Archive of Liberty News' "BIDEN CHRONICLES" Feed...
(For the LN daily feed, go here)
April 26 Feed:
Joe's "100 Days" of Division and Radical Govt. Expansion
Biden Doctrine of Govt. Expansion is called "Help Is Here"
- Joe: "Help is here, and we will not stop working for you,"
Compare to Reagan's Inaugural (video)
- “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’ ” -- Ronald Reagan
- Rand Paul -- still waiting for unity (video)
- 82% believe nation is divided
- Lindsey Graham: Biden "destabilizing"
Biden Doctrine of Govt. Expansion is called "Help Is Here"
- Joe's Race and Law & Order Crisis
Joe's border crisis
- Joe eliminates fines against illegals
- Kamala: "we're making progress" (video)
Where's Kamala? (not near the border)
- But illegal kids get HER BOOK!
- "Unaccompanied migrant kids brought from the U.S.-Mexico border to a new shelter in Long Beach, Calif., will be given a copy of her 2019 children’s book, “Superheroes are Everywhere,” in their welcome kits.
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
April 23 Feed:
Fox News Explains: Joe's "Flooding The Zone" (video)
- LN--Overwhelm with insane policies; some sneak through
Joe's Climate Scam
- WSJ -- Far-fetched without a vote in Congress
Even Joe's Secretary of Defense: Climate crisis "existential" (video)
- "The climate crisis is a profoundly destabilizing force for our world."
- LN -- what? I'm sure that's what's on the mind of hostile regimes that want to kill our troops and destroy America.
Joe's Race and Law & Order Crisis
Hannity on Dem's "vilification of the police" (video) - BLM activist in OH: "they shoot us, we shoot them" (Video)
- OH -- neighbor video; different view
- LeBron tries to cover up his clown show
- Chauvin juror admits truth -- they feared the mob
- Stacey Abrams: GOP will not stop "men from murdering women of color"
- Joe's Court- and House-Packing Scheme
- Joe's border crisis
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- (Grassfire) What science and common sense tell about Equality Act
- John Hopkins Psychiatrist: transgender is "biologically impossible"
Confirmed: Equality Act will RUIN girls' sports
- LN-- this article from LGBT Blade makes it clear they won't compromise on transgender sports "rights"
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
Joe to propose Capital Gains Tax up to 43.4%!
- LN -- remember, you've ALREADY been taxed on the capital (you originally purchased the capital with income); plus, much of the "gain" is inflationary; now they get 40% of the gain?
- But LOWER rates produce HIGHER tax revenues
And Joe will effectively add another DEATH TAX!
- LN--under Joe's plan, your heirs will get CRUSHED
Joe to propose Capital Gains Tax up to 43.4%!
April 22 Feed:
Joe's Racial Harmony Crisis
- Joe now investigating Minneapolis police department!
OH teen shot while attacking another with knife...
LeBron James to OH police officer: "you're next"
- "Officer Tatum" explains frame-by-frame (video)
OH Shooting: BLATANT evidence of NBC news bias; editing 911 call and video
- NBC News report
- ABC, CBS emphasize person shot had knife and was attacking another person
- Of course, Psaki politicizes: "she was a child" (video)
- BLM takes to streets (Video)
- -- "final blow" for BLM and media?
LeBron James to OH police officer: "you're next"
Tucker on Fallout from Chauvin trial (video)
- "Political actors harnessed the emotions over that video and over Floyd's death to control the country and change it forever."
- "Seeing mobs trying to influence this trial should shock and horrify you at least as much as the George Floyd video did."
- Poll: anti-police rhetoric endangers public safety
- Joe's Court-Packing Scheme
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
April 20 Feed:
Joe's Racial Harmony Crisis
- Chauvin trial
Judge: Waters has given grounds for appeal (video)
- more here
- "I wish elected officials would stop talking about this case, especially in a manner that is disrespectful to the rule of law and to the judicial branch and our function. I think if they want to give their opinions, they should do so in a respectful and in a manner that is consistent with their oath to the Constitution, to respect the co-equal branch of government. Their failure to do so I think is abhorrent
- Defense closing (video)
- Prosecution closing (video)
- Minneapolis pre-boarded up
Judge: Waters has given grounds for appeal (video)
McCarthy to force Waters censure vote
- Chauvin trial
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
April 19 Feed:
Joe's Racial Harmony Crisis
- Maxine Waters calls for BLM activists to"stay on the street" (video)
- MN BLMers got to neighborhood; man can't get to his house; police retain HIM! (video)
Chris Cuomo gets full racist; white kids need to get kill before change (video)
- “your kids start getting killed. White people’s kids start getting killed.”
- How politics skews our view of police and violence (survey results)
- Joe's Court Packing Scheme
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
April 16 Feed:
- Joe's Court-Packing Scheme
- Joe's Gun Grab
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
(Exclusive) Here's an ACTUAL modern infrastructure problem
- "We the People are yet again being subjected to the Left’s ridiculous torture of the English language. Everything Is ‘Infrastructure’ According To Democrats. Thankfully, not everyone is playing linguistic Torquemada. No, Not Everything Is Infrastructure. But THIS actually is...
- "We the People are yet again being subjected to the Left’s ridiculous torture of the English language. Everything Is ‘Infrastructure’ According To Democrats. Thankfully, not everyone is playing linguistic Torquemada. No, Not Everything Is Infrastructure. But THIS actually is...
(Exclusive) Here's an ACTUAL modern infrastructure problem
April 15 Feed:
Joe's Court-Packing Scheme
- Tucker exposes (video)
- FoxNEWS breaking news (video)
Intercept story that broke the news
- "The bill would add four seats to the high court, bringing the total to 13 from the current nine. The bill is led by House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerry Nadler, subcommittee Chair Hank Johnson, and first-term Rep. Mondaire Jones. In the Senate, the bill is being championed by Ed Markey of Massachusetts.
- Jim Jordan confronts Nadler (video)
- GOP counters with anti-packing amendment
What Joe said before election... (video)
"You'll know my opinion on court-packing when the election is over"
Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
(Exclusive) Joe nominates Manchin's wife for gov gig. wonder why?
April 12 Feed:
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
Chris Wallace calls out Pete B on Joe's infrastructure lies (video)
- Fact -- U.S. actually ranks FIRST among large companies in infrastructure
- Fact -- Joe's bill actually "creates" only about 2.7m jobs (not 19m)
- That's actually $666,000/job "created"
- Buttigieg -- there is "racism physically built into some of our highways"
Even Stephanopoulos is questioning what infrastructure is... a little (video)
- Joe's Energy Sec basically says infrastructure is anything Joe says
- EVEN CNN calls out the lie on job creation
- Joe's team sends Ivy League schools another $168m
Chris Wallace calls out Pete B on Joe's infrastructure lies (video)
- Joe's Court-Packing "Study"
- JOe's Gun Grab
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
Joe's Bogus "Unity" Lies
April 9 Feed:
Joe's Gun Grab
- Joe -- second amendment is a "phony argument" against gun grab (video)
Joe dreams of God giving him gun control
- “If I get one thing on my list, the Lord came down and said, ‘Joe you get one of these, gimme that one.’ Because I tell you what, there would be a come-to-the-Lord moment these folks would have real quickly.”
Analysis -- Joe just declared war on gun owners
- details on the 6 executive orders...
- Breitbart's take
Tucker exposes what's behind gun control (video)
- “Gun control is not about guns. Gun control is about who controls America.”
- PUSH BACK -- Abbott will make TX "2 A Sanctuary State"
Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Equality Act could force shelters to house men and women together
Trump rips Asa for chemical castration veto
- "Bye-bye Asa,' that’s the end of him!"
- Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- Joe's Hunter Crisis
April 8 Feed:
- Joe's Gun Grab
Joe's border crisis
- (Grassfire) Shock: 170k illegals in March
- Joe converting border hotels into illegal sanctuaries
- Gutfeld mocks Joe's plan to "fill gaps" in wall (video)
- ASSAULT allegations at TX migrant children facility
- John Roberts -- "Where is VP Harris?" (video)
- Pelosi -- "We're on a good path at the border" (video)
- Photo -- 130 aliens "surrender" at border; given masks
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
April 7 Feed:
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
(Grassfire) Dems target one of their own -
Tucker clashes with Ark gov over teen protecting law (video)
- Tucker: you are "pro-choice on chemical castration of children"
- Gov: bill "overbroad, extreme"
- WIN -- Ark legislature OVERRIDES veto
- Truth -- children mature and accept their gender
- What? Joe has "difference of opinion" with Catholics on Equality Act
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- Cruz on Hannity -- Joe is jacking up taxes (video)
The TRUTH on never-ending spending
- "Borrowing and printing up trillions and trillions of dollars isn’t real. It’s a special form of deceit we economists call inflation.
- WSJ -- higher taxes will hit blue-collar workers
GAME OVER? Schumer can now pass Joe's agenda with NO GOP votes
- "Schumer now has the flexibility to advance Biden’s infrastructure spending and tax reform goals in two separate packages and also to raise the federal debt limit by year’s end
- "Schumer now has the flexibility to advance Biden’s infrastructure spending and tax reform goals in two separate packages and also to raise the federal debt limit by year’s end
April 6 Feed:
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
Senate Parliamentarian opens door for two more ALL-DEM votes
- more here
WSJ -- but the economic crisis is actually over; STOP SPENDING!
- "It’s getting harder for the Biden Administration to claim we’re in an economic crisis that demands more spending. It’s closer to the truth to say the economy is growing in a way that calls for spending and monetary restraint.
- "It’s getting harder for the Biden Administration to claim we’re in an economic crisis that demands more spending. It’s closer to the truth to say the economy is growing in a way that calls for spending and monetary restraint.
- George Soros pledges $20m to push Joe's $3t boondoggle.
- PUSH BACK - Manchin breaks with Joe on biz tax increase (video)
Senate Parliamentarian opens door for two more ALL-DEM votes
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
April 5 Feed:
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- Even Chris Wallace says Joe's bill isn't infrastructure (video)
- Joe's Energy Sec admits Joe's taxes hit the middle class hard (video)
- Sen. Blunt -- make this infrastructure and we'll support (video)
Joe now pushing "global minimum tax rate"
- LN -- so Joe's tax increases don't hurt US globally!
- Yellen: "Together we can use a global minimum tax to make sure the global economy thrives based on a more level playing field in the taxation of multinational corporations, and spurs innovation, growth, and prosperity,”
Joe's border crisis
Bongino exposes media bias on border crisis (video)
- "We the media get to decide when something is a crisis"
- Joe purges "alien" from USCIS
Bongino exposes media bias on border crisis (video)
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
April 2 Feed:
Joe's attack on GA election law
Biden wants GA purged of all-star game (video)
- "Jim Crow on steroids" (what?)
- dissecting Joe's lies
- Psaki lies about law (video)
Coke, Delta wage war on American voters
- "The Woke Gestapo at Coke and Delta oppose putting common sense safeguards in place to ensure drop boxes, early voting, and vote-by-mail do not become reservoirs of fraud
- WSJ -- "Woke and Weak CEOs"
- PUSH BACK -- Heritage Action debunks Dem myths on GA law
- Lindsey Graham -- attacking GA will hurt businesses (video)
- PUSH BACK -- Georgia Republicans Vote to Cancel Delta Tax Break
Biden wants GA purged of all-star game (video)
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- Tucker -- Biden raises your taxes while dodging his (video)
- Doocy to WH -- why infrastucture plan doesn't include infrastructure? (video)
- Joe's plan really about racial "equity" (not "equality")
- WSJ -- Joe's biz tax increase plan fights global trend
- Rich Lowry" "Spending is what Joe can actually do"
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
Joe's admin bows to china
April 1 Feed:
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- Joe announces tax increases (video)
- Libs pushing for $10 TRILLION!
WSJ -- Joe believes govt. can drive growth
- "It all marks a major turning point for economic policy. The gamble underlying the agenda is a belief that government can be a primary driver for growth. It’s an attempt to recalibrate assumptions that have shaped economic policy of both parties since the 1980s: that the public sector is inherently less efficient than the private, and bureaucrats should generally defer to markets.
WSJ -- middle class will pay
- "Mr. Biden’s corporate tax increases will hit the middle class hard—in the value of their 401(k)s, the size of their pay packets, and what they pay for goods and services.
WSJ -- most of "infrastructure" actually GREEN NEW DEAL
- "The rest of the $620 billion earmarked for “transportation” are subsidies for green energy and payouts to unions for the jobs his climate regulation will kill
- "Then there’s $174 billion for electric vehicles, including money to build 500,000 charging stations and for consumer “incentives” on top of the current $7,500 federal tax credit to buy an EV.
- "Mr. Biden also wants to force-feed green energy onto the U.S. electric grid—especially after the embarrassment of the last year’s power outages in California and Texas due to their over-reliance on solar and wind. He wants $100 billion to “decarbonize” the grid by 2035—e.g., banish coal and natural gas.
Trump: "globalist betrayal"
- "The legislation would be among the largest self-inflicted economic wounds in history. If this monstrosity is allowed to pass, the result will be more Americans out of work, more families shattered, more factories abandoned, more industries wrecked, and more Main Streets boarded up and closed down
- Hannity on Joe's spending spree (video)
- Kristi Noem response to Joe's new boondoggle (video)
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
March 31 Feed:
- Joe's Gun Grab
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
(GRASSFIRE) Franklin Graham on Equality Act: No Surrender
- Actress: Ark. law protecting minors from sex-change same as "murder"
Act 'at war with reality'
- At stake is the freedom of rational human beings to use a common vocabulary when speaking about what all can see. Also at stake are the countless vulnerable souls falling prey to the tyrannizing “gender identity” ideology and the medical atrocities that go with it.
LGBTQ "students" of Christian colleges file suit against Christian colleges
- LN--This is about federal funding being the "camel's nose" into the tent of private religious schools; they are going to use the fact that school allow students to accept federally backed loans to destroy Christian schools. the lawsuit may fail, but under Equality Act, Christian private schools will be in peril.
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
$3 TRILLION in new taxes
- While initial reports pegged the next round of stimulus at $3 trillion, the Washington Post's Jeff Stein now reports that new spending could top $4 trillion, while new taxes to pay for it - some of which Biden will also unveil Wednesday - could total over $3 trillion.
- About 1/4 of Joe's infrastructure bill for infrastructure
- Dems want "recurring direct payments" of stimulus; ie perpetual living wage
- Schumer's plan to kill filibuster
$3 TRILLION in new taxes
March 30 Feed:
Joe's border crisis
- (Grassfire) Cruz: Border crisis "worst I've seen"
- Surge expected for seven months
- Hannity Open -- Biden's border crisis (video)
- Shannon Breen -- Biden still no plan to visit border (video)
- Ingraham: Biden caught in massive lie (video)
- Mo Brooks -- DEMs using illegal immigration to create a dependent "voter bloc"
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Act tramples on doctors' religious freedoms
- Act threatens parents' rights, children's safety
Act promotes ideology over science
- "As a Catholic, I'm upset by the fact that the bill threatens houses of worship by expanding the definition of public accommodations. Woe to churches that maintain single-sex bathrooms and hosts a food pantry; plaintiffs' lawyers will be lining up to harass them. As an adoptive parent, I'm saddened that faith-based agencies that place children only with married mothers and fathers will be drummed out of the business of finding homes for our hardest-to-place children. The Equality Act explicitly circumvents provisions of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act which were designed to protect religious minorities and ensure religious freedom for all."
- Heritage; 11 Equality Act Myths
- Joe's Never-Ending Spending
March 29 Feed:
Joe's border crisis
- Joe says he doesn't care what Trump does (video)
- DHS preparing for 800k family migrants
- Kamala doesn't follow Joe's weak order
- Maria B airs Ted Cruz border confrontation (video)
Sen. Lankford exposes the crisis
- Even Chris Wallace confronts Biden Border Blackout (video)
- Trump plans to visit the border in next few weeks (video)
- Poll: 57% oppose Joe's border chaos
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Gun Grab
- Joe's Never-Ending Tax & Spending
March 26 Feed:
Joe's Joke-Conference
Joe pathetically struggles to find names of approved reporters to call on (video)
- PHOTO of cheat sheet of which reporters to call on
- More on cheat sheets
- More here on cheat sheets from FoxNews
the FIRST SOFTBALL arrives... (video)
- "How far are you willing to go to achieve those promises that you made to the American people?"
- What is this... North Korean media asking Kim Jong?
- Border question -- Media says they're coming because Joe is "moral" and "decent" (video)
- Joe's brain sputters on filibuster question (video)
- Joe's dumbest line? Tough to choose, but PJ Media picked this
- Takes questions from just TEN OUTLETS from pre-approved list. Says "I'm going" (video)
- Trump: strange questions... softballs (video)
- Hannity-- like watching a train wreck in slow motion (video)
Tucker -- what press conference? (video)
- You've heard the term "pregnant pause." Joe Biden's pauses were third-trimester quintuplets"
Even Chris Wallace notes Joe reading "talking points" (video)
- Covering Ronald Reagan I never saw that... never seen that
- Doocy -- they only allowed "friendly" media questions (video)
- FoxNews fact checks (video)
- Good summary here
- If you dare, watch the whole thing here
Joe pathetically struggles to find names of approved reporters to call on (video)
March 25 Feed:
Joe's Gun Grab
- (Grassfire) Do Americans want gun rights?
- Joe's team argues before SC for "warrentless gun confiscation"
9th Circuit -- Americans have NO right to open carry!
- “The en banc court held that the Second Amendment does not guarantee an unfettered, general right to openly carry arms in public for individual self-defense.”
Joe's border crisis
- Joe turns it over to Kamala
- Joe blames Trump, turns it over to Kamala (video)
- Gallup -- 42 MILLION latinos want to come to U.S.
- Govt now says 130,000 illegals "got away" into US so far this year
Breitbart: only 16 GOP senators on record opposing amnesty
- “Do I have 60 now? I think I’m close,” Durbin said
- Senate Dems block "border crisis" resolution
- Kamala: border is "huge problem" (video)
- Gingrich: it's a "peaceful invasion" (video)
- Hannity: "unmitigated disaster" (video)
FOXNews inside look at migrant children quarters (video)
- cost: $1,000/day/child; 17,000 arrive this month
- housing in military facilities
Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- SHOCK -- Joe looks like SENILE, OLD MAN after turning border crisis over to Kamala (video)
- Joe: "What press conference?"
Joe's been calling lids to prep. What?
- CNN: "Biden’s three-ring binders are typically organized by topic, with tabs separating the sections and the contents typed out in 14-point font. He has read them in the evenings and returned the next day with feedback for his team....
- "So, too, have Biden’s advisers worked to avoid situations that would cause the President’s temper to flare,
- "Part of avoiding that is providing Biden as many potential questions as possible, aides say, in the hopes he feels prepared for whatever might come his way and not be caught off guard in a way that puts him on the defensive.
The Unfit President
- "President Joe Biden is functionally incapable of discharging his duties.
- Joe's Capitol Fence crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Never-Ending Spending
March 24 Feed:
Joe's Gun Grab
Joe calls for ban on "assault weapons" (video)
- "I don't need to wait another minute"
- Blumenthal: GOP "complicit" in shootings
- Schumer calls for Senate vote
- Dems -- shooting means we need to kill filibuster
Tucker on the Gun Grab (video)
- "People surrounded by armed soldiers are telling you you don't have a right to own a gun"
- Gutfeld: Left sided with rioters (Video)
- Ted Cruz in Senate on gun control (video)
- Hawley: we're headed to national gun registry (Video)
- Joe says "get a shot gun" because they are easy. WAtch this (video)
- Gateway Pundit's gun quiz
Joe calls for ban on "assault weapons" (video)
Joe's border crisis
Horrible conditions
- "The family-unit holding cells smell like urine and vomit. Fights break out in the unaccompanied-minor cells. Scabies, lice, the flu, and COVID-19 run rampant. Up to 80 individuals are squeezed into each 24- by 30-foot cell, and there aren’t enough mattresses for everyone. Sheets of plastic divide the rooms.
- State of emergency in AZ town
- Kayleigh: "unprecedented" (video)
- Watters: is the crisis FUNNY? (video)
Cruz: media would have lost their minds if Trump blocked them (Video)
- “If Trump had done this and said ‘no reporters are allowed on the border’ the media would have rightly lost their minds. Too many reporters in the liberal media view their job as Biden cheerleaders”
- Mo Brooks: amnesty will add 100 million in 10-20 years
Horrible conditions
Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe's Capitol Fence crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Never-Ending Spending
- Joe's rising Gas prices
March 23 Feed:
Joe's border crisis
Tucker: Biden has "lost control" of border (Video)
- "A new city of Chicago every year"
- (Grassfire) Trump blasts Biden as border crisis explodes
- Traffickers making $14m per day
- Illegals fly "Biden" flat; no social distancing in sight!
- Biden says he will "reestablish what existed before"; Trump's policies?
- Question: why Ntl Guard in garages while illegals get hotels? (video)
- Kayleigh: press must ask hard questions (video)
- Candace: "this is a border plan" (video)
- Kamala visit border? "Not today" (video)
Tucker: Biden has "lost control" of border (Video)
Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
"lid" called in 1pm hour. no public events
- lids "happen a fair amount"
- Biden Admin now officially "Biden-Harris Administration"
"lid" called in 1pm hour. no public events
- Joe's Capitol Fence crisis
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- LGBTQ groups planning $4 MILLION blitz on Equality Act
Act does not support equality
- "The Equality Act would become the first major piece of legislation in the history of the United States to exclude protections for religious freedom. The bill does not even recognize the sacred rights of religious congregations, communities, or denominations. In fact, it would discriminate against people of faith by adversely affecting religious schools, benevolence organizations, women’s sports, sex specific facilities, and conscience rights.
- A push for "ideological submission"
Joe's Never-Ending Spending
Prepping massive $3 TRILLION spending package
- "Per the NYT, Biden's economic advisers are preparing to recommend spending as much as $3 trillion on an "infrastructure" package that also features some facets of the Green New Deal, and other progressive measures to help "narrow economic inequality."
- McConnell says GOP won't support tax hikes
McConnell says not much GOP support for earmarks
Prepping massive $3 TRILLION spending package
March 22 Feed:
Joe's border crisis
- (Grassfire) Poll: Should Biden blame Trump for border crisis?
Jesse Watters -- this isn't a GOPtalking point (video)
- 6,000 illegals a day; Biden will let 90% remain!
- Children being held too long
- Joe spending $6m PER DAY to stop wall construction
- Joe launches catch and release
TRUMP calls for investigation into Joe's border crisis
- "The only way to end the Biden Border Crisis is for them to admit their total failure and adopt the profoundly effective, proven Trump policies. They must immediately complete the wall, which can be done in a matter of weeks—they should never have stopped it.
- Kayliegh: this is Joe's crisis(video)
- ABC to illegal: why come? Illegal: Because of Joe (video)
- Joe will visit border "at some point" (video)
- Even Chris Wallace objects to media blackout (video)
- Newt Gingrich: entire Left "fantasy world" (video)
- Illegals DROWNING at border
BIG BIZ pushing amnesty
- Amazon, facebook, apple, ibm, target.. everybody
- BETRAYAL: Some in GOP pushing amnesty
- Analysis: is this all a misdirect to keep us shut down?
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe's Never-Ending Spending
March 19 Feed:
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- (Grassfire) Priest: Equality Act "instrument of devil"
- (Grassfire) GOP Senators: Equlity Act "dangerous'
- Graham threatens to block
- Christian college president: it "removes traditional religious freedom protection"
Heritage: would create "classroom bully
- "Could it compel teachers to peddle unscientific notions that gender is “fluid,” or that a student’s subjective self-identity is superior to the biological reality of his or her chromosomal makeup?...Yes."
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
- Joe's Capitol Fence crisis
- Joe's Never-Ending Spending
- Joe's Blundering Foreign Policy
- Becerra confirmed. Sad day for people of faith, unborn.
- Joe cancels O&G lease; gas prices will go up!
March 18 Feed:
- Joe's Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Never-Ending Spending
Joe's border crisis
- Hannity: Biden's Border Crisis (VIDEO)
TUCKER: Report from the Border (video)
- "large gun battle broke out"
- GAG ORDER on Border Agents! (video)
Even MSNBC outraged by border blackout (video)
- no ridealongs, no access, no leaks, interviews denied
- "back to an Obama-era approach"
- NBC: no border crisis!
Joe explains his border policy to Stephy (video)
- (If you can follow Joe's.... well... logic)
- Flashback: Joe urged illegals to "immediately surge to the border" (video)
- Psaki invites all 10-year-olds to cross
- Abbott: invasion will increase "hundredfold"
- Kobach: "this is a planned event"
- BETRAYAL: Graham, others supporting amnesty under "Dignidad" label
- Coulter: GOP moves to save Biden
- IMAGES: Flood of illegals!
- POLL: Working class, swing voters most oppose amnesty
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisisIs anything REAL? Biden's hand passes THRU MIC? (video)
Joe's War Foreign Policy
- Backdoor Climate Change Policy
March 17 Feed:
Joe's Never-Ending Spending
Schumer on why $50k school loan forgiveness "makes sense"
- but what about those who paid off loans and didn't buy houses/cars?
- Stimulus BANNED state-level tax cuts!
Schumer on why $50k school loan forgiveness "makes sense"
Joe's End of Filibuster
- Schumer: we'll break the filibuster (video)
- Joe wants filibuster gone
McConnell promises "scorched earth" Senate if filibuster broken
- video
- “As soon as Republicans wound up back in the saddle, we wouldn’t just erase every liberal change that hurt the country....“We’d strengthen America with all kinds of conservative policies with zero input from the other side....“Nationwide right-to-work for working Americans. Defunding Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities on day one.... A whole new era of domestic energy production. Sweeping new protections for conscience and the right to life of the unborn... Concealed-carry reciprocity in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Massive hardening of security on
- Would require a "quorum" to shut down Dems
- WSJ applauds...
- Analysis: McConnell was faking it
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
Equality Act
- (Grassfire) Senate Equality Act hearing imminent
Priest: Act is "instrument of devil"
- “The Equality Act is an instrument of the devil,” he concluded. “It comes straight from hell in order to bind the hands and the mouths of good people who seek to speak the truth.”
- “It will threaten everyday speech where people can be fined or lose their jobs for using the wrong name or even the wrong pronoun. I can be charged with hate speech by preaching the Gospel from this pulpit.”
March 16 Feed:
Joe's Coming Tax Hike
Bartiromo -- MASSIVE TAX HIKE COMING! (video)
- $4t increase
- Would create 62.7% TOP business tax rate!
- Next boondoggle $2-4 TRILLION with tax increases
- More details here
- Total COVID relief could have given every taxpayer $41k
- Sen. Hardin caught: will use reconciliation again! (video)
Schumer again pushing $50k student loan bailout
- Will make reconciliation as broad as possible
- "we are exploring the ways to use budget reconciliation, and we are trying to make it as flexible and as broad as possible so we can do many different kinds of things.
Bartiromo -- MASSIVE TAX HIKE COMING! (video)
- Joe's border crisis
Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
Joe takes ONE question (Video)
- urges us to take the jab, wear mask
- Pelosi-- no plans yet for SOUA
Joe takes ONE question (Video)
- Joe's Capitol Fence crisis
March 15 Feed:
- Overview of Congress' short-term agenda
- Joe's "Equality" Act
- Joe's Cuomo Crisis
Joe's Gun Grab
Joe's Never-Ending Spending
Analysis: "End to four decades of Reaganism"
- " We're in a new era when an ongoing crisis justifies any number of drastic new measures enacted by governments. To question this, the media and the pundits insist, constitutes "denying science" or "wanting grandma to die." The only question now is how long this new era of enbridled government expansion will last. "
- Joe now planning TAX HIKE
Analysis: "End to four decades of Reaganism"
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis
March 12 Feed:
Joe's bizarre address
- HANNITY blasts Joe for taking credit for vaccine (video)
- Tucker "very strange, surreal" (video)
Kayleigh McEnany SLAMS speech (video)
- Watch here
- Stumbles out of gate.... "Tolight..."
- TRUST GOV! “Put trust and faith in our government to fulfill its most important function, which is to protect the American people,"
- THREATS MORE LOCKDOWNS..."Unity is what we do together as fellow Americans. Because if we don’t stay vigilant and the conditions change, then we may have to reinstat
e restrictions to get back on track,” - MORE GUIDELINES COMING: "“Fourth, in the coming weeks, we will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated to lessen the confusion, to keep people safe, and encourage more people to get vaccinated.”
- When will things "get back to normal"? Well, maybe... (virus)
"Good chance" for small July 4 celebrations. (video)
- “If we do al this, if we do our part, if we do this together, by July the fourth, there’s a good chance you, your families, and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout or a barbeque and celebrate Independence Day... That doesn’t mean large events with lots of people together, but it does mean small groups will be able to get together
- Good analysis here
- Joe's Cuomo Crisis
Joe's border crisis
- Joe's Capitol Fence crisis
- Joe's Gun Purge
- Equality Act
March 11 Feed:
Boondoggle FOREVER!
- (Grassfire) Passing Boondoggle only the beginning
- BIDEN will unveil NEXT PHASE of boondoggle today!
WSJ -- just a "taste of what's coming"
- "One lesson from the Covid non-fight is that there are no Democratic moderates in Congress. The party base has moved so sharply left that even swing-state Members are more liberal than many liberals in the Clinton years.
- Total cost so far -- $69k PER FAMILY!
- Tuberville: a 'heist of taxpayer money" (video)
- Bannon: most radical bill in four decades
Joe's border crisis
- Psaki laughs about "children all in tight quarters" (Video)
- Joe opens kids' cages Trump closed
Even CBS News now reporting (video)
- CBS finally what LibertyNEWS already reported!
- Doocy -- coincidence that surge happens with Biden? (video)
- Mexico's president: Biden is "migrant president"
- Zuckerberg's org -- DON'T TALK ABOUT JOBS!
- Pat Buchanan -- an "existential crisis"
Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis -
Joe's Capitol Fence crisis
Time to end Biden Occupation!
- It is now overwhelmingly clear that the only thing the Capitol troops are “protecting” is a Democratic political offensive against supporters of President Trump.
- Two more months (at least)
Joe's Cuomo Crisis
- Equality Act
- Becerra confirmation battle -- four years of culture wars
March 10 Feed:
$1.9t Boondoggle
- (Grassfire) Dems using pandemic to push Boondoggle
- Dem admits there's waste (video)
- Bill Gates group gets $3.5 BILLION! ("Global Fund" page 613 and 628)
WSJ breakdown
- LARGEST EXPANSION of welfare states since LBJ
- "The Journal reports that only $50 billion, or 7% of the $1.9 trillion price tag, is directed at testing and contact tracing, and only $16 billion is earmarked for vaccine distribution. Most of the rest consists of state bailouts, student-debt relief and various income-redistribution schemes involving tax credits, health-insurance subsidies and unemployment benefits.
- Actually, it's $8 TRILLION
Dems BAN states from CUTTING TAXES!
The bill explicitly bars states from cutting taxes. States “shall not use the funds,” the bill says, “to either directly or indirectly [our emphasis] offset a reduction in the net tax revenue” that results “from a change in law, regulation, or administrative interpretation during the covered period that reduces any tax (by providing for a reduction in a rate, a rebate, a deduction, a credit, or otherwise) or delays the imposition of any tax or tax increase.”
- Analysis: Stimulus FOREVER!
- DEEP DIVE: Cut poverty? That's a LIE!
- Pelosi almost promises MORE STIMULUS!
Joe's border crisis
- “We’ve already surpassed in the first four months of this fiscal year. We’ve already surpassed all of 2018. If the flow continues at the rate it is here, by the end of this fiscal year, we will have surpassed ‘18, ‘19, and ‘20, all combined.”
100,000 illegals in FOUR WEEKS
- Psaki avoids "numbers" about border crisis (video)
- 3,200 kids being held
- LIndsey Graham warns "worst is yet to come" (video)
- FLASHBACK 2014: Biden blamed "reckless" parents; blamed other countries
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis:
- Joe's Capitol Fence crisis
- Equality Act
- "Made-up lie"; will even mess up crime statistics!
March 9 Feed:
March 8 Feed:
$1.9t Boondoggle
- (Grassfire) Boondoggle Passes Senate
WSJ -- the Covid welfare state
- "Only a small part of what Democrats passed is for pandemic or economic relief. It’s mainly a way station on their high-speed train to a cradle-to-grave welfare-entitlement state.
- "All of this arrives when the Covid vaccine rollout is accelerating, the economy is recovering at a rapid pace, and the national jobless rate is already down to 6.2%. The goal of this Democratic program isn’t Covid relief. The point is to expand and solidify the role of government as the guarantor of every American’s income unlinked to any obligation to work.
- Cruz exposes FACT that boondoggle does send checks to illegal
- Biden STUMBLES OVER WORDS to explain. Really bad. (video)
- Lindsey Graham: God help us (Video)_
WPost: "seismic shifts" in politics
- "seismic shifts in American politics — the most dramatic of which may be the apparent impact of the pandemic on attitudes about the role of government in helping the economy.
- OMAR not happy; sending money to less people than Trump (video)
- House to vote Tuesday on final bill. details...
Joe's border crisis
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis:
Joe was just kidding (Video)
March 4 Feed:
$1.9t Boondoggle
- (Grassfire) Dems living high on the hog with BOONDOGGLE
- Sen. Johnson: We'll read the entire "BOONDOGGLE" on Senate floor!
- Red states LOSE, blue states GET THE PORK!
- McConnell: bill "wildly out of proportion" (video)
$350 BILLION in PORK for cities and states!
- Map shows how much your city/state will get
- (example: Norfolk, VA gets $112 MILLION)
Joe's border crisis
- Hannity expose (video)
- Joe's pullback creating "roads of cartels"
Study: Joe will import California-sized population
- " In a 10-year period, altogether, the legislation will have brought more than 37.3 million foreign nationals to the U.S. — just two million less than the population of California."
- 108 illegals test positive for covid
- AG nominee Garland won't commit to prosecuting illegals
- Illegals wear nice, new "Biden let us in" t-shirts (where did they get them?)
- Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis:
March 3 Feed:
$1.9t Boondoggle
- (Grassfire) "Washington at its worst"
- (Exclusive): Govt. spending damaging to private sector investment
- Under the guise of pandemic relief, the federal government would give a nonworking single parent with two preschool-age children and one in grade school $850 a month. This would come on top of other government benefits, including $680 a month in food stamps, amounting to $18,360 in combined annual income. That’s the equivalent, without accounting for taxes, of working 28 hours a week at $12.50 an hour. On top of that, the family would receive health insurance from Medicaid, and it may also receive housing and child-care assistance.
- The bill would provide the new benefit for only one year, but the Washington Post reports that “congressional Democrats and White House officials have said they would push for the policy to be made permanent later in the year.”
- Note: if health insurance, housing and child-care amount to another $1k/month, then parent gets $30k BEFORE TAXES for not working. Assuming overall 20% taxes, we're nearing $40k annual ($20/hr) UBI for not working
- "Pelosi's $190m personal railway?
- Analysis: will imprison millennials in government dependency
- Joe's border crisis
Joe's "Biden Hiden" crisis:
- 41 days.... Where's Joe? (McEnaney video)
- Perino hammers (video)
- Won't disclose virtual guests
Dying in Darkness
- refusing to publish his schedule, hiding visitor logs from the public, and deleting the White House pages for comments and public petitions.
- Joe's Capitol Fence crisis
- Equality Act
March 2 Feed:
- Joe's $1.9 Trillion Boondoggle
- DeSantis trashes it (video)
- Dems fast-tracking; Sendate debate Wednesday; final votes Thursday
- Rob Portman (video): ""It’s $1.9 trillion, more than half of it won’t even be spent in this calendar year ... So how could it be about COVID relief? No one expects a year from now that we’ll be in the COVID crisis we are in now," GOP Senator Rob Portman told ABC's "This Week."
- Sanders will force vote on $15 minimum wage
- Cruz: Dems trying to ram through their vision (video)
Joe's permanent remake of elections on floor of House today
- WSJ -- HR 1 would make "every election like 2020"
Joe's anti-Equality Act is BAD
- Making gender identity a protected class would "discredit the idea that sex is binary, that men and women are different
- Joe still has no plans for a press conference
Joe's illegal immigration policy: come, just give us more time to get ready
Joe will.. then won't... then will forgive $50k student loan debts
March 1 Feed:
Joe has another senior moment (video)
- "I'm gonna lose track here..."
- "I'm gonna lose track here..."
February 26 Feed:
- Joe attacks Syria...
Equality Act passes House
- “Should this bill become law, the wellbeing of our children, the role of parents, the privacy and safety of vulnerable women, the competitive edge of female athletes, the livelihoods of charities and businesses, and the integrity of our healthcare system will all be jeopardized. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.”
- 7 Radical demands in Act
Within TWO VOTES of Senate passage?
- "Eight Republicans voted for it in 2019.... It would need at least 10 Republicans to vote with all Democrats to advance the bill"
WSJ: Will kill 8 MILLION JOBS!
- "The bill would create one of the largest expansions in government welfare benefits since the birth of the modern welfare state....
- "In Kansas, a family of four with two unemployed adults who had earned U.S. median wages could get paid, including the Biden add-on package, the after-tax equivalent of more than $135,000 on an annual basis without working an hour.
- "The combination of benefits are likely to reduce employment by five million to seven million jobs. The $15 minimum wage, if it stays in the bill, would bring the total to more than eight million.
- Senate Parlaimentarian: CAN'T include $15 minimum wage
- SD Kristi Noem: bill a bailout for Biden cronies (video)
WSJ: Will kill 8 MILLION JOBS!
- Joe claims Trump left "mess" with no vaccine plan (video)
- Joe's illegal invasion
- GOP voters' #1 issue
Tucker -- what's the real number of illegals in U.S.? 11 million? or more? (video)
- estimate was 11m in 2005; same today. what? real number? around 22 million but as much as 29 million
Each illegal COSTS us $93,000
- $1.87 TRILLION for 20 million illegals
- $1.87 TRILLION for 20 million illegals
February 25 Feed:
- Joe's Equality Act
- Joe's $1.9t BOONDOGGLE
- Joe's Migrant Crisis
- Joe's SOU address? Will he do one?
- Joe cancels Trump policy removing illegal alien sex offenders. What?!
Joe's HHS nominee Becerra can't name EVEN ONE abortion restriction he would support (video)
- wouldn't even support ban against abortion Down's Syndrome babies or sex-selective abortions
Joe's friends don't want him to have nuclear authority (Hannity video)
February 24 Feed:
oh gosh. almost feel bad for poor Joe (Video)
- "these millstones no longer mark our national mourning"
- Equality Act
- Tomi Laren exposes list of pork (video)
Politico on GOP opposition
- “If it’s in its current contours, it’s hard to see many, if any, Republicans being for it,” said Senate Minority Whip John Thune
Susan Collins opposing
- "the White House seems wedded to a figure that really can't be justified given the hundreds of billions of dollars that are still in the pipeline from the December [$900 billion coronavirus relief] bill,”
- Migrant Centers or Caging of Children? (Fox News video)
- Joe stumbles even with a cheat sheet (video)
- Joe advocates for child sex change through Ass.Secretary of Health
- Dems now pushing dangerous election-rigging bill (H.R. 1)
Joe wants to increase corporate taxes which will cost 159k jobs
- Such a tax hike would "increase the cost of investment in America" and "reduce long-run economic output by 0.8 percent, eliminate 159,000 jobs, and reduce wages by 0.7 percent."
- Such a tax hike would "increase the cost of investment in America" and "reduce long-run economic output by 0.8 percent, eliminate 159,000 jobs, and reduce wages by 0.7 percent."
February 23 Feed:
(Grassfire) his war on women and Christians is here...
- "On June 8, 2019, Grassfire specifically noted that a Joe Biden administration would immediately begin pushing their LGBTQ agenda down the throats of Christian Americans. Here's what Grassfire wrote more than 18 months ago: 'This week, leading Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden announced his TOP PRIORITY if elected President. And Christians beware!'"
- More on Equality Act here
- No solo press conferences to date (none planned yet)
- unfortunate slip of the tongue during speech
- economic policy could destroy households (Tucker: video)
nominates radical BACERRA as HHS secretary, hearings this week
- “has proven himself to be an enemy of the health of women and the unborn.”
HHS nominee Rachel Levine advocates for sex changes for children
- According to Levine, children ought to be given the latitude to choose their own gender. Levine has advised adults to “try not to force them one way or other [sic]” and instead to follow the child’s lead.
- on illegal immigration...
nominee Garland "hasn't thought about" whether illegal entry should be a crime. WHAT?! (video)
- Also doubles down on 1/6 breachers (video)
nominee Garland "hasn't thought about" whether illegal entry should be a crime. WHAT?! (video)
- $1.9b spending BOONDOGGLE
- Jesse Watters: "liberal wish list" (video)
WSJ: boondoggle
- "a progressive blowout for the ages that does little for the economy but will finance Democratic interest groups for years. Please don’t call it Covid relief."
- McCarththy -- only 9% of bill is actually for covid relief (video)
- 600 pages, $ for "disadvantaged farmers... family planning"
- still sneaking in $15 minimum wage!
- uphill battle to stop it
- deficit ALREADY highest % since WWII
February 22 Feed:
- claims there was no vaccine plan "four weeks ago" (video)
ends "America First" foreign policy
- (transcript) "I know the past few years have strained and tested our trans-Atlantic relationship, but the United States is determined -- determined to reengage with Europe, to consult with you, to earn back our position of trusted leadership."
- already causes border crossings to increase fivefold
Gutfeld exposes "boring Joe's" radical strategy (video)
February 19 Feed:
- takes "snow day" (hannity video)
- restarting talks with Iran
- amnesty for 11m
sneaking $15 minimum wage into reconciliation
- House vote next week then to Senate
February 18 Feed:
February 17 Feed:
- Team Biden Chronicles
February 16 Feed:
- pushing bill for 11m illegals to get citizenship
- has yet to call Bibi
- pushes "existential threat of climate change"
- Meanwhile, texas freezes
Tucker exposes GREEN NEW DEAL (video)
- 25% of all TX electricity comes from wind, then the windmills froze!
February 15 Feed:
February 12 Feed:
- allows flood of UNVACCINATED illegals to cross
tells us to "wear masks through next year" (video)
- “You know that wearing this mask through the next year here can save lives, a significant number of lives,”
- speaks in virtue show of mask wearing while laboring to breathe....
- Psaki says he's "eager" to take on NRA
February 11 Feed:
February 10 Feed:
- trips at Air Force One (video)
- forget women's sports: trans rights are human rights (video)
- redefines re-opened schools: 50% open 1 day/week
and working to permanent rig elections (S.1 HR.1)
- "These bills rearrange the relationship between the states and the federal government.
February 9 Feed:
- his $15 minimum wage would cost 1.4m jobs
- reads from script in call with "ordinary american"
- PS can't answer when green jobs will be available (video)
February 8
- makes creepy Super Bowl appearance -- wear mask, get vaccine (video)
- $250-$1500 fines for violating mask order
- reinstates "catch and release" at border
February 5
- $6 trillion budget -- $4 trillion deficit!
- $1.9t stimulus with no GOP votes
- student loan debt forgiveness next? $50k/person (another cool $1trillion in deficit spending)
- vows flood of 110k more refugees next year
- evidence he's ending HS women's sports
February 4
- wants to give masks to all Americans
- McConnell forcing tough votes in Senate
his guy Bernie says how much trillions doesn't matter (video)
- "I know sometimes we get consumed by numbers. It's going to be $2.1 trillion, $1.9 trillion, $1.7 trillion. That is not the issue."
- his man Kerry: private jet "only choice for somebody like me" (video)
February 3
February 2
- press secretary endorses censoring of Trump (video)
- Meets with 10 "moderate" GOP senators on covid bill
- Here are the 10: Along with Collins, Cassidy and Romney, the letter was signed by Senators Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Rob Portman of Ohio, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Todd Young of Indiana, Jerry Moran of Kansas, Thom Tillis of North Carolina, and Mike Rounds of South Dakota.
- video
February 1
- Working to end 2A? (video)
- reverses Trump spending cuts
- list of his executive orders
- can pass new stimulus without GOP
- gay pride flags at all U.S. embassies
- D.C. statehood will be pushed
January 29
- 40 executive orders in 9 days
- Permanent Border Wall... around U.S. Capitol!
- term "illegal alien" banned
- COVID tests for domestic air travel!
- Dems now recruiting GOP senators for amnesty deal
- climate envoy Kerry says we have "nine years left"
- gets schooled by Putin
- will push "relief" bill without GOP votes
January 28
Banning conservatives from white house briefings?
- "Organizations or individuals who traffic in conspiracy theories, propaganda and lies to spread disinformation will not be tolerated,” TJ Ducklo, Biden’s deputy press secretary, said in a statement"
- Bans term "china virus"
- Forms commission on Supreme Court reform
- Rescinds ban on taxpayer funded overseas abortions
- Kerry tells energy workers to "make solar panels" (video)
- DC statehood push starts
January 27
- Bans term "China virus"
- Stops Trump's border wall
- Stops oil leases on federal lands
America "morally deprived" (video)
- "We’re not just a nation of morally deprived because of systemic racism. We’re also less prosperous. We’re less successful. We’re less secure."
Says "1776 Commission" is "offensive" and "counterfactual"
- Read the report here
- Leaves press secretary having to "circle back" alot (video)
January 26
- Tubman on the $20
- Herd immunity GOOD (now) video
- Senate will use "Budget Reconciliation"
- Will the filibuster survive? McConnell is gambling that it will...
January 25
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