facilities
Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- SHOCK -- Joe looks like SENILE, OLD MAN after turning border crisis over to Kamala (video)
- Joe: "What press conference?"
Joe's been calling lids to prep. What?
- CNN: "Biden’s three-ring binders are typically organized by topic, with tabs separating the sections and the contents typed out in 14-point font. He has read them in the evenings and returned the next day with feedback for his team....
- "So, too, have Biden’s advisers worked to avoid situations that would cause the President’s temper to flare,
- "Part of avoiding that is providing Biden as many potential questions as possible, aides say, in the hopes he feels prepared for whatever might come his way and not be caught off guard in a way that puts him on the defensive.
The Unfit President
- "President Joe Biden is functionally incapable of discharging his duties.
- Joe's Capitol Fence crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Never-Ending Spending
JOe's Gun Grab
- The Purge
- Trump and People push back
Election Watch
- GA "scan the ballots" effort moving forward
Pelosi still working to overturn IA-2 result
- Does this mean it's time to impeach Nancy?
- HR 1
Ted Cruz -- This bill "mandates ballot harvesting" (video)
- "Corrupt politicians act"
- Schumer: state election laws "threat to modern democracy"
WSJ -- Dems want to "rig the rules"
- "Fifty states have their own voting laws, and it makes no sense to micromanage them all from Congress, down to the glue on the envelopes. Democrats have dumped H.R.1 on the public as a half-baked brainstorm because they’re in a rush to rig the rules to their advantage.
Ted Cruz -- This bill "mandates ballot harvesting" (video)
- Great Reset
- Media/Tech bias
40-50% of America likely already infected so herd immunity is NEAR!
- "Data from the California Department of Public Health, released earlier this month, show that while only 8.7% of the state’s population has ever tested positive for Covid-19, at least 38.5% of the population has antibodies against the novel coronavirus.
UK Data -- lockdowns don't work
- They don’t make any difference, the curves don’t flatten and the R0 number doesn’t drop and the lives aren’t saved (quite the opposite, as we’ve all seen).
The many scandals of the PCR test
- "if you are testing 30million people (approximately just under half population of the UK), using a conservative 1 per cent false positive rate it will result in 300,000 false positives. If you take the median rate of 2.4 per cent, it results in 720,000 false positive cases. You can guess where I am going here – you’ve already got an epidemic just in false positive cases.
40-50% of America likely already infected so herd immunity is NEAR!
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- Cuomo Covid Cronyism
Shutdown STILL impacting consumer spending
- It's bouncing back, mostly because of stim checks, but still lagging
- PUSH BACK -- Germany's Merkel drops draconian Easter lockdown
- PUSH BACK -- people in 40 countries protest lockdowns
- MASKerade
- The Jab...
- AZ now 76% effective. OK.
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Fauxi
- Judicial Watch -- Fauci's NIH covered up for China?
When will we be free of Fauci?
- "Dr. Fauci, the diminutive public health Stalinist, has shifted the goalposts yet again.
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 24 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Left launches GUN GRAB;
- Best read: One year to flatten life as we knew it
- Read #2 -- how transfer payments are leveling income
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNEWS feeds...
CO Shooting
The victims
- more here
The shooter: Ahmad Al-Issa
- Ranted about "racist islamophobes"
- Anti-Trump tweets
- FB scrubs account; criticized Christianity
- Kamala's niece blames "white men" then deletes tweet
- Barack: "disaffection, racism and misogyny" caused it; what?
Michael Moore: proves anyone can assimilate. What?
- "The life of Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa shows that people can come from all over the world and truly assimilate into our beloved American culture.
- Left activist tweets prove it's ALL ABOUT NARRATIVE
The victims
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's Gun Grab
Joe calls for ban on "assault weapons" (video)
- "I don't need to wait another minute"
- Blumenthal: GOP "complicit" in shootings
- Schumer calls for Senate vote
- Dems -- shooting means we need to kill filibuster
Tucker on the Gun Grab (video)
- "People surrounded by armed soldiers are telling you you don't have a right to own a gun"
- Gutfeld: Left sided with rioters (Video)
- Ted Cruz in Senate on gun control (video)
- Hawley: we're headed to national gun registry (Video)
- Joe says "get a shot gun" because they are easy. WAtch this (video)
- Gateway Pundit's gun quiz
Joe calls for ban on "assault weapons" (video)
Joe's border crisis
Horrible conditions
- "The family-unit holding cells smell like urine and vomit. Fights break out in the unaccompanied-minor cells. Scabies, lice, the flu, and COVID-19 run rampant. Up to 80 individuals are squeezed into each 24- by 30-foot cell, and there aren’t enough mattresses for everyone. Sheets of plastic divide the rooms.
- State of emergency in AZ town
- Kayleigh: "unprecedented" (video)
- Watters: is the crisis FUNNY? (video)
Cruz: media would have lost their minds if Trump blocked them (Video)
- “If Trump had done this and said ‘no reporters are allowed on the border’ the media would have rightly lost their minds. Too many reporters in the liberal media view their job as Biden cheerleaders”
- Mo Brooks: amnesty will add 100 million in 10-20 years
Horrible conditions
Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe's Capitol Fence crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Never-Ending Spending
- Joe's rising Gas prices
Joe's Gun Grab
- The Purge
- Trump and People push back
- Election Watch
- UK researchers will investigate EVERY covid-attributed death (video)
For the umpteenth time... the data that shows masks DON'T WORK
- "From 2008-2020, 12 NEGATIVE randomized controlled trials on masking, conducted among ~18K persons, worldwide, have ESTABLISHED that masking does NOT reduce community respiratory virus transmission
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- Great thread on DISASTER of lockdowns
Shutdown caused alarming BABY BUST
- "The Brookings Institution estimated in December that, as a result of the pandemic, 300,000 fewer babies would be born in the U.S. in 2021 compared with last year. "
- One year to flatten life as we knew it
- PUSH BACK -- People leave plane when child told to wear mask (video)
GUTFELD on the shocking weight gain during lockdown (video)
- the one common risk factor grew (during shutdown); notes we can't talk about obesity
Great shutdown migration
- 31% of Gen Z moved; most moves from urban to less urban
- MASKerade
- The Jab...
- Shutdown FOREVER!
Misc Don't Miss
- AMAZING -- fly WITH a golden eagle (Video)
WSJ: how transfer payments are leveling income
- "As government transfer payments to low-income households exploded, their labor-force participation collapsed and the percentage of income in the bottom quintile coming from government payments rose above 90%."
- "In 2017, federal, state and local governments redistributed $2.8 trillion, or 22% of the nation’s earned household income."
- "Americans pay $4.4 trillion a year in federal, state and local taxes. Households in the top two earned-income quintiles pay 82% of the tax bill"
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 23 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Trump unloads in two new interviews (video);
- Best read: Equality Act doesn't support equality
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
- Trump Interviews
- Colorado shooting
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's border crisis
Tucker: Biden has "lost control" of border (Video)
- "A new city of Chicago every year"
- (Grassfire) Trump blasts Biden as border crisis explodes
- Traffickers making $14m per day
- Illegals fly "Biden" flat; no social distancing in sight!
- Biden says he will "reestablish what existed before"; Trump's policies?
- Question: why Ntl Guard in garages while illegals get hotels? (video)
- Kayleigh: press must ask hard questions (video)
- Candace: "this is a border plan" (video)
- Kamala visit border? "Not today" (video)
Tucker: Biden has "lost control" of border (Video)
Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
"lid" called in 1pm hour. no public events
- lids "happen a fair amount"
- Biden Admin now officially "Biden-Harris Administration"
"lid" called in 1pm hour. no public events
- Joe's Capitol Fence crisis
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- LGBTQ groups planning $4 MILLION blitz on Equality Act
Act does not support equality
- "The Equality Act would become the first major piece of legislation in the history of the United States to exclude protections for religious freedom. The bill does not even recognize the sacred rights of religious congregations, communities, or denominations. In fact, it would discriminate against people of faith by adversely affecting religious schools, benevolence organizations, women’s sports, sex specific facilities, and conscience rights.
- A push for "ideological submission"
Joe's Never-Ending Spending
Prepping massive $3 TRILLION spending package
- "Per the NYT, Biden's economic advisers are preparing to recommend spending as much as $3 trillion on an "infrastructure" package that also features some facets of the Green New Deal, and other progressive measures to help "narrow economic inequality."
- McConnell says GOP won't support tax hikes
- McConnell says not much GOP support for earmarks
Prepping massive $3 TRILLION spending package
Joe's border crisis
The Purge
CIGNA purges "white"; pushes critical race theory
- Lessons include reviews of concepts such as " white privilege," "gender privilege," and something called "religious privilege,"
- Even Physics is "woke"; "Quantum Supremacy" now "Quantum Primacy"
CIGNA purges "white"; pushes critical race theory
Trump and People push back
Trump names "future" of GOP
- Ron, Josh, Ted, Rand, Sarah, Kristi
- Will Heritage come home? Kay Cole James resigns
Mo Brooks running for AL Senate (Video)
- "shoulder to shoulder with President Trump"
- The Christian baker who said NO
- Tucker confronts Noem on gender and women's sports (video)
Trump names "future" of GOP
Election Watch
Election Integrity Conference TODAY (free registration)
- details here
Real insurrection took place AFTER JANUARY 6
- "It is now obvious that the continued military occupation of Washington D.C. under a phony, Q-pretext is a purposeful overreaction to silence objections over the use of mass mail-in ballots to swing the 2020 election.
- Push for DC statehood coming to tilt elections further
Election Integrity Conference TODAY (free registration)
- Great Reset
- Media/Tech bias
- US deaths dropping despite CDC prediction
- Obesity is the KEY RISK FACTOR (that nobody talks about)
- Regeneron works
Dubious Origins of Long Covid
- " Long Covid is largely an invention of vocal patient activist groups. Legitimizing it with generous funding risks worsening the symptoms the NIH is hoping to treat.
- "many of the survey respondents who attributed their symptoms to the aftermath of a Covid-19 infection likely never had the virus in the first place.
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- VA restaurant owner resists GOV edict
Survey: shutdown PLAYED HAVOC with health
- 42% gained an average of 29 pounds in past year!
- Nearly half of Americans (47%) said they delayed or canceled health care services since the pandemic started.
- Gen Z adults (46%) were the most likely generation to say that their mental health has worsened
- The Jab...
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Fauxi
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 22 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Joe's border crisis EXPLODES;
- Best read: non-science of six feet distancing
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's border crisis
- (Grassfire) Poll: Should Biden blame Trump for border crisis?
Jesse Watters -- this isn't a GOPtalking point (video)
- 6,000 illegals a day; Biden will let 90% remain!
- Children being held too long
- Joe spending $6m PER DAY to stop wall construction
- Joe launches catch and release
TRUMP calls for investigation into Joe's border crisis
- Kayliegh: this is Joe's crisis(video)
- ABC to illegal: why come? Illegal: Because of Joe (video)
- Joe will visit border "at some point" (video)
- Even Chris Wallace objects to media blackout (video)
- Newt Gingrich: entire Left "fantasy world" (video)
- Illegals DROWNING at border
BIG BIZ pushing amnesty
- Amazon, facebook, apple, ibm, target.. everybody
- BETRAYAL: Some in GOP pushing amnesty
- Analysis: is this all a misdirect to keep us shut down?
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe's Never-Ending Spending
Joe's border crisis
- Trump and People push back
Election Watch
- Trump DOUBLES DOWN in '20 election
Israel: no absentee or early voting
- "Israel has no early voting or absentee ballots. As most Israeli adults have been vaccinated, on election day, Israelis will line up to vote in person, in a socially distanced way, and place a paper ballot inside an envelope, and place that envelope inside a second."
- Emails reveal more questions about GA vote count
- Great Reset
Media/Tech bias
Judge BLASTS NYT, Left media bias
- “The orientation of these three papers is followed by The Associated Press and most large papers across the country (such as the Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, and Boston Globe),” he said in the opinion. “Nearly all television—network and cable—is a Democratic Party trumpet. Even the government-supported National Public Radio follows along.”
Judge BLASTS NYT, Left media bias
- COVID Facts
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
Poll shows FEAR causes covid risk to be greatly exaggerated
- Majority Americans think MOST deaths UNDER 65; realty? 81% OVER 65
- Nearly 70% of DEMs think >20% hospitalized; reality? 1-5%
- "The fact that COVID-19 poses a much higher mortality risk to the old than the young was the most clear feature of the virus from very early on; it is remarkable that many Americans remain misinformed about this basic factor"
Shutdown RUINED commercial real estate
- 2/3 of NYC white collar workers not returning to office
- Blue states are in virtual schools
Former CdC director: social distancing "single costliest mitigation tactic we've ever employed" (video)
- More here
- MASKerade
- The Jab...
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Fauxi
Poll shows FEAR causes covid risk to be greatly exaggerated
Misc Don't Miss
Watch Tesla's latest auto-drive FAIL (video)
- More here
- Dutch sleep most; Americans get up first
Warp Drive Possible!
- Well, sort of, just would take more power than 100x the mass of Jupiter!
Watch Tesla's latest auto-drive FAIL (video)
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 19 Feed:
- Top Feeds
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- (Grassfire) Priest: Equality Act "instrument of devil"
- (Grassfire) GOP Senators: Equlity Act "dangerous'
- Graham threatens to block
- Christian college president: it "removes traditional religious freedom protection"
Heritage: would create "classroom bully
- "Could it compel teachers to peddle unscientific notions that gender is “fluid,” or that a student’s subjective self-identity is superior to the biological reality of his or her chromosomal makeup?...Yes."
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe's Capitol Fence crisis
- Joe's Never-Ending Spending
- Joe's Blundering Foreign Policy
- Becerra confirmed. Sad day for people of faith, unborn.
- Joe cancels O&G lease; gas prices will go up!
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
The Purge
W joins the PURGE: "sick to my stomach"
- Could the former Prez be any more irrelevant?
- NC school district: "disrupt white culture"
- Teen Vogue editor CANCELLED for teenage tweets
- Dems trying to PURGE Taylor Greene from House
- Court: HS coach CANNOT kneel after game (video)
- Trump and People push back
- Election Watch
- Media/Tech bias
Report: Lockdowns serve no purpose
- "The data is in: lockdowns serve no useful purpose and cause catastrophic societal and economic harms. They must never be repeated in this country."
- A "sunk cost fallacy."
- Thread summary here
- Full 57-page report
- "Lockdowns proved a huge boon to America’s corporate media, which primed its captive audience with fear and partisanship. Everything the corporate press did regarding Covid coverage was inseparable from its yearslong obsession with attacking Donald Trump. Weaponizing Covid in an election year superseded any obligation to present the facts with needed context and perspective."
Deep Analysis: DeSantis v. "Party of Science"
- Throughout the pandemic, progressives have embraced public health theater: Heavy-handed, highly visible, costly interventions that lack evidence of effectiveness but appease the media-fueled anxieties of their voter base. Cloth face coverings, plexiglass barriers, and lockdowns all fall into this category. By contrast, DeSantis eschewed performative virtue-signaling in favor of evidence-based measures. While the “party of science” called him a murderer, DeSantis followed the science—and it saved lives.
Rand Paul takes down Fauci (video)
- "You've been vaccinated and you parade around in two masks for show.... There's virtually zero percent chance you're gonna get it.... You're defying everything we know about immunity."
- 6 minute video of exchange
- (Exclusive) Trump's vaccines: World wants US to bail them out!
- Why six feet? "It was pulled out of thin air"
- Dr. Bostom (Brown U epidemiologist) on mask mandate myths (video interview)
Report: Lockdowns serve no purpose
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
"We have been subjects of a vast sociological experiment"
- "the citizens of a country who once proudly proclaimed the motto, “don’t tread on me” have been willing to endure a great deal of treading."
- Canadian Pastor JAILED for covid violations (Tucker video)
- CA -- "no screaming on roller coasters".... WHAT?!
- Tinder: "His and Hers" covid tests in beg to encourage dating
CDC barely admits lockdowns hurt children
- Conclusion is a lie. It says, "Children not receiving full-time, in-person instruction and their parents might need additional supports to mitigate pandemic impacts."
- Should say: "Children not receiving full-time, in-person instruction and their parents might need additional supports to mitigate UNCONSITUTITIONAL, OPPRESSIVE SHUTDOWN'S impacts.
- Conclusion is a lie. It says, "Children not receiving full-time, in-person instruction and their parents might need additional supports to mitigate pandemic impacts."
CNN expert: still wear mask after vaccine! (video)
- "still alot of virus out there..."The virus learns how to, sort of, adapt and mutate now to a vaccinated person. Exposing vaccinated people to the virus, you could start to inspire more and more mutations"de
CNN expert: still wear mask after vaccine! (video)
The Jab...
- Biden celebrates 100 million jabs
- Chile -- cases rise despite jab
- Why Europe put brakes on AztraZeneca
Israel: no better than other countries despite jab
- "Israel’s declines in deaths and cases since its January peak are basically indistinguishable from countries that have vaccinated far fewer people. "
Fauci: Let's vaccinate 6-month-old babies (video)
- despite almost no risk for children
- Fauci: Whitmer a "good" governor
Fauci LIES about reinfection risk (video)
- Truth: "Reinfections by SA variant are almost always asymptomatic or mild, bc of prior infection immunity"
Fauci: Let's vaccinate 6-month-old babies (video)
"We have been subjects of a vast sociological experiment"
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 18 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Biden's Border Blackout (video);
- Best READ: WSJ on changing work;
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe's Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Never-Ending Spending
Joe's border crisis
- Hannity: Biden's Border Crisis (VIDEO)
TUCKER: Report from the Border (video)
- "large gun battle broke out"
- GAG ORDER on Border Agents! (video)
Even MSNBC outraged by border blackout (video)
- no ridealongs, no access, no leaks, interviews denied
- "back to an Obama-era approach"
- NBC: no border crisis!
Joe explains his border policy to Stephy (video)
- (If you can follow Joe's.... well... logic)
- Flashback: Joe urged illegals to "immediately surge to the border" (video)
- Psaki invites all 10-year-olds to cross
- Abbott: invasion will increase "hundredfold"
- Kobach: "this is a planned event"
- BETRAYAL: Graham, others supporting amnesty under "Dignidad" label
- Coulter: GOP moves to save Biden
- IMAGES: Flood of illegals!
- POLL: Working class, swing voters most oppose amnesty
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisisIs anything REAL? Biden's hand passes THRU MIC? (video)
Joe's War Foreign Policy
- Backdoor Climate Change Policy
- The Purge
Trump and People push back
Dan Bongino radio show to start in Rush's time slot
Desantis: "No room for Critical Race Theory" (video)
- “There is no room in our classrooms for things like Critical Race Theory. Teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money.”
- Trump criticizes Fauci, Birx
- Sen. Ron Johnson: "I won's be silenced"
- GOP candidates make pilgrimages to Mar-a-Lago
- Insider memo: GOP moving from corporate party to populist party
- Election Watch
- Great Reset
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- More covid suicides than deaths children
- Lockdown death and disease count
- Deaths AT HOME skyrocketed in 20-- not because of COVID!
- WSJ-- China virus investigation stymied from start
WSJ: Shutdown CHANGING WORK! Creating "Zoom Towns"
- "A year ago, just before the start of pandemic lockdowns, some 10% or less of the U.S. labor force worked remotely full-time. Within a month, according to Gallup and other surveys, around half of American workers were at distant desktops. Today, most of them still are. And surveys of employers and employees alike suggest a fundamental shift."
- "A year ago, just before the start of pandemic lockdowns, some 10% or less of the U.S. labor force worked remotely full-time. Within a month, according to Gallup and other surveys, around half of American workers were at distant desktops. Today, most of them still are. And surveys of employers and employees alike suggest a fundamental shift."
- Small BIZ now on govt. LIFE SUPPORT!
- MASKerade
- Kerry BUSTED for maskless plane flight
what? how to ride roller coaster in COVID age (video)
- wear mask; "scream inside your heart"
- Desantis MASKLESS at pub
- The Jab...
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 17 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Trump speaks on Biden, Borders and '24 (video), and the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's Never-Ending Spending
Schumer on why $50k school loan forgiveness "makes sense"
- but what about those who paid off loans and didn't buy houses/cars?
- Stimulus BANNED state-level tax cuts!
Schumer on why $50k school loan forgiveness "makes sense"
Joe's End of Filibuster
- Schumer: we'll break the filibuster (video)
- Joe wants filibuster gone
McConnell promises "scorched earth" Senate if filibuster broken
- video
- “As soon as Republicans wound up back in the saddle, we wouldn’t just erase every liberal change that hurt the country....“We’d strengthen America with all kinds of conservative policies with zero input from the other side....“Nationwide right-to-work for working Americans. Defunding Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities on day one.... A whole new era of domestic energy production. Sweeping new protections for conscience and the right to life of the unborn... Concealed-carry reciprocity in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Massive hardening of security on
- Would require a "quorum" to shut down Dems
- WSJ applauds...
- Analysis: McConnell was faking it
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
Equality Act
- (Grassfire) Senate Equality Act hearing imminent
Priest: Act is "instrument of devil"
- “The Equality Act is an instrument of the devil,” he concluded. “It comes straight from hell in order to bind the hands and the mouths of good people who seek to speak the truth.”
- “It will threaten everyday speech where people can be fined or lose their jobs for using the wrong name or even the wrong pronoun. I can be charged with hate speech by preaching the Gospel from this pulpit.”
- video
Joe's Never-Ending Spending
- The Purge
Trump and People push back
- Trump on Maria (full interview here)
- Trump on Meghan Markle for president (video)
Trump on taking the vaccine (video)
- "I would recommend it.... but we have our freedoms"
- Trump on the wall (video)
- Alaska GOP censures Murk, promise primary
- Trump on Maria (full interview here)
Election Watch
Study of 1/6 breach: protestors were "broader core of people"
- Nearly 90% had no ties or right-wing affiliations whatsoever. And they found out that 85% of the people arrested were business owners or held down white-collar jobs.
Report: Trump wanted 10k national guard for rally
- “You’re going to need 10,000 people… You do what you need to do. You do what you need to do,” Trump told his Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller.
MI court -- ballot order BROKE LAW
- "nowhere in this state’s election law has the Legislature indicated that signatures are to be presumed valid, nor did the Legislature require that signatures are to be accepted so long as there are any redeeming qualities in the application"
Study of 1/6 breach: protestors were "broader core of people"
Great Reset
- Marvel's new Captain America is GAY
What? VP pledges to UN for rights! (video)
- "The status of democracy depends on our collective commitment to those values articulated in the universal declaration of human rights."
- Critique of Wokeness in Evangelicalism
- Media/Tech bias
- State department investigator: COVID escaped from lab
Wall Street says: COVID is "OVER"
- COVID-19 is no longer the #1 “tail risk” for the first time since Feb’20...
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- What about the "consent of the governed"?
- CA shuts down power to restaurant; they use generators!
- Murders UP again this year
- Pandemic-inspired housing boom... or bubble?
- COVID even messed up college admissions
- COVID is even messing up BIRTH!!!
- It's not "learning loss" in shutdown schools, it's "learning change" (video)
- Mom loses custody of daughter because of MASK!
Masks causing "physical harm to children"
- breathing difficulties, headaches, dizziness
- Family kicked off plane b/c 4-year-old autistic not masked
Masks are "face of left-wing authoritarianism
- "Mask mandates have turned out to be very useful in compelling social order, despite overwhelming actual scientific evidence that they play almost no role in limiting the spread of COVID-19, or any other respiratory virus for that matter.
The Jab...
Vaccines are experimental and under federal law "cannot be required"
- "individuals must have the option to accept or decline to be vaccinated"
- The pressure campaign to rush the jab
- Several GOP congressmen not taking jab
Vaccines are experimental and under federal law "cannot be required"
- Fauxi
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 16 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Maria exposes Biden's massive tax hike (video) the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
- (Grassfire) As Dems so chaos, which fight is most urgent?
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's Coming Tax Hike
Bartiromo -- MASSIVE TAX HIKE COMING! (video)
- $4t increase
- Would create 62.7% TOP business tax rate!
- Next boondoggle $2-4 TRILLION with tax increases
- More details here
- Total COVID relief could have given every taxpayer $41k
- Sen. Hardin caught: will use reconciliation again! (video)
Schumer again pushing $50k student loan bailout
- Will make reconciliation as broad as possible
- "we are exploring the ways to use budget reconciliation, and we are trying to make it as flexible and as broad as possible so we can do many different kinds of things.
Bartiromo -- MASSIVE TAX HIKE COMING! (video)
Joe's border crisis
Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
Joe takes ONE question (Video)
- urges us to take the jab, wear mask
- Pelosi-- no plans yet for SOUA
Joe takes ONE question (Video)
- Joe's Capitol Fence crisis
Joe's Coming Tax Hike
- The Purge
Trump and People push back
- Don Jr.: Most disastrous 60 days in presidential history (video)
Trump fires back at WPost lies about election
- "The Washington Post just issued a correction as to the contents of the incorrectly reported phone call I had with respect to voter fraud in the Great State of Georgia. While I appreciate the Washington Post’s correction, which immediately makes the Georgia Witch Hunt a non-story, the original story was a Hoax, right from the very beginning.
- Flashback -- bogus media reports (Video)
- Lindell on his coming social media platform
- GOP Women call for "Esther Moment"
- Election Watch
- Media/Tech bias
- COVID Facts
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- Cruise industry with tank for TWO MORE YEARS
- MASKerade
- "Everyone 2 years and older should wear a mask covering their mouth and nose when around people who do not live in their household, except when eating or sleeping.
- The Jab...
Joe calls on PASTORS to push jab:
- "“I urge all local docs, and ministers and priests to talk about why, why it’s important to get that vaccine, and even after that until everyone is in fact vaccinated to wear this mask,”
AstraZeneca halted in 18 countries
- "If only any advance warnings in the media weren't immediately taken down as terrorism"
- Over 1,000 vaccine deaths reported
- Over 80 group saw hospitalizations rise after vaccine
- Follow the money... Pfizer: "not a one-time event"
Joe calls on PASTORS to push jab:
Shutdown FOREVER!
CDC: must continue for "FORSEEABLE FUTURE"!
- "Even AFTER teachers & staff are vaccinated, schools need to continue mitigation measures for the FORESEABLE FUTURE, including REQUIRING MASKS IN SCHOOLS & PHYSICAL DISTANCING"
- Brit Hume: Dems are keeping the crisis going (video)
- INgraham: Biden's road to serfdom through endless pandemic (video)
- British Air exec: vaccine to travel
- CDC director: Spring Break DANGEROUS
CDC: must continue for "FORSEEABLE FUTURE"!
Misc Don't Miss
- Sand bubbler crab builds home on beach (video)
Study on composition of American family
just over 1/3 of black children have married parents
- Sex abuse SKYROCKETS when mom lives with boyfriend
just over 1/3 of black children have married parents
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 15 Feed:
Top Feeds
- 60-year-old maskless woman dragged to ground (video), and the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
- Overview of Congress' short-term agenda
- Joe's "Equality" Act
- Joe's Cuomo Crisis
Joe's Gun Grab
Joe's Never-Ending Spending
Analysis: "End to four decades of Reaganism"
- " We're in a new era when an ongoing crisis justifies any number of drastic new measures enacted by governments. To question this, the media and the pundits insist, constitutes "denying science" or "wanting grandma to die." The only question now is how long this new era of enbridled government expansion will last. "
- Joe now planning TAX HIKE
Analysis: "End to four decades of Reaganism"
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
Trump and People push back
- Tucker had BEST RATINGS during Joe's horrible speech!
- Kaleigh: "Supposed to be 'Moderate Joe'" (video)
- Jesse Watters: Liberals want to control you (video)
- Eric Bolling may run for Congress
Even Bill Maher pushes back on PURGE culture (video) (profanity)
- America is a "silly people"
- Trump makes surprise visit at dog fundraiser (video)
- Media ratings suffer post-trump
- Election Watch
- Great Reset
Media/Tech bias
- Clay Travis in tech bias (video)
Four ways big tech eats your data
- "Big Tech companies ... create "secret identities" of people in order to understand users' personality traits, predict purchasing behavior, and ultimately sell these profiles to advertisers and sometimes the government."
- (Grassfire) The Left's big lie: 15 days to slow the spread
- People are BACK in Vegas!
"Zero Covid" will destroy us!
- "We are allowing government agencies and inept government bureaucrats and technocrats to destroy our lives and futures. Stopping Covid ‘at all costs’ will destroy us societally and globally!
- OK now free state!
- AP: lockdowns don't seem to matter
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
UNICEF -- shutdown has devastated children by every measure
- "The number of children who are hungry, isolated, abused, anxious, living in poverty and forced into marriage has increased. At the same time, their access to education, socialization and essential services including health, nutrition, and protection has decreased"
- more than 10,000 additional child deaths per month
Texas woman assaulted by police for not wearing mask (video)
- more here
- THIS IS SHOCKING -- video of what we're doing to kids (video)
- MASKerade
- The Jab...
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Fauxi
UNICEF -- shutdown has devastated children by every measure
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 12 Feed:
Top Feeds
- All the LIES in Joe's bizarre speech, and the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's bizarre address
- HANNITY blasts Joe for taking credit for vaccine (video)
- Tucker "very strange, surreal" (video)
Kayleigh McEnany SLAMS speech (video)
- Watch here
- Stumbles out of gate.... "Tolight..."
- TRUST GOV! “Put trust and faith in our government to fulfill its most important function, which is to protect the American people,"
- THREATS MORE LOCKDOWNS..."Unity is what we do together as fellow Americans. Because if we don’t stay vigilant and the conditions change, then we may have to reinstat
e restrictions to get back on track,”
- MORE GUIDELINES COMING: "“Fourth, in the coming weeks, we will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated to lessen the confusion, to keep people safe, and encourage more people to get vaccinated.”
- When will things "get back to normal"? Well, maybe... (virus)
"Good chance" for small July 4 celebrations. (video)
- “If we do al this, if we do our part, if we do this together, by July the fourth, there’s a good chance you, your families, and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout or a barbeque and celebrate Independence Day... That doesn’t mean large events with lots of people together, but it does mean small groups will be able to get together
- Good analysis here
- Joe's Cuomo Crisis
Joe's border crisis
- Joe's Capitol Fence crisis
- Joe's Gun Purge
- Equality Act
Joe's bizarre address
The Purge
- Why is TX GOV attacking GAB?
Amazon PURGES books critical of transgenderism
- "we have chosen not to sell books that frame LGBTQ+ identity as a mental illness."
- (BTW, Amazon control 70% of online book sales market)
- Trump and People push back
Great Reset
NYT article rejects critical thinking
- "Critical thinking, as we’re taught to do it, isn’t helping in the fight against misinformation."
George Floyd autonomous zone (video)
- Streets blocked off... nobody allowed in
- Bill Gates now America's largest FARM LAND OWNER. WHY?
NYT article rejects critical thinking
- "Symptomatic and presymptomatic transmission have a greater role in the spread of SARS-CoV-2 than truly asymptomatic transmission"
- " A city-wide prevalence study of almost 10 million people in Wuhan found no evidence of asymptomatic transmission"
- "Searching for people who are asymptomatic yet infectious is like searching for needles that appear and reappear transiently in haystacks, particularly when rates are falling.
- Do the naturally immune have rights?
- NEW STUDY -- lockdowns don't work
WSJ -- LOCKDOWNS made things worse
- "Mr. Trump’s biggest mistake was putting too much faith in health experts and their lockdown models."
- "Lockdowns nonetheless became an ideological battle. The media became lockdown cheerleaders as they sought to take down Mr. Trump, with tragic results for lost businesses, lost livelihoods and health damage in late diagnoses, untreated conditions and mental illness that will compound for years.
- "The Covid pandemic has seen the greatest loss of American liberty outside wartime
- The coronavirus lockdowns constitute the most extensive attacks on individual freedom in the West since World War II.
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- MASKerade
- The Jab...
- Fauxi
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 11 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Nancy GLOATS on Boondoggle (video)
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Boondoggle FOREVER!
- (Grassfire) Passing Boondoggle only the beginning
- BIDEN will unveil NEXT PHASE of boondoggle today!
WSJ -- just a "taste of what's coming"
- "One lesson from the Covid non-fight is that there are no Democratic moderates in Congress. The party base has moved so sharply left that even swing-state Members are more liberal than many liberals in the Clinton years.
- Total cost so far -- $69k PER FAMILY!
- Tuberville: a 'heist of taxpayer money" (video)
- Bannon: most radical bill in four decades
Joe's border crisis
- Psaki laughs about "children all in tight quarters" (Video)
- Joe opens kids' cages Trump closed
Even CBS News now reporting (video)
- CBS finally what LibertyNEWS already reported!
- Doocy -- coincidence that surge happens with Biden? (video)
- Mexico's president: Biden is "migrant president"
- Zuckerberg's org -- DON'T TALK ABOUT JOBS!
- Pat Buchanan -- an "existential crisis"
Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
Joe's Capitol Fence crisis
Time to end Biden Occupation!
- It is now overwhelmingly clear that the only thing the Capitol troops are “protecting” is a Democratic political offensive against supporters of President Trump.
- Two more months (at least)
Joe's Cuomo Crisis
- Equality Act
- Becerra confirmation battle -- four years of culture wars
Boondoggle FOREVER!
- The Purge
- Trump and People push back
- Election Watch
- Great Reset
- (Exclusive) POLL - how much do you think masks help?
- (Exclusive) SHOCK: How much do mask mandates actually reduce covid?
Stanford PRof. "Lockdowns haven't worked"
- "Part of the problem for Dr. Fauci," Bhattacharya said, "is that he is blind to the harms of the lockdown ... He seems not to understand that the lockdown creates all kinds of physical problems, psychological problems, harms that I've never seen him talk about."
Outdoor transmission NOT A REAL-LIFE RISK!
- Study: "virtually no cases" tied to outdoors
One confirmed case "outdoors" in China study
- " among our 7324 identified cases in China with sufficient descriptions, only one outdoor outbreak involving two cases occurred in a village in Shangqiu"
Study: outdoor 95% SAFER than indoors!
- " the odds of indoor transmission was very high compared to outdoors (18.7 times)"
Study: Rugby safe
- "Despite tackle involvements and close proximity interactions with SARS-CoV-2 positive players, in-match SARS-CoV-2 transmission was not confirmed.
- Expert comments
- Of course, CDC doesn't really discuss the LOW relative outdoor risk
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
The Jab...
CDC promotes image of a "vaccine bubble"
- lets you "start doing some things again"
- What? This is insanity!
- Israel -- 20% of covid deaths in Feb. were fully vaccinated
Utah mom dies after taking jab
- Twitter marks tweet of FoxNews story "misleading"
- Christians attacked for having more reluctance to take the jab
Actual data on vaccine safety
- "more congenital anomalies/birth defects and emergency room visits were reported after getting a COVID vaccine in the U.S. than after any of the other 93 vaccine types in the CDC’s VAERS database. And more deaths than 92 other vaccine types.
- Alaska jabbing teenagers!
YouTube deleted 800k videos with covid misinformation
- "Videos that violate the vaccine policy, according to YouTube's rules, are those that contradict expert consensus on the vaccines from health authorities or the World Health Organization."
- Wait. We thought this was an "experimental" vaccine per US government?
CDC promotes image of a "vaccine bubble"
Shutdown FOREVER!
- Vaccine PASSPORTS for intl travel are here
- Frontline Doctors: right to travel shouldn't be infringed
Chaffertz -- Left used covid panic for political power
- "Buckle up. More crises are on the way. If calamities are a recipe for empowering the government, we'll see politicians attempt to turn every molehill into a mountain and to leverage every mountain for maximum political gain.
Fauci's NIH funded bat coronavirus research in china
- the U.S. government had evidence that Chinese labs were performing gain-of-function research on a much larger scale than was publicly disclosed, meaning they were taking more risks in more labs than anyone outside China was aware of.
- Fauci can't answer about "science" of requiring vaccine for travel (Video)
Fauci's NIH funded bat coronavirus research in china
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 10 Feed:
Top Feeds
- 1 MILLION illegals coming this summer
- (LN Exclusive) This isn't debate; it's ideological war!
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
$1.9t Boondoggle
- (Grassfire) Dems using pandemic to push Boondoggle
- Dem admits there's waste (video)
- Bill Gates group gets $3.5 BILLION! ("Global Fund" page 613 and 628)
WSJ breakdown
- LARGEST EXPANSION of welfare states since LBJ
- "The Journal reports that only $50 billion, or 7% of the $1.9 trillion price tag, is directed at testing and contact tracing, and only $16 billion is earmarked for vaccine distribution. Most of the rest consists of state bailouts, student-debt relief and various income-redistribution schemes involving tax credits, health-insurance subsidies and unemployment benefits.
- Actually, it's $8 TRILLION
Dems BAN states from CUTTING TAXES!
The bill explicitly bars states from cutting taxes. States “shall not use the funds,” the bill says, “to either directly or indirectly [our emphasis] offset a reduction in the net tax revenue” that results “from a change in law, regulation, or administrative interpretation during the covered period that reduces any tax (by providing for a reduction in a rate, a rebate, a deduction, a credit, or otherwise) or delays the imposition of any tax or tax increase.”
- Analysis: Stimulus FOREVER!
- DEEP DIVE: Cut poverty? That's a LIE!
- Pelosi almost promises MORE STIMULUS!
Joe's border crisis
- “We’ve already surpassed in the first four months of this fiscal year. We’ve already surpassed all of 2018. If the flow continues at the rate it is here, by the end of this fiscal year, we will have surpassed ‘18, ‘19, and ‘20, all combined.”
100,000 illegals in FOUR WEEKS
- Psaki avoids "numbers" about border crisis (video)
- 3,200 kids being held
- LIndsey Graham warns "worst is yet to come" (video)
- FLASHBACK 2014: Biden blamed "reckless" parents; blamed other countries
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis:
- Joe's Capitol Fence crisis
- Equality Act
- "Made-up lie"; will even mess up crime statistics!
$1.9t Boondoggle
- The Purge
- Trump and People push back
Election Watch
Great Reset
Dems working to destroy FREELANCE WORK!
- Millions of workers would lose the flexibility that made gig work attractive in the first place. The jobs that still did exist at these companies would quickly be forced to become the kind of 9-to-5 scheduled work many freelance workers intentionally sought to avoid.
- Kerry -- coal has "NO FUTURE"
Dems working to destroy FREELANCE WORK!
Study: No significant benefits from non-pharmeceutical interventions
- "we find no clear, significant beneficial effect of mrNPIs on case growth in any country.
- Masks hamper learning
- No difference, masked v. non-masked states
- OK, maybe one?
Study: No significant benefits from non-pharmeceutical interventions
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- Americans KNOW shutdown has been bad for economy
- UK -- 11,000 with undiagnosed breast cancer due to lockdown
No V-shaped recovery
- " New unemployment insurance claims have hovered around between 700,000 and 800,000, every week, for the past five months. There’s no evidence of any downward trend here, and the V-shaped recover turned into a long slog past the initial anemic "recovery" that took place last summer.
- Cuomo Crisis
- MASKerade
- State-by-State mask mandates overview
Rand Paul: "Trash your mask" after vaccine
- "Rather than listening to government scolds, look to the science of immunology: and once you're 2 weeks out from the vaccine, or have recovered from the actual infection, trash your mask and live free again."
- Mask-shaming isn't kind it's cruel
- The Jab...
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Therapeutic options SHUNNED
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 9 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Biden's shocking Border Crisis (video)
- TODAY'S TOP READ: Dr. Scott Atlas's "Last Word,
- and the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
- Team Biden Chronicles
- Trump and People push backTrump: no more money for RINOs!
- Election Watch
- Great Reset
COVID FactsCDC: 78% of covid hospitalized were OBESE
Scott Atlas's "last word"
- "The coronavirus pandemic has been a great tragedy, there can be no doubt about that. But it has also exposed profound issues in America that now threaten the very principles of freedom and order that we Americans often take for granted.
Study: Masks alone have no impact
- " masks alone have no significant effect in interrupting the spread of ILI or influenza in the general population, nor in healthcare workers.
- Why CDC should be cancelled by Google Facebook
- 17 states now OPEN and following the science!
- How school closures impact young people
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- (Exclusive) This ONE ACTION cuts covid spread by 90%
- CDC MISUSED our research on schools; they should reopen
- Look who gets to work at home.... THE TOP INCOME EARNERS!
- Lockdown teachers told to HIDE their spring break photos!
- The Jab...
- Professor: people will take jab for their freedom
Pfizer doesn't work well for those over 80 (study)
- 17 days after the second dose - peak protection - 1/3 (over 80) had NO neutralizing antibodies...
- Pandemic FOREVER!
- Fauxi
- BP telling workers to stay home permanently
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 8 Feed:
Top Feed
- Biden BUMBLES over COVID bill (video) and the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
$1.9t Boondoggle
- (Grassfire) Boondoggle Passes Senate
WSJ -- the Covid welfare state
- "Only a small part of what Democrats passed is for pandemic or economic relief. It’s mainly a way station on their high-speed train to a cradle-to-grave welfare-entitlement state.
- "All of this arrives when the Covid vaccine rollout is accelerating, the economy is recovering at a rapid pace, and the national jobless rate is already down to 6.2%. The goal of this Democratic program isn’t Covid relief. The point is to expand and solidify the role of government as the guarantor of every American’s income unlinked to any obligation to work.
- Cruz exposes FACT that boondoggle does send checks to illegal
- Biden STUMBLES OVER WORDS to explain. Really bad. (video)
- Lindsey Graham: God help us (Video)_
WPost: "seismic shifts" in politics
- "seismic shifts in American politics — the most dramatic of which may be the apparent impact of the pandemic on attitudes about the role of government in helping the economy.
- OMAR not happy; sending money to less people than Trump (video)
- House to vote Tuesday on final bill. details...
Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis:
- Joe was just kidding (Video)
$1.9t Boondoggle
- The Purge
Trump and People push back
All major newsmedia WAY DOWN post Trump
- CNN down 36%; MSNBC down 17%, Fox down 7%, Newsmax down 51%
- Trump distancing himself from Kushner?
- Trump will campaign against Murkowski
- Is Mitch preparing to leave Senate?
- Victor Davis Hanson -- are we reaching "woke herd immunity"?
- Quick guide to free speech online
- "NEANDERTHAL THINKING" spoof (video)
All major newsmedia WAY DOWN post Trump
- Election Watch
- Cuomo Crisis
Great Reset
"There is no such thing as 'white math'"
- "In my position as a professor of mathematics at Princeton, I have witnessed the decline of universities and cultural institutions as they have embraced political ideology at the expense of rigorous scholarship. Until recently — this past summer, really — I had naively thought that the STEM disciplines would be spared from this ideological takeover. I was wrong. Attempts to “deconstruct” mathematics, deny its objectivity, accuse it of racial bias, and infuse it with political ideology have become more and more common — perhaps, even, at your child’s elementary school.
- Racial retraining in elementary school
"There is no such thing as 'white math'"
- "Lockdowns lazy way of dealing with pandemic"
- "Daily case and death growth rates before implementation of mask mandates were not statistically different from the reference period"
- mask mandates lower cases by JUST 1.5% over two months
- Study here
- Do we have the will to continue as a free society?
88% of covid deaths in countries with >50% obesity
- "in countries where less than half of the adult population is considered overweight account, the risk of death from COVID-19 is around one-tenth of countries with the higher proportion of overweight adults.
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- MASKerade
- The Jab...
- Survey: 69% have or will get jab
Major covid vaccines draw on cell lines of aborted babies!
- "In the case of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, scientists used a cell line known as HEK293, which derives from a fetus aborted in the Netherlands in 1973. The recently approved Johnson & Johnson vaccine, meanwhile, uses PerC6 cells derived from the eyeballs of an 18-week-old fetus aborted in 1985, also in the Netherlands.
- Austria -- woman dead
- Israel "miracle"' is over. vaccine not having intended effect
- Fauxi
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 4 Feed:
Top Feed
- "Hand San Cam" at NBA game? (video)... and the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
- Cuomo Crisis
- Trump and People push back
- Election Watch
Team Biden Chronicles
$1.9t Boondoggle
- (Grassfire) Dems living high on the hog with BOONDOGGLE
- Sen. Johnson: We'll read the entire "BOONDOGGLE" on Senate floor!
- Red states LOSE, blue states GET THE PORK!
- McConnell: bill "wildly out of proportion" (video)
$350 BILLION in PORK for cities and states!
- Map shows how much your city/state will get
- (example: Norfolk, VA gets $112 MILLION)
Joe's border crisis
- Hannity expose (video)
- Joe's pullback creating "roads of cartels"
Study: Joe will import California-sized population
- " In a 10-year period, altogether, the legislation will have brought more than 37.3 million foreign nationals to the U.S. — just two million less than the population of California."
- 108 illegals test positive for covid
- AG nominee Garland won't commit to prosecuting illegals
- Illegals wear nice, new "Biden let us in" t-shirts (where did they get them?)
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis:
$1.9t Boondoggle
- Great Reset
Big Lie behind "variants"
- "vaccine is here, so it's game over, right? Wrong. "Variants" are the new 15
daysyears to flatten the curve. Except the premise is built on a lie.
- "vaccine is here, so it's game over, right? Wrong. "Variants" are the new 15
- Covid numbers plummeting
The HCQ saga
- "has much of the world failed to benefit from an effective, early-stage treatment for COVID-19 because early trials of hydroxychloroquine were misleading? Based on the evidence now accumulating it would appear so.
Big Lie behind "variants"
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- China mandating ANAL SWABS for foreign visitors
- "Hand sanitizer cam" at NBA game? Stop the Insanity! (video)
Joe fear mongers Texas... "big mistake" "neanderthal thinking" (video)
- So Joe, when Texas doesn't implode, will you take credit and say it was because of the vaccine?
- MSNBC -- red states want blacks to suffer
- Alabama next?
- "Mask requirements in seven other states — six led by GOP governors — are due to expire before the end of the month, in what could quickly become a political litmus test."
Joe fear mongers Texas... "big mistake" "neanderthal thinking" (video)
- FIVE DEM GOVERNORS should face manslaughter
One year ago in UK: facemasks ads BANNED because misleadingly said they could protect from covid.
- "A spokesman said Public Health England informed the ASA "that they do not recommend the use of face masks as a means of protection from coronavirus". "We understood there was very little evidence of widespread benefit from their use outside of clinical settings," the ASA said in a statement.
One year ago in UK: facemasks ads BANNED because misleadingly said they could protect from covid.
The Jab...
- one-third of military refusing the jab
MIlitary can't force vaccine on troops
- "federal law prohibits the mandatory application of medicines within the military that are not fully licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration."
- question: does every American have the same right? Can businesses ban commerce if you refuse the vaccine?
- NY testing covid pass
Misc Don't Miss
SOLAR MINIMUM COMING -- get ready for it to get COLDER!
- "There will indeed be climate change in the coming decades, but for the next 10 to 40 years it is going to get colder, not warmer! The same thing will happen on the 7 other planets in this solar system, because the main factor affecting planetary temperatures is the activity of the Sun."
- Another SpaceX Rocket explodes (video); more here
- Sidewalk robots get "rights" as "pedestrians"?
SOLAR MINIMUM COMING -- get ready for it to get COLDER!
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 3 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Tucker EXPLODES the Seuss purge (video) and the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
- Cuomo Crisis
The Purge
Dr. Seuss
- Biden purges
Estate bans six books (that was quick!
- “Ceasing sales of these books is only part of our commitment and our broader plan to ensure Dr. Seuss Enterprises’ catalog represents and supports all communities and families,”
the books; "the business that preserves and protects the author’s legacy confirmed on Tuesday that production of the books will be seized. "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street," "If I Ran the Zoo," "McElligot’s Pool," "On Beyond Zebra!," "Scrambled Eggs Super!" and "The Cat’s Quizzer" are being pulled from production.
- Universal Park "evaluating" Seuss experience
- Estate earned $33million last year
- Tucker -- Dr. Seuss isn't a racist (Video)
- Michelle O -- "We love Dr. Seuss in our house" (video)
- Step daughter -- didn't have a racist bone in body
- Market explodes for books
- U.S. Soccer Fed purges member who said stand for anthem
- "PC" Amazon self-purges own "Hitler-looking"? app logo?
Dr. Seuss
Trump and People push back
- Election Watch
Team Biden Chronicles
$1.9t Boondoggle
- (Grassfire) "Washington at its worst"
- (Exclusive): Govt. spending damaging to private sector investment
- Under the guise of pandemic relief, the federal government would give a nonworking single parent with two preschool-age children and one in grade school $850 a month. This would come on top of other government benefits, including $680 a month in food stamps, amounting to $18,360 in combined annual income. That’s the equivalent, without accounting for taxes, of working 28 hours a week at $12.50 an hour. On top of that, the family would receive health insurance from Medicaid, and it may also receive housing and child-care assistance.
- The bill would provide the new benefit for only one year, but the Washington Post reports that “congressional Democrats and White House officials have said they would push for the policy to be made permanent later in the year.”
- Note: if health insurance, housing and child-care amount to another $1k/month, then parent gets $30k BEFORE TAXES for not working. Assuming overall 20% taxes, we're nearing $40k annual ($20/hr) UBI for not working
- "Pelosi's $190m personal railway?
- Analysis: will imprison millennials in government dependency
- Joe's border crisis
Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis:
- 41 days.... Where's Joe? (McEnaney video)
- Perino hammers (video)
- Won't disclose virtual guests
Dying in Darkness
- refusing to publish his schedule, hiding visitor logs from the public, and deleting the White House pages for comments and public petitions.
- Joe's Capitol Fence crisis
- Equality Act
$1.9t Boondoggle
- Great Reset
Gov. Abbot announces (video)
- “Too many Texans have been sidelined from employment opportunities; too many small-business owners have struggled to pay their bills. It is now time to open Texas 100%.”
- summary
- Mississippi too!
Gov. Abbot announces (video)
- Swedish researcher -- almost no risk to children
Cases plunge; scientists puzzled
- They shouldn't be! Respiratory viruses all peak early Jan, PLUS herd immunity, PLUS vaccine!
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
SHOCK -- Government now responsible for 27% of ALL PERSONAL INCOME!
- "11 million families could be at risk of losing their homes as COVID-19 relief measures expire,"
- Canada -- no food at quarantine hotels
- CA -- opening schools is about "structural racism"
- MASKerade
- Forever shutdown?
- Biden: "My hope is by this time next year we are going to be back to normal or before that." (video)
- The Jab...
Biden -- vaccines for all adults by end of May (video)
- What if you don't want or need the vaccine?
- Hong Kong -- man dead 48 hours after vaccine. Just saying.
- Ben Stein -- beware, jab like "worst flu in world" (video)
Biden -- vaccines for all adults by end of May (video)
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 2 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Trump "can't imagine someone else" in 24 (video) the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
- Cuomo Crisis
- The Purge
Trump and People push back
- More on Trump's CPAC "state of the union" address
"Confessions of a Trump Republican"
- No one else will fight like hell for the country I grew up in, the country I believe in, and the country that my forefathers died for.
Election Watch
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe's $1.9 Trillion Boondoggle
- DeSantis trashes it (video)
- Dems fast-tracking; Sendate debate Wednesday; final votes Thursday
- Rob Portman (video): ""It’s $1.9 trillion, more than half of it won’t even be spent in this calendar year ... So how could it be about COVID relief? No one expects a year from now that we’ll be in the COVID crisis we are in now," GOP Senator Rob Portman told ABC's "This Week."
- Sanders will force vote on $15 minimum wage
- Cruz: Dems trying to ram through their vision (video)
Joe's permanent remake of elections on floor of House today
- WSJ -- HR 1 would make "every election like 2020"
Joe's anti-Equality Act is BAD
- Making gender identity a protected class would "discredit the idea that sex is binary, that men and women are different
- Joe still has no plans for a press conference
Joe's illegal immigration policy: come, just give us more time to get ready
- Joe will.. then won't... then will forgive $50k student loan debts
- Joe's $1.9 Trillion Boondoggle
Great Reset
Biden once again states it's about the Great Reset:
- I have made COVID-19 vaccination, relief, and broad-based economic recovery efforts a top priority. Our goal is not to return our economy to where it was before the pandemic struck. Our goal is to build back better
Biden once again states it's about the Great Reset:
THE CASE the media was wrong to accept lockdowns
- "nearly a full year into this ordeal there is absolutely no positive statistical correlation in the United States between strong lockdown policies and better results."
If Covid deaths recorded like flu deaths -- 130k confirmed deaths in 2020
- CFR and hospitalization rates like the flu
- These are the CDC's numbers! The larger numbers used is all fear mongering for the re-set goal
Covid mortality risk is "dying out"
- good raw data here
- "In America, Government policy should reflect population mortality costs without trying to protect every citizen from the inevitability of death. Individuals should make decisions about risky behavior based on knowledge about their personal exposure to mortality risks."
THE CASE the media was wrong to accept lockdowns
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- Swedish researchers: shutdown killed as many as virus
Eric Snowden -- This is "just the beginning" (video)
- analysis here: "I would say this is sort of unusual... we're all spread all over the world in different rooms, everybody's locked up... Increasingly our lives are "intermediated by these screens. We spend less time outside and more and more time staring into glass or through glass to connect with that larger world - something beyond ourselves."
- U.S. MALL VALUES crash 60%!
- Teenage mental health claims DOUBLED in 2020
- HOtel California:
- Huh? China ONLY economy to grow during China Virus Crisis
- The Jab...
- Fauxi: History of flip flops
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
March 1 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Trump's "Miss Me Yet?" and all the best CPAC video clips, plus the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
CPAC: America Uncancelled
- Trump speech clips
- "Miss me yet" (video)
- Not starting a new party (video)
- GOP growing, "party of love" (video)
- "proudest accomplishments... energy independent" (video)
- Joe implementing OUR vaccine plan (video)
- "The election was rigged" (video)
- Joe destroying women's sports (video)
- Rips Biden for cancelling Keystone (video)
- Tells Joe to get schools open (video)
- Audience: "We Love You!" (video)
- Break up Big Tech monopolies (video)
- Take back the House, win the Senate, take back the White House (video)
- "I may even decide to beat them for a third time" (video)
- Other Speeches
- Trump wins straw poll resoundingly
The Purge
- Dr. Seuss books PURGED by VA school district
- Crazy: "BLM" on a bomb (photo)
Boston PURGES advanced learning as racist
- A district analysis of the program found that more than 70 percent of students enrolled in the program were white and Asian, even though nearly 80 percent of all Boston public school students are Hispanic and Black.... "This is just not acceptable,"
- U.S. Soccer PURGES respect for anthem
Trump and People push back
- Trump calls in on Steve Hilton on immigration (video)
- Don Jr. blasts MSNBC as "morons" for slam on 2A Republicans (video)
- Even Bill Maher attacks Cancel Culture (video)
- Jim Acosta confronted about Cuomo (video)
Expose on the racist history of Democrat party
- In the late 1960s, Democrats in coordination with media, academia and the most powerful institutions in America, performed the greatest political card trick in history. Until then, the upper echelons of the Democratic Party had a strong, historical association with racism.
2020 Election
- Sidney Powell: more than enough evidence
- Trump lists steps needed for election integrity
- NH calls for audit
- GA analysis: changing laws good start but not enough
- Kavanaugh broke with conservatives on court in cases
- Jan. 6
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe has another senior moment (video)
- "I'm gonna lose track here..."
- Great Reset
- Media bias
- Ron Desantis -- I rejected CDC, prioritized seniors (video)
Evidence: Lockdowns do not control coronavirus
- "There is no relationship between lockdowns (or whatever else people want to call them to mask their true nature) and virus control."
- "Masks have no place in school" UK public health expert
Meta-analysis of 77,758 participants: asymptomatic infection rate 96% LOWER than symptomatic!
- Household secondary attack rates were increased from symptomatic index cases (18.0%; 95% CI, 14.2%-22.1%) than from asymptomatic index cases (0.7%; 95% CI, 0%-4.9%)
- Why no flu? "Viral interference" (audio)
From one year ago: good article on how "cognitive bias" makes us panic
- summary: we are proportionally MORE AFRAID of smaller than larger risks (see covid response)
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- The Jab...
- Fauxi
- Wants children vaccinated in 22
even vaccinated still need to wear a mask (video)
- it will NEVER end if Fauci decides
- Cuomo Exposed
- Shutdown causing PERMANENT at-home work
- USA Today: rise in student suicides
- CA -- Berkeley union pres opposes open schools but drops off kid at in-person school (Video)
- How come we can have a "Brazilian variant" but can't call it the "China Virus"?
Misc Don't Miss
- Huge iceberg breaking off Antarctica (video)
Bioluminescent (blue) ocean waves! (video)
- (Note: our team has seen this in VA. Amazing!)
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