Archive of Liberty News' "MAY 2021" Feeds...
Below is a compilation of the LNews daily feeds related to the effort to MARCH 2021 our nation of President Trump, Trump supporters, and anyone who has an opinion differing from the ruling Oligarchs. (For the LN daily feed, go here)
May 27 Feed:
Top Feeds
- BIDEN SHUT DOWN Covid lab origin investigation (video)
- Gutfeld -- media covering up their coverup of Covid lab origin (video)
- Best read: Joe met with Hunter and shady biz associates
Best read #2 Immunity from being infected may "last a lifetime"
- LN -- NYT (probably begrudgingly) admits natural immunity is BETTER. Read how they admit that the jabbed will "most likely" need more jabs, but only a "minority" of the infected will need jabs:
- "Together, the studies suggest that most people who have recovered from Covid-19 and who were later immunized will not need boosters. Vaccinated people who were never infected most likely will need the shots, however, as will a minority who were infected but did not produce a robust immune response.
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Wuhan Lab Origin
Tucker -- Joe SHUT DOWN Covid lab origin investigation (video)
Original CNN article that broke the story
- Joe "shut down a closely-held State Department effort launched late in the Trump administration to prove the coronavirus originated in a Chinese lab over concerns about the quality of its work, according to three sources familiar with the decision.
- NYPOST article
Original CNN article that broke the story
- So Joe announces "review"
WSJ -- Joe covering up for shutting down investigataion
- "Mr. Biden is trying to cover for his embarrassing closure of the investigation because the dam has finally broken on the evidence that the virus may have escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). The shame is that it took so long because the suspicious facts have been apparent from the start.
- Sen. Graham -- doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure this out (Video)
- SEnate passes bill demanding transparency
- Pompeo -- "enormous evidence" in May 2020
- Trump -- I had no doubt about lab orgin (video)
- Mollie Hemingway-- this is what we knew a year ago (video)
- Gutfeld -- media covering up their coverup of lab origin (video)
- Rand Paul -- Keep Fauci away from investigation (video)
- NYT covid reporter caught calling lab origin theory "racist"
- LN -- Not to pat ourselves on the back, but Grassfire and LibertyNEWS have consistently provided to our readers information about the Lab origin theory to our readers -- information that has been BANNED for a year on traditional media. We need your help so we can help keep YOU on the frontlines of the REAL NEWS. Go here to support LibertyNEWS.
Tucker -- Joe SHUT DOWN Covid lab origin investigation (video)
- 1/6 Witch Hunt
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe's Law & Order Crisis
Joe's Hunter Crisis
Joe met with Hunter and shady biz associates
- "Joe Biden met with Ukrainian, Russian and Kazakhstani business associates of his son’s at a dinner in Washington, DC, while he was vice president, records on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop show.... At the time, Burisma was paying Hunter $83,333 a month to sit on its board.
Joe met with Hunter and shady biz associates
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
Will doctors be forced to perform sex change operations?
- “In some ways, this announcement on Monday (May 10) goes further than the contraception mandate because it’s not just that you have to cover gender transition procedures in your health insurance plan, it’s also that you have to perform the procedures yourself as a doctor in the hospital,”
- USA TODAY edits op-ed from CT teen bout unfairness of transgender athletes
Will doctors be forced to perform sex change operations?
- Joe's Anti-Semitism Crisis
- Trump and People push back
Election Watch
- Jovan Hutton Pulitzer’s Method of Validating Votes by Concentrating on the Paper Ballots May Save the Union
- Dominion Blames “Human Error” For Voting Machines Mislabeling Republican Ballots in PA County
- Arizona Rep. Mark Finchem Op-Ed: The Left Is So Convinced Biden Won the 2020 Election They Are Fighting Against a Forensic Audit in AZ
- How Zuck engineered the election
- Critical Race Theory
- Media/Tech bias
Johns Hopkins Prof -- 1/2 Americans have natural immunity
- “There is more data on natural immunity than there is on vaccinated immunity, because natural immunity has been around longer,” Makary emphasised. “We are not seeing reinfections, and when they do happen, they’re rare. Their symptoms are mild or are asymptomatic,” the professor added.
Ivermectin-- the drug that cracked covid
- "Because of ivermectin, Capuzzo says, there are “hundreds of thousands, actually millions, of people around the world, from Uttar Pradesh in India to Peru to Brazil, who are living and not dying.” Yet media outlets have done all they can to “debunk” the notion that ivermectin may serve as an effective, easily accessible and affordable treatment for Covid-19.
Immunity from being infected may "last a lifetime"
- LN -- NYT (probably begrudgingly) admits natural immunity is BETTER. Read how they admit that the jabbed will "most likely" need more jabs, but only a "minority" of the infected will need jabs:
- "Together, the studies suggest that most people who have recovered from Covid-19 and who were later immunized will not need boosters. Vaccinated people who were never infected most likely will need the shots, however, as will a minority who were infected but did not produce a robust immune response.
Johns Hopkins Prof -- 1/2 Americans have natural immunity
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- (Exclusive) Eisenhower predicted face science, lockdowns
- SPECIAL ON SATURDAY: DeSantis: Florida v. Lockdowns (PREVIEW)
- MASKerade
The Jab...
- Joe turns to SnapChat to push jab
- Fed govt. ENDORSES Jab Lotteries
Berenson -- Jab risk to young people is REAL
- "the public health experts insist that post-vaccine myocarditis cases in young people are occurring at normal background rates. THIS IS FALSE. I normally give myself wriggle room, but the data are unequivocal. THEY ARE NOT TELLING THE TRUTH...
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Fire Fauci
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
May 26 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Fauci defends lab funding; GOP says FIRE FAUCI
- Shocking details of gender dysphoria crisis (video)
- Best read:
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
1/6 Witch Hunt
- "The earliest the bill will be available for an initial vote is Thursday, absent an agreement from senators to speed things up. The Senate is currently in the middle of an intense debate over legislation aimed at combating China's competitiveness, but Schumer also began to wind down that bill on Tuesday night paving the way for the Senate to move on to the January 6 legislation.
- Romney supports; Schumer pledges vote
- Murk a yes also
Wuhan Lab Origin
- Trump on lab origin (video)
- Rand Paul -- "Great Deal Of Evidence" on Wuhan Lab Origin (video)
- Rand Paul -- Fauci perjured himself before congress (video)
- Fauci confirms $600k US funds went to Wuhan lab
- CNN blames Trump for lab theory not being taken seriously (video)
- WPost all "lab theory"; forgets what it wrote last year
- Psaki pressed on Wuhan Lab origin (videos)
- Chris Cuomo -- GOP pushing lab theory is racist
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe's Race and Law & Order Crisis
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Trump and People push back
- WSJ -- a reason to ban cryptocurrency
- Election Watch
- Great Reset
Critical Race Theory Indoctrination
- VA school board member is fighting (video)
- (Grassfire) Marxist BLM flag to fly over U.S. consulates?
NYC Brearley private school parent interview with Tucker (Video)
- Parent Andrew Gutmann's letter exposing CRT bias
- More military woke indoctrination: JSOC encouraged to get retrained
- TN bans CRT teaching
Book exposes flaws in 1619 theory of America
- Mr. Woodson writes that his goal is not to offer point-by-point rebuttals. Rather, he wants to “debunk the myth that present-day problems are related to our past . . . specifically, debunking the myth that slavery is the source of present-day disparities and injustice.”
- 1776 PROJECT PAC website
- END OF THE MASKERAGE -- Mask mandates and use not associated with slower C19 spread
First man to get jab dies.... of stroke
- LN-- A snapshot of the entire covid crisis, in a way. Median age at death from covid is around 80, which is about average life expectancy. We wonder if he had had actual covid if this would have been called a covid death
Ron Paul -- How Texas killed covid crisis
- “no evidence that the reopening affected the rate of new COVID-19 cases in the five-week period following the reopening. ...State-level COVID-19 mortality rates were unaffected by the March 10 reopening."
- COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
May 25 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Tucker: Covid came from lab and FAUCI LIED (VIDEO)
- Best read: God Save the Clarence Thomas Court
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Wuhan Lab Origin Gains Momentum
- Tucker: Covid came from lab and FAUCI LIED (VIDEO)
- UK govt. -- explore all possible theories
- Joe won't support a U.S.-led probe
- WSJ deep dive on lab origin
- CNN idiot blames Trump for media ignoring lab origin possibility
- DeSantis:will they now censor Fauci? (video)
- Vox is stealth editing old articles debunking lab origin theory
- Even Scott Gottleib leans to lab origin (video)
- Fauci flips again -- covid natural origin
Memo shows State Department officially promotes BLM
- " The Department supports the use of the term ‘Black Lives Matter’ in messaging content, speeches, and other diplomatic engagements with foreign audiences to advance racial equity and access to justice on May 25 and beyond (italics added) We encourage posts to focus on the need to eliminate systemic racism and its continued impact.”
- "This cable constitutes a blanket written authorization for calendar year 2021 from the Under Secretary for Management (M) to display the BLM flag on the external-facing flagpole to any Chiefs of Mission who determine such a display is appropriate in light of local conditions.
- More here
- Tucker on State Department support of BLM (video)
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joes Anti-Semitism Crisis
- Joe's Race and Law & Order Crisis
- Joe's Hidin Biden Crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
Joe's Tax, Spending and Inflation crisis
Expert warns of hyper inflation in '22
- "I think we are eventually headed into a hyperinflationary economic collapse. It’s not that we haven’t been in an economic collapse already, we are coming back some now. . . . The Fed has been creating money at a pace that has never been seen before. You are basically up 75% (in money creation) year over year. This is unprecedented. Normally, it might be up 1% or 2% year over year. The exploding money supply will lead to inflation. I am not saying we are going to get to 75% inflation—yet, but you are getting up to the 4% or 5% range, and you are soon going to be seeing 10% range year over year. . . . The Fed has lost control of inflation.”
Expert warns of hyper inflation in '22
Trump and People push back
- 23 states REJECT Joe's pandemic unemployment payouts
- DeSantis pushes back against Big Tech Censorship with new law (video)
Trump on '24 and coming new platform
- "Highly respected pollster John McLaughlin says 73% of all Republicans want Trump to run again in 2024 and Republican primary voters would support him 82%-13%. Even the Washington Post has just reported “All Republican Roads Lead to Mar-a-Lago.”
- Sen. Graham challenges RINOS, gives full support for Trump, America First (video)
- 18 states fight ban on Mt. Rushmore July 4 fireworks
- Notre Dame community reject Joe
God Save the Clarence Thomas Court
- "Today the changes on the court have left Justice Thomas uniquely empowered. First, the new conservative majority now requires two defections for the liberals to triumph. Second, as the associate justice with the most seniority, it falls to Justice Thomas to assign the majority opinion when the chief justice comes down on the dissenting side.
- Election Watch
Critical Race Theory/BLM
Memo shows State Department officially promotes BLM
- " The Department supports the use of the term ‘Black Lives Matter’ in messaging content, speeches, and other diplomatic engagements with foreign audiences to advance racial equity and access to justice on May 25 and beyond (italics added) We encourage posts to focus on the need to eliminate systemic racism and its continued impact.”
- "This cable constitutes a blanket written authorization for calendar year 2021 from the Under Secretary for Management (M) to display the BLM flag on the external-facing flagpole to any Chiefs of Mission who determine such a display is appropriate in light of local conditions.
- More here
- Tucker on State Department support of BLM (video)
- Amazon's donation to BLM tie to convicted terrorist
- 1776 commission pushes back against CRT
- New 1776 project PAC to support those who fight CRT at local level
WSJ on CRT race bias at Harvard and in America
- "In America today the principle that drove the civil-rights movement—equality for all—is fast giving way to the view that race must be a dominant factor in every decision from college admission to eligibility for a federal farm program to the makeup of corporate boards to who gets priority for a Covid vaccine.
Memo shows State Department officially promotes BLM
Media/Tech bias
- Facebook censoring those who resist the jab? (expose video)
- How sports killed the covid hysteria
- Sound thoughts on Covid and the jab from Dr. Ted
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- MASKerade
The Jab...
- Joe and Tony's cringy pro-jab promo video
- 17-year-old teen sick after jab; previously had covid
- Berenson -- why the rush to throw out natural immunity?
18 cases of heart problems in young people in ONE STATE!
- "At least 18 teens and young adults in Connecticut have shown symptoms of heart problems after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, acting health commissioner Dr. Deirdre Gifford said Monday.
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
May 24 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Did Covid start in a lab? We explore
- Best read: Unjabbed driving economy, not the jabbed!
- OSHA eliminates jab reporting requirement!!!
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Fauci admits lab origin possible
- Still confident in natural origin? "No actually. "I am not convinced about that, I think we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we continue to find out to the best of our ability what happened."
- video
- Fauci's about face --- when he "crushed" Trump saying it came from Wuhan
- Trump called this out in April 2020 (video)
- Wuhan lab workers were sick in Nov 2019. No duh
- WSJ article on sick staff
- Watch Jim Jordan grill for answers (video)
- Levin interview on media's cover up of origin story (video)
Fauci admits lab origin possible
- The 1/6 commission
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's Hunter Crisis
Hunter took 23 trips through military base
- "Despite this evidence that there was not an “absolute wall” between Hunter and Joe when it comes to business endeavors, the establishment press has shown little interest in exploring whether Hunter was actually leveraging his father’s power to enrich himself.
- Nunes -- proof of corruption
Hunter took 23 trips through military base
- Joe's Anti-Semitism Crisis
Joe's Foreign Policy Crisis
- (Exclusive) Can Joe redeem himself on Ukraine policy?
Joe's double-talk on Israel (video)
- Supports Israel but pushes two-state solution
- Joe's Race and Law & Order Crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Tax, Spending and Inflation crisis
- (Exclusive) Joe's Vaccine Heist
Joe's Hunter Crisis
- The Purge
- Trump and People push back
- Thriving in Exile
- Election Watch
- Childhood covid hospitalizations overcounted
Flu more lethal than covid for kids
- 19-20 flu: 434 deaths; 19-21 covid: 295 deaths (
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- SHUTDOWN drops fertility rate to all-time low
- MASKerade
The Jab...
- OSHA eliminates jab reporting requirement!!!
Unjabbed driving economy, not the jabbed!
- "Vaccinated consumers were less likely to go out to restaurants, salons and entertainment venues than those who don’t plan to get the vaccine, April spending and survey data from market-research firm show.
- "People who aren’t vaccinated, on the other hand, tend to be more risk tolerant and are already living a relatively normal life, Mr. Fung added. “As places open up, they’re the ones leading the charge
Govt. -- Jab makes us more attractive! (video)
- Celebrating dating sites that favor the jabbed
- Oregon's $1m jab lottery
Rand Paul says NO JAB
- “Until they show me evidence that people who have already had the infection are dying in large numbers, or being hospitalized or getting very sick, I just made my own personal decision that I’m not getting vaccinated because I’ve already had the disease and I have natural immunity,”
Rand is correct:
- robust immunity and jabbing previously infected increases adverse events by 50%
- Jab linked to heart problems in the young?
Shutdown FOREVER!
Fear of COVID ENGRAINED in minds!
- "Up to one in five is believed to have developed a “compulsive and disproportionate” fear of Covid, which would likely stay in place even if the virus disappeared completely
Fear of COVID ENGRAINED in minds!
Misc Don't Miss
- Phil wins PGA
Tesla's Stupid Truck now has POP-UP camper attachment (video)
- LN -- Will the lovefest with Musk have no end?
- Beautiful view of earth from space station (video)
- CATCH OF THE YEAR -- girls softball (video)
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
May 21 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Hatred for Israel EXPLODES on NYC streets (video)
- Best read: Structural Antisemitism is real
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
The Left's Hatred Of Jews
- (Grassfire) Poll on Israel under siege
- Structural Antisemitism is real
- NYC Jewish man beaten (video)
- Fox News -- scary time to be Jewish
- Netanyahu -- Iran is funding this (video)
- Analysis: why does the Left seem to hate Israel?
- Mitch -- half of Dems hostile to Israel
Five facts about the conflict
- Number 4 -- Progressive Democrats Have No Idea What They’re Talking About
Vax Pass Begins!
- Oregon -- must prove jab to enter businesses
Pelosi calls for Vax Pass -- can't trust honor system
- “What is this, the honor system?” She continued, “The honor system, as to whether someone has been vaccinated? Do you want them breathing in your face on the strength of their honor?”
- CA -- county requires businesses report Jab status of employees
- MTGreene -- Pelosi can't force anyoneto take the jab
- 1/6 commission
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe's Hidin Biden crisis
Joe's Tax, Spending and Inflation crisis
Joe and SEnate GOP negotiations critical stage
- "Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell reiterated Thursday on Fox News that tax hikes on corporations or the wealthiest Americans are nonstarters. Republicans are unwilling to undo their signature domestic accomplishment with Trump, the 2017 tax cuts, which reduced the corporate rate from 35% to 21%. Biden proposes lifting the corporate tax to 28%.
WSJ -- this is bad; GOP talking money, not policies
- One question Republicans should consider is how much more infrastructure spending is even needed. Congress has already shovelled out hundreds of billions of dollars for public transit, housing, airports and broadband in the past year.
16 million still on Govt. dole!
- 2x pre-pandemic levels
Joe and SEnate GOP negotiations critical stage
- The Purge
- Trump and People push back
- Election Watch
- Great Reset
- Media/Tech bias
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- “The consequences of the lockdowns have been enormously harmful and they will last for decades after this pandemic is completely finished.”
- “Fear is very powerful, and it was really shown how powerful fear is during this pandemic. They [Americans] bought into it because it was temporary, because [people] thought that would be a very small price to pay to get things sort of under control, and have some handle on how to proceed,” Atlas said.
- The Jab...
- Shutdown FOREVER!
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
May 20 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Watch Reagan deliver same joke Joe just botched!
- Best read: Former NYT reporter on Covid lab-origin theory that is building
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
- 1/6 Commission
- CDC director admits to possibility of lab-based origin of covid (video)
- House Republicans promote lab-origin evidence
Former NYT reporter on COviid lab-origin theory that is building
- "I now agree with Nick’s central conclusion: We still do not know the source of this awful pandemic. We may never know. But the argument that it could have leaked out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology or a sister lab in Wuhan has become considerably stronger than it was a year ago,
- "China is persistently acting like a nation hiding something.
- "Most leaks infect or kill just a few people before they are stopped by isolation and/or vaccination. But not all: scientists now believe that the H1N1 seasonal flu that killed thousands every year from 1977 to 2009 was influenza research gone feral.
- "But the Occam’s Razor argument — what’s the likeliest explanation, animal or lab? — keeps shifting in the direction of the latter.
- How lab-origin theory has gained ground
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe's Foreign Policy Crisis
- Joe's Race and Law & Order Crisis
Joe's Hidin Biden Crisis
Joe tries to make a joke during Coast Guard event (video)
- line fails, calls Coast Guard grads "dull"
- And it was a line he STOLE from the Gipper!
- Compare to how Reagan delivered the same line (video)
- Joe misquotes Mao to promote women's equality.
Joe tries to make a joke during Coast Guard event (video)
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Trump and People push back
Election Watch
- HERE WE GO: Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate VERNON JONES Calls for Forensic Audit of Controversial 2020 Election
- HUGE! Maricopa County Audit Team Admit Files Were Deleted but THEY WERE ABLE TO RECOVER THOSE FILES (VIDEO)
- REVEALED: Voting Machines Had Built-In Ballot Stuffing Mechanism (VIDEO)
- WI launches 2020 audit
- NH audit could be "pebble that diverts the stream"
- Great Reset
- Media/Tech bias
- COVID Facts
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- MASKerade
The Jab...
Jabbed MORE AFRAID than unjabbed
- Unvaccinated adults are more likely than those who have been vaccinated to say they’re comfortable resuming their normal routines without a mask, 51% to 34%.
Berenson: Jab push almost over
- The plunge comes despite an incredibly aggressive and expensive marketing and promotional campaign. At this point the public health folks have to see they are pushing on a string.
Jabbed MORE AFRAID than unjabbed
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
May 19 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Taylor Greene RIPS 1/6 commission from House floor (video)
- Time for answers on UFOs (video)
- Best read: "Neanderthal" TX records zero covid deaths
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
1/6 commission vote TODAY in House
- Trump: oppose the 1/6 commission
- Sen. Cotton: Left using 1/6 to transform military (video)
- McConnell opposes 1/6 commission in current form
- Taylor Green opposes from House floor (video)
- WSJ -- little chance of fair-minded inquiry
- McCarthy opposes
- Hurdles in Senate
House Republicans defying 1/6 narrative
- “The House floor was never breached and it was not an insurrection,” [Rep.] Clyde said. “This is the truth. There was an undisciplined mob, there were some rioters and some who committed acts of vandalism. But let me be clear. There was no insurrection, and to call it an insurrection, in my opinion, is a bald-faced lie.”
Team Biden Chronicles
- JOe's Middle East Crisis
- Joe's energy crisis
- Joe's Race and Law & Order Crisis
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe again backs Equality Act
- (Exclusive) Joe is a "supplicant of Big Tech"
- The Purge
Trump and People push back
- Election Watch
- Great Reset
- Media/Tech bias
Rand Paul -- PROOF U.S. Gov STOPPED gain of function in 2014
- document here
- "during the period of deliberation, the U.S. Government will institute a pause on funding for any new studies that include certain gain-of-function experiments involving influenza, SARS, and MERS viruses. Specifically, the funding pause will apply to gain-of-function research projects that may be reasonably anticipated to confer attributes to influenza, MERS, or SARS viruses such that the virus would have enhanced pathogenicity and/or transmissibility in mammals via the respiratory route.
More links to Fauci for gain of function research
- More here
- "Neanderthal" TX records zero covid deaths
Rand Paul -- PROOF U.S. Gov STOPPED gain of function in 2014
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
Fauci: keep masks on kids and businesses should keep mask mandates (video)
- “The problem and the issue is that we don’t have any way of knowing who is vaccinated and who’s not vaccinated,”
- Admits he wore a mask indoors for show (video)
- Rand Paul was right -- IT WAS THEATRE! (video)
- Tucker: Maskerade is over, but people are still afraid (video)
- Tucker talks to 10-year-old Mask resister (video)
Fauci: keep masks on kids and businesses should keep mask mandates (video)
- The Jab...
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
May 18 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Hannity on the death of Journalism (video)
- Best read: Mask no longer needed? Why now? Coincidence? We think not
- Good read: Why previously infected don't need the jab
- IT'S OVER! Hockey arena PACKED with people (VIDEO)
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's Middle East Crisis
- Violent clashes erupt (video)
- Joe pushes Left's pro-Palestinian "ceasefire"
- McConnell: leave no doubt US stands with Israel
- Voters support Trump policies; oppose Biden's
Pence: this is Biden's fault
- "Biden has emboldened anti-Semitic terrorist groups such as Hamas by shunning Israeli leaders and restoring more than $200 million in aid to the Palestinians that had been canceled by the Trump-Pence administration. He unilaterally took the Iranian-backed Houthis off the list of designated terrorist organizations. And worst of all, he has announced his intention to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal, destabilizing the entire region.
- WPOST -- Iron Dome "perpetuates conflict"
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's Energy crisis
- Joe's Hidin Biden crisis
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
GOP senators asking religious groups for Equality Act compromise
- THIS is how they get it passed: "It’ll get squishy Republicans to join because of religious exemptions and then you'll have courts strip those religious exemptions because they’re a license to discriminate and go against the heart of the bill,"
- Analysis: THERE IS NO WAY TO "FIX"
- Hill worth dying on: there are only two genders (video)
GOP senators asking religious groups for Equality Act compromise
- Joe's Tax, Spending and Inflation crisis
- The Purge
Trump and People push back
Poll: GOP Voters overwhelmingly support Trump's policies
- "89 percent believe in following Trump’s example on economic issues, and 80 percent say we need to follow Trump’s form of leadership. Looking deeper, 88 percent say Trump’s stance on immigration issues needs to be followed, and 73 percent of the respondents said the former president set an example on race issues.
- Major Abortion Case to Supreme Court this Fall
- Trump at NC convention in June
Poll: GOP Voters overwhelmingly support Trump's policies
Election Watch
Stefanik supports AZ audit; says Biden Justice "trying to block"
- "Stefanik later said that the “Biden Department of Justice is trying to block that audit,” which, she said, “is unconstitutional from my perspective.”
- Maricopa County Ballot Audit Takes a Pause for a Week, Massive Irregularities Already Found With Only About 25% Counted
- NEW HAMPSHIRE Forensic Election Audit Update
- Trump statement: "no way" Biden won
- Redistricting might flip House in 22
Stefanik supports AZ audit; says Biden Justice "trying to block"
- Great Reset
- COVID Facts
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- MASKerade
- The Jab...
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Fauxi
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
May 17 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Arrested Pastor speaks out (video)
- Best read: Timeline of the Great Reset
- Read: 2: Pandemic now OVER: excess mortality BELOW pre-pandemic levels
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Election-Stealing H.R. 1
Schumer under pressure to change rules to pass HR 1
- activist group: "“If Democrats must change the Senate rules to preserve the republic, so be it. ...Do the job the voters sent you to do,”
Schumer under pressure to change rules to pass HR 1
- Joe's Middle East Crisis
- Joe's Race and Law & Order Crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
Joe's Tax, Spending and INFLATION crisis
- Hannity on the inflation crisis (video)
(WSJ) Consumers now EXPECT inflation crisis!
- " The risk is that as inflation expectations rise, they become embedded in consumer behavior and business decisions. Workers demand higher wages to keep up with prices no matter the underlying productivity; businesses pay to keep those workers and then raise prices to compensate. Workers then demand high wages, as expectations are hard to break.
Election-Stealing H.R. 1
- The Purge
- Trump and People push back
Election Watch
Trump: "no way" Biden won
- "The poll also showed that 67% of Republicans said that they do not consider Sleepy Joe Biden to be the legitimate winner of the 2020 Presidential Election. I agree with them 100%, just look at the facts and the data—there is no way he won the 2020 Presidential Election!
Trump: "no way" Biden won
- Great Reset
- Media/Tech bias
- COVID Facts
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- Teacher BERATES unmasked student (VIDEO)
- PUSH BACK in Canada -- reopen rally (video)
CDC's POLITICAL about face on covid...
- From impending doom to free at last!
CDC director -- science "evolved" in two weeks (video)
- "We now have science that has really just evolved even in the last two weeks that demonstrates that these vaccines are safe, they are effective."
- Remember this from March? CDC director: "impending doom"
- TGP-- clearly political
- Fauci's about-face on Jabbed wearing masks (video)
- Remember this? One week ago Fauci says back to normal in a year or so
- Arrested Canadian Pastor speaks out (Video)
- CDC wants schools to remain masked, distanced
- MASKerade
- The Jab...
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Fauxi
Fauci makes covid about race (video)
- "Let us promise ourselves our memory of this tragic reality - that an infectious disease disparately kills people of color - does not fade. Righting this wrong will take a decades-long commitment. I urge you to be part of that commitment,"
- “Now, very few of these comorbidities [with COVID-19] have racial determinants. Almost all relate to the social determinants of health dating back to disadvantageous conditions that some people of color find themselves in from birth regarding the availability of an adequate diet, access to health care and the undeniable effects of racism in our society,"
- Rand Paul: Fauci "ignoramous"
Fauci makes covid about race (video)
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
May 14 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Inside Joe's "JAB" at granting us mask freedom (it's really sick)
- This is SICK -- Joe lays out "vaxxed or masked" choice (video)
- Best read: Spectator -- new Jab/Mask Freedom edict timing is suspicious
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Joe's "JAB" at granting us our freedoms back
Joe lays out "vaxxed or masked" choice (video)
- Joe: if you Jab "you've earned the right.. to greet others with a smile" (video)
- Joe: we need to love those who wear masks (video)
- LN -- Joe calls it a "rule"; how is it a rule? Thought we were a nation of laws
- Look how HAPPY jabbed people are (CDC chart)
CDC Director celebrates JAB FREEDOM (VIDEO)
- except buses, hospitals, planes, etc.
except children under 12 who can't yet get jabbed; they keep masks on
- LN -- excuse me, children under 12 have almost ZERO RISK of dying from covid
- Fauci -- yes, children still need masks, even outside (video)
- WAS THIS ALL A DISTRACTION from Joe's other troubles?
Spectator -- new Jab/Mask Freedom edict timing suspicious
- "Perhaps Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci finally found Florida and Texas on a map and that is why they chose today to lift CDC mask recommendations. Or, more believably, perhaps the Biden administration found itself on the back end of its most disastrous week since taking over on January 20 and needed to apply an emergency brake as the news cycle spun out of its control.
CNN talking head ON VERGE OF TEARS over Vax Freedom (VIDEO)
- "Mark this minute... I found myself welling up"... "I got goosebumps"
Tucker says this is not rational (video)
- "If you've been vaccinated why are you concerned" about being infected by someone not wearing a mask?
- Even Ted Cruz goes along with JAB FREEDOM (VIDEO)
Meanwhile, DeBlasio bribes for Jab with FRIES (video)
- “I want you to look at these French fries and think about how great it is to get vaccinated.”--NYC Mayor
- “I want you to look at these French fries and think about how great it is to get vaccinated.”--NYC Mayor
All this while WORRY over COVID dropped to all-time low
- 43% of Dems worried; 14% of Repubs
- 33% of jabbed worried about getting covid; 13% of those not getting jabbed are worried;
- LN -- Dems have done a great job of SCARING their own jabbed base! So now they grant Jab Freedom!
- Berenson -- how will they enforce? This effectively is the END of masks
LN responds...
- This is one of the saddest days we've ever experienced in watching American society. To actually see a president say we've "earned the right" for people to see our smiles by getting jabbed, and then putting on his Twitter feed a bizarre "vaxxed or masked" meme in response to the CDC officially granting mask freedom to those who are jabbed is beyond bizarre. To watch CNN talking heads on the verge of tears even though the new CDC guidance is more unscientiic baloney (no freedoms for unjabbed, no freedoms for those with natural immunity, still mask in close quarters, kids still mask) leaves us with little hope for the current Regime, the media and about half of our fellow Americans. Meanwhile, the mayor of the largest city in the country is proudly bribing people to get jabbed for the price of a burger and fries (at least the OH governor is offering a $1m lottery). The only good news is, short of a Vax Pass, nobody can tell if you're jabbed or not. So that will be next. Or perhaps first an encouragement from Joe for "citizen interventions" -- they'll ask individuals and businesses to become the Jab police. 2022 can't come soon enough.
- You've NEVER needed a mask outdoors
- You've NEVER needed to wipe down surfaces to protect from covid
- There NEVER has been any scientific evidence that masks work
- MASK MANDATES as a matter of public policy HAVE NOT WORKED
- SHUTDOWNS have not worked as a matter of public policy (and will undoubtedly prove more lethal than covid)
- We DON'T "earn the right" to not wear a mask by getting the jab, Joe. It's inalienable. God-given, not Joe-granted.
Joe lays out "vaxxed or masked" choice (video)
- Team Biden Chronicles
- Trump and People push back
Election Watch
- Jim and Joe Hoft React to Criminal Destroying of Voting Machine Evidence in AZ (VIDEO)
- Breaking: Maricopa County Supervisors Call Emergency Meeting Following Release of Explosive Letter Revealing DATABASES ERASED FROM VOTING MACHINES
- Trump on irregularities in AZ
- Rep. Gosar exposes SCAM of 1/6 "insurrection", even asks "who executed Ashli Babbitt?" (video)
Great Reset
- Tucker's opening monologue on how Left is destroying education (video)
Science: you'll have to eat MAGGOTS to survive
- "UK researchers say traditionally-eaten plant-source foods, like barley, maize, fruits and vegetables, and animal-source foods, like meat, fish and eggs, are 'innately exposed to various acute and chronic stresses'.... The solution is to farm maggots (insect larvae) of the black soldier fly, house fly and mealworm beetle, at a mass scale for human consumption, they say.
- COVID Facts
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
May 13 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Biden's answer to gas lines? More education!
- also... Tucker: Jabbers have left realm of science
- Best read: 120 retired generals warn of fight between Marxism and "constitutional freedom""
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's Gas Shortage Crisis
- Joe's response -- we need to educate more people.... what?! (video)
Joe's energy Sec -- "drive an electric car" WHAT?!?! (video)
- she said it with a smirk on her face
- Sen. Graham -- Joe's statement "dumbest thing in the world" (video)
Ingraham -- crisis exposes Joe's weakness (Video)
- Remember Buttigieg -- "bikes, scooters"
- America is UNDER ATTACK under joe's watch
Joe's Middle East Crisis
- DeSantis supports "our ally Israel" (video)
- Contrast that with Biden's WEAKSAUCE statement (video)
- Riots erupt (video)
- 130 rockets at Israel (video)
- UN -- "full-scale war" imminent
- Left attacks Yang for supporting Israel; he caves
- Twitter bans Trump but lets Iran's radical leader celebrate Palestinian war on Israel
- Joe's Hidin Biden crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- Joe's Inflation Crisis
Joe's Gas Shortage Crisis
- Trump and People push back
- (Exclusive) Stupidity of Bureaucracy comment periods
Election Watch
HR 1
- (Grassfire) HR1 poll
Ted Cruz slams
- "This legislation I believe is the most radical legislation the Senate has considered in the nine years I’ve been here and it is the most dangerous legislation pending before the United States Congress.... This legislation is designed to ensure that Democrats never lose another election.
- Poll - - 64% oF AMERICANS say voter ID laws make elections "more fair"
- McCarthy backs "legitimacy" of 2020 election (video)
HR 1
Great Reset
- WOKE Army ad promotes LGBTQ parade, lesbian wedding, two moms (video)
- Tesla -- bitcoin now BAD; ruining environment
PUSH BACK -- 120 retired generals warn of fight between Marxism and "constitutional freedom""
- “We are in a fight for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776. The conflict is between supporters of Socialism and Marxism vs. supporters of Constitutional freedom and liberty,
- pdf of letter
- PUSH BACK - D'Sousa says white privilege "a myth" (video)
Natural Immunity BETTER than the Jab
- "Natural infection induced immunity is typically at least as robust as the one elicited by double vaccination, but the former protects more effectively against emerging variants.
- "New mRNA vaccine technologies may offer 94-95 % efficacy. What an achievement of 21st century science! On the other hand, good old natural immunity provides 100 % protection from symptomatic COVID-19, as shown in the study of 12.5k healthcare workers below.
- Full study here
Natural Immunity BETTER than the Jab
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- MASKerade
The Jab...
- CDC director still unsure about the jab, she thinks, maybe (video)
- SEVEN jabbed NY Yankees get CoVID!
- India health ambassador gets JAB, dies TWO DAYS LATER
- Jab desperation -- OH to give away MILLIONS of dollars to the jabbed!
- PUSH BACK -- 11 states now ban Vax Pass
- Toxicologist warns of potential long-term dangers of covid jab
- Tucker: Jabbers have left realm of science (video)
- Confirmed: CDC changes rules to REDUCE post jab health problem reports
Webster's changes DEFINITION of "anti-vaxxer"
- now includes those who "oppose laws that mandate vaccination"
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Fauxi
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
May 12 Feed:
Top Feeds
- How Biden is BREAKING AMERICA (analysis)
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's Energy Crisis
- Gas lines (video)
- Hannity responds to Joe's weakness (video)
- Meanwhile, Joe is PUSHING THE JAB (VIDEO)
All to "go green" which really just creates other resource problems (WSJ)
- "the transition is a “shift from a fuel-intensive to a material-intensive energy system.” That means a shift away from liquids and gases whose extraction and transport leave a very light footprint on the land and are transported easily, cheaply and efficiently, and toward big-footprint mines, the energy-intensive transport of massive amounts of rocks and other solid materials, and subsequent chemical processing and refining.
Joe's Israel Crisis
- Israel under attack
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
Trump and People push back
Oust Liz Cheney
- (Grassfire) Cheney blamed America First for rise of Hitler
Cheney vows to fight on House floor; clips here and here (video)
- "I will not participate in that. I will not sit back and watch in silence while others lead our party down a path that abandons the rule of law, and joins the former president's crusade to undermine our democracy."
- VA governor election: Glenn Younkin on Tucker (video)
- Pro-Trump, Black Republican running in VA -- GREAT VIDEO (video)
- Hannity interview with Ron DeSantis (video)
- Tucker on how we can support SMALL BUSINESS (video)
Oust Liz Cheney
- Election Watch
- Great Reset
- Rand Paul confronts Fauci on Wuhan Lab (video)
- "There is not a single documented Covid infection anywhere in the world from casual outdoor interactions, such as walking past someone on a street or eating at a nearby table."
Time to demand a RECOUNT... of covid deaths
- "In August, the estimate for COVID-19 deaths under the new system was 161,392. However, if the same data had been tabulated under the old system, the COVID-19 death count would be only 9,684.
- More analysis here
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- MASKerade
The Jab...
- cases SURGE in most-jabbed nation
- Bette Midler threatens to KILL KIDS if they don't jab
- Jab push expands to FREE UBER RIDES! YAY!
- Canada stops AstraJab due to higher risks
- 21-year-old hospitalized after Jab -- not reported to VAERS
- "I recognize some parents want to see how it goes, but I am encouraging all children to be vaccinated. And I am also encouraging children to ask for the vaccine," Walensky said.
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
May 11 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Tucker: Investigate Fauci for role in Covid pandemic (video)
- Best read: did people or nature open Pandora's box at Wuhan?
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
- “Known and potential benefits of this vaccine in individuals 12 years of age and older outweigh the known and potential risks, supporting the vaccine’s use in this population.”
LN -- Really? Per CDC, the "best estimate" of risk of death for this age group is .002%, but could be as low as .0006%. That means the CDC would have had to have tested at least 50,000 and possibly as many as 166,667 12 year olds and find that ZERO died from the test jab to PROVE the risk of death benefits OUTWEIGH the risk of the disease.
But remember, we're comparing those who GET the jab to those who MIGHT GET COVID. We used an online source to determine that the odds of a typical 12 year old getting covid in a year is about 40% (probably less now with so many already having had covid and having the jab). But here's what that online source said about a typical 12 year old's actual risk profile...
- "Among people who are the same age, sex, and health status as you and get sick from COVID-19, the risk of hospitalization is 0.058% , the risk of requiring an ICU is 0% , and the risk of not surviving is 0.0093%".
But remember, we're comparing those who GET the jab to those who MIGHT GET COVID. We used an online source to determine that the odds of a typical 12 year old getting covid in a year is about 40% (probably less now with so many already having had covid and having the jab). But here's what that online source said about a typical 12 year old's actual risk profile...
- And how many teens were in the trial? 1,100. A bit less than 50,000
- Plus in the trial, 4x more kids had serious side effects than placebo. What's going on!
- Plus, 10x jabbed teens had fever of 102 or more; nearly 4x "severe fatigue", 12x "severe" chills
- So, the Jab tests on teens had WAY MORE SIDE EFFECTS than placebo and couldn't possibly have proven that the teen jab reduces the death risk because the trial was too small. Repeat after us... Jab is good. Jab is good.
- Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe's Weakness Crisis
Joe's inflation and labor crisis!
- Joe: you gotta take the job instead of staying home and living off the government (video)
- Fact check: not true
- "The 266,000 net new jobs in April far undershot economists’ forecasts, and the Labor Department’s latest Jolts survey showed some 7.4 million unfilled positions
- Data -- MOST workers make MORE on welfare benefits
- Inflation time bomb; no workers
- Joe's Hunter Biden Crisis
- Joe's border crisis
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- (Grassfire) Is this the week on Equality Act?
Joe moves ahead to APPLY heart of Equality Act to Fed Government!
- "Today, OCR announced it will interpret and enforce Section 1557’s prohibition on discrimination to include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
- "Today, OCR announced it will interpret and enforce Section 1557’s prohibition on discrimination to include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
Grand Equality Act "Compromise" is coming....
- "presidential leadership behind an amended Equality Act that imports religious liberty protections from other nondiscrimination laws would have a real chance of passage, and would be a momentous legislative accomplishment to Biden’s credit.
Equality Act undermines faith communities' ability to help their communities
- "the government depends on the very faith communities it now calls unfit to serve the most vulnerable members of our society.
- Bizarre: UK parents celebrate their 2-year-old's transgender decision (video)
- The Purge
- Trump and People push back
Election Watch
Hannity and Ted Cruz on HR 1 (video)
- Cruz: the single most dangerous piece of legislation before the U.S. Congress.... rigging the game... "corrupt politicians act"
- Also, HR 1 creates "court-picking" scheme (WSJ)
- UK -- Queen says VOTER ID REQUIRED
- WTH? Michigan County GOP Chair Files Joint Motion
Maricopa County Claimed Vendors They Chose to Rubber Stamp Results Were Certified – Really?
Hannity and Ted Cruz on HR 1 (video)
- Great Reset
- COVID Facts
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- "At some point, the pandemic - the provisional and practical judgments in favor of caution that can justify restrictive behaviors - became an unshakeable moral purpose. Actual weighing of risks went out the window"
- MASKerade
- The Jab...
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Fauxi
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
May 10 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Pastor arrested by COVID SWAT TEAM (video)
- Best read: The WOKEST place on earth
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Trump and People push back
- Oust Liz Cheney
- Trump sounds off on Derby "junkie" horse, America going to "hell on our borders"
- Gingrich: Biden is "going for broke" on radical agenda (video)
- NYC Dad fights school WOKEness, now working starting his own school (video)
Tucker hits Frank Luntz and his roommage, Kevin McCarthy (video)
- McCarthy paid $1,500/mo to live with Luntz
- DRAMATIC READING of Stacy Abrams' lame novel (video)
- Sen. Graham:GOP can't move forward without Trump
- Most Americans want to end Silicon Valley protections
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- Economy now in TROUBLE!
PPP runs out of money
- "The announcement comes weeks after the PPP was extended through the end of May. It's almost as if when you're handing out free money, there's going to be lots of demand.
- Joe's Foreign Policy Fiasco
- Joe's new "health" agency a health "dictatorship"?
- Election Watch
Great Reset
- Expose: The WOKEST place on earth
- "The United States, the [Disney] document claims, has a “long history of systemic racism and transphobia” and white employees, in particular, must “work through feelings of guilt, shame, and defensiveness to understand what is beneath them and what needs to be healed.” Disney recommends that employees atone by “challeng[ing] colorblind ideologies and rhetoric” such as “All Lives Matter” and “I don’t see color”; they must “listen with empathy [to] Black colleagues” and must “not question or debate Black colleagues’ lived experience.”
- "Employees are also told that "competition," "individualism," and "timeliness" are values that "perpetuate white supremacy"
- More here
- Source documents here
- Tucker on WOKE Disney (video)
- Another WOKE CIA recruitment/propaganda video
- BLM co-founder: my book like "Mao's Little Red Book" (video)
- WSJ -- Joe's coming war on Meat?
- Expose: The WOKEST place on earth
WSJ -- Study: Lockdowns DIDN'T slow covid spread
- "Conventional wisdom holds this was worth it because lives were saved by shutting workplaces and schools and telling people to stay home. But a new study by University of Chicago economist Casey Mulligan shows the opposite.
Report: China has been preparing coronavirus weapon for SIX YEARS
- "This latest evidence that Beijing considered the military potential of SARS coronaviruses from as early as 2015 has also raised fresh fears over the cause of Covid-19, with some officials still believing the virus could have escaped from a Chinese lab."
WSJ -- Study: Lockdowns DIDN'T slow covid spread
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- Steve Hilton: Biden using pandemic to centralize power (video)
- Canadian pastor ARRESTED for covid violations
- "The monster known as inflation has been unleashed upon the world and will not easily retreat into the night. This is reflected in soaring commodity and housing prices. Due to the stupid and self-serving policies of the Fed, we are about to experience a massive shift in the way we live.
DC. -- no dancing at weddings!
- “Attendees and guests must remain seated and socially distanced from each other and other household groups… Standing and dancing receptions are not allowed.”
- #1.... you'll need to doublethink....
- College students SUSPENDED for not wearing mask at off-campus, outside event (video)
- Joe on why he wears mask all the time even against CDC order (video)
Masked DeBlasio "loves our subways" (video)
- LN--Step out of 2020-21 and think of how bizarre this video is...
- Meanwhile, Atlanta braves back to 100% capacity
- And 73,000 at Cowboys stadium
The Jab...
- WH rep: the jab will give us "more and more privileges" (video)
- Immunaband wrist bands to show your JAB Status
Sen.Johnson:nobody should be forced to take Jab
- "Americans need to be informed before they make a decision whether or not they want to get vaccinated or not. And nobody should be forced or coerced or pressured into taking a vaccine if they don’t want to. This is a right-to-choose issue.”
- 17 year old UT teen hospitalized after jab
- Pfizer seeking full approval; could lead to Vax Mandates
- Shutdown FOREVER!
Misc Don't Miss
- (Grassfire) SOS for India -- pastors gasping for life
- Elon Musk's SNL appearance, tanks Dogecoin (video and analysis)
- Watch: Mother Bird PROTECTS her eggs (video)
- Really cool observation deck over Yangtze river (video)
- Synchronized SpaceX booster landings (video)
- Visual conception of size of the Milky Way (animation)
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
May 7 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Franklin Graham BLASTS Joe for dropping God from Day of Prayer (video)
- Contrast Joe's "no God" statement with Graham's
- Tucker: Why are so many Americans dying from the Jab? (video)
- Best read: Alex Berenson on the 'good, bad and ugly" on covid jab
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
- Franklin Graham BLASTS Joe for dropping God from Day of Prayer (video)
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe's Race and Law & Order Crisis
- Joe's Hidin Biden Crisis
Joe's Climate Scam
Joe: "Point of no return" (video)
- why we need to build back better....
- LN--Joe, if you really believe this narrative then China is your problem
Joe: "Point of no return" (video)
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's Inflation Crisis
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- Hannity exposes Joe's "it won't cost anybody anything" lie (video)
- Joe says he'll EXPAND IRS POWER to collect more money and pay or his spending
Analyst warns: U.S. has $163 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities
- " the US government is now has over 28 trillion dollars in debt and the US government has $163 trillion in unfunded liabilities when you roll it all together federal state uh and local level that amount of unfunded liabilities is 775% of our current total economic output,
- (Exclusive) WTO is allowing Trade Cheats to hurt the U.S.
- Oust Liz Cheney
- the Trump Ban
Trump and People push back
- Lindsey Graham warns that GOP is only guardian for free enterprise (video)
SC second state to end fed supplemental unemployment program
- " In many instances, these payments are greater than the worker’s previous pay checks. What was intended to be a short-term financial assistance for the vulnerable and displaced during the height of the pandemic has turned into a dangerous federal entitlement, incentivizing and paying workers to stay at home rather than encouraging them to return to the workplace.”
- What "President DeSantis" should do on Day One
- PUSH BACK -- parent EXPOSES school board, puts responsibility for education back on parents (video)
- Election Watch
- Great Reset
- Media/Tech bias
Kids waaaay more likely to die from diarrhea than CoVID
- And the flu, and strep throat, and just about everything
- In UK -- pneumonia and flu killing more than covid
Kids waaaay more likely to die from diarrhea than CoVID
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
Mt. Everest climbers must COVID SOCIAL DISTANCE
- "They must undergo temperature checks regularly, use bottled oxygen and stay 4 meters (13 feet) from other climbers at the summit.
- Social distancing WRISTBANDS for weddings and events!
- MASKerade
The Jab...
- Alex Berenson on the 'good, bad and ugly" on covid jab
CNN host: "SHUN" the unjabbed (video)
- "friends don't let friends spread covid"
- Doctor dies AFTER getting jab (yes, it happens)
- Tucker: Why are so many Americans dying from the Jab? (video)
- Analysis: why are they using BRIBES and SHAME to get everyone jabbed?
- Shutdown FOREVER!
- Fauxi
Mt. Everest climbers must COVID SOCIAL DISTANCE
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
May 6 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Biden backs MORE CENSORSHIP like Trump ban
- TOP VIDEO: Caitlyn Jenner Hannity interview
- Best read: WSJ: Welfare state on borrowed time
- Read #2: Detailed Breakdown of COVID origin theories
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Oust Liz Cheney!
- (Grassfire) Poll: Should GOP oust Liz Cheney?
Cheney says GOP at "turning point"
- LN -- We agree. We just see different "turning point"
Joe calls it a "mini Revolution" in Republican party (video)
- "I think the Republicans are further away from trying to figure out who they are and what they stand for than I thought they would be at this point."
- Says "I don't understand the Republicans" (video)
- Actually, DEMS PANICKING; see GOP win in '22
- "I think the Republicans are further away from trying to figure out who they are and what they stand for than I thought they would be at this point."
- Steny Hoyer runs to Liz' support
- Pelosi Praises Liz
- Joni Ernst defends LIz
- Jim Jordan:we have the votes (video)
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe's Biden (needs to be) Hidin Crisis
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- (Exclusive) How stupid is the $15 minimum wage math?
- (Exclusive) Why we're losing Intellectual Property creation battle to China
- Joe defends his coming tax hikes
WSJ: Welfare state on borrowed time
- "The best explanation is populist rather than academic: the shift in federal expenditures toward mass consumption. In 1970, about 36% of federal spending, net of interest payments, was benefits to individuals—Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid (new programs at the time), unemployment compensation, means-tested welfare benefits. Benefits spending then grew mightily, roughly in tandem with deficit spending, and is now about 76% of spending, heading briskly toward 80%.
The Purge
Google-backed RAND Corporation studies ways of "detecting conspiracy theories" on social media
- Question origin of COVID-19? You're a conspirator. Question vaccines? You're a conspirator
Just to prove the point, Facebook PERMANENTLY BANS LifeSite News for..
- “false information about COVID-19” and “vaccine discouraging information.”
Google-backed RAND Corporation studies ways of "detecting conspiracy theories" on social media
Trump and People push back
- List of states with Constitutional Carry laws
- DeSantis gives police $1,000 bonus
- Clips from Hannity Caitlyn Jenner interview
- Election Watch
Great Reset
Non non-binary species of ant given non-binary name
- LN--that makes non-sense
- CA proposes ban on advanced math in equity effort
Non non-binary species of ant given non-binary name
- COVID Facts
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
PUSH BACK: NV parents protest to remove masks from schoolkids (video)
- story here
- Shutdown destroying restaurants because NOBODY WANTS TO WORK
- Even 50 Cent flees SHUTDOWN, heads to TX
- Look how much Big Gov saved from so many old people dying of covid
- Finally.. federal judge rejects CDC eviction moratorium
- COVID death funeral bonus from feds EXPANDED TO $35,500!
- See Masked Kamala kiss her Masked husband -- it is a MASKerade! (video)
CDC director defends onerous summer camp rules
- “We’re trying to make sure there is not a lot of heavy breathing around a singular soccer ball with five kids around it at the same time,”
- LN-- Ahhh, the smell of fresh science from the CDC
- Maskwearers want to wear masks FOREVER (video)
- The Jab...
- Fauxi
PUSH BACK: NV parents protest to remove masks from schoolkids (video)
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
May 5 Feed:
Top Feeds
- New CDC rules RUIN summer camps for kids
- Top video: Levin sounds off on Joe's radical agenda
- Best read: TX families fight back; retake school board; show the way!
- Top stories: removing Cheney, CDC's camp guidelines
CDC's new summer camp guidelines. OMG!
- Masks and more masks -- even outdoors! "Campers and staff should participate in activities outdoors whenever possible, while wearing masks and maintaining physical distance.
- Even guidelines on "safely doing gardening activities"
- Remember merit badges? Now COVID "camp rules" badges!
- Reason: this is "INSANE"
- New Yorker Mag: rules "cruel, irrational"
- Read all 8,000+ words here
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's Race and Law & Order Crisis
- Chauvin juror lied; attended BLM rally wearing "knee off our necks" shirt
Ingraham -- The Left's obsession with race (video)
- guns and even FONTS are racist; also "quantum supremacy"; and Monopoly board game
- Joe's Court- and House-Packing Scheme
- Joe's Hidin Bidin Crisis
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- Joe's Inflation Problem
Joe's Race and Law & Order Crisis
- American's now consume 11.1 hours of media DAILY!
- More here
- The Purge
Trump and People push back
Kristi Noem -- GOP Rising Star
- NYT feature: "If Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida is widely seen as the brash heir apparent to Mr. Trump, and senators like Josh Hawley and Tom Cotton are attempting to put a more ideological frame on Trumpism, Ms. Noem is trying to cement her place as the only female Trump ally echoing the former president’s trigger-the-left approach among the upper tiers of potential 2024 candidates.
- With Dr. Ben Carson: "Biggest cultural challenge of our lifetime"
- TX families fight back; retake school board; show the way!
- Trump launches "one way" social media platform
- Joe's list of 24 potential rivals includes... Tucker?
- Candace to Trump: can I be your VP?
- Tucker and Dr. Jordan Peterson: Reality as a consequence of truth (video)
Kristi Noem -- GOP Rising Star
- Election Watch
- Great Reset
- Media/Tech bias
- Facts: Mask Mandates do NOT correlate with lower Covid deaths
Don't buy fearmongering; Covid threat is waning
- In large part because of natural immunity of those already infected:
- "In a recent Danish study of natural immunity, only 0.6 percent of those infected ever subsequently tested positive, including asymptomatic positives.
- "On a clinical level, we simply have not seen significant re-infections at any concerning rate. Any expert who talks about the path to herd immunity as a simple tally of vaccinations alone – which unfortunately is many – is ignoring data and real-world clinical experience.
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- Shutdown lowers BIRTHRATE -- lowest number since '79
- MASKerade
The Jab...
Ro on RISE in most vaccinated nation!
- "Seychelles, which has fully vaccinated more of its population against Covid-19 than any other country, has closed schools and canceled sporting activities for two weeks as infections surge.
White House ramps up jab pressure
- Goal: 70% of U.S. by Jab Freedom Day (July 4)
Joe: People who aren't vaccinated "can die every day"
- Well, those who are jabbed can die too
- CDC VAERS SAYS 177 have died from jab
- Fauci -- Jab BABIES by early 2022! (video)
Ro on RISE in most vaccinated nation!
Shutdown FOREVER!
- Fauci: we're in the "bottom of the sixth inning"
WH now says Fauci says herd immunity "doesn't apply" to covid!
- "“I think that I’ll let Dr. Fauci comment obviously on the science of that. What he’s advised us is that it’s probably a phrase that doesn’t really apply here to this particular virus and this circumstance....There will just be a lot less COVID and a lot fewer people getting sick from COVID in the country.”
- LN-- Translation: you'll need us to manage all of life FOREVER! COVID FOREVER!
- FOUR covid deaths in UK but SHUTDOWN ROLLS ON!
- Fauxi
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
May 4 Feed:
Top Feeds
- Joe to use BIG TECH to spy on us!
- Best read: Census data reveals NO VOTER SUPPRESSION in GOP states
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe's Hidin Biden Crisis
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe' Anti-Equality Act
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
BofA -- "transitory hyper inflation" coming
- LN--BTW, inflation is how bankrupt governments ultimately "pay" their debts!
BofA -- "transitory hyper inflation" coming
- The Purge
Trump and People push back
Tucker's Takedown of Frank Luntz, Part TWO (video)
- Luntz and Kevin McCarthy are ROOMMATES?
- Part One here
- Trump fires back at Liz Cheney
- Kristi Noem: laid-off cops can come to SD (video)
- Rudy's interview on Hannity (video)
- Brit Hume on the Critical Race Theory Backlash (video)
- Project Veritas launches OLIGARCHY (video)
- Detailed report on Senators' stock trading tactics last year
Tucker's Takedown of Frank Luntz, Part TWO (video)
Election Watch
- What 1/6 really was: "A middle finger to the clown world"
Census data reveals NO VOTER SUPPRESSION in GOP states
- "GOP states with stricter voting rules didn’t experience significantly lower minority turnout.... Georgia had a smaller black-white voting gap than Illinois, New Jersey, Virginia and California—all states controlled by Democrats.
TX Dem runoff loser sounds the alarm that Dems in trouble in '22
- "I'm sounding the alarm bell: If Democrats don't organize and prepare, 2022 could be a major setback to our gains of recent years.
A "turning point" on future of elections
- " we are almost at the point where this administration’s attempt to revolutionize American elections by practically abolishing any verification process for ballots and turning election day into a weeks-long orgy of ballot-harvesting, while packing the Senate and the Supreme Court and gagging congressional minorities, will collide with public opposition to all of these measures.
- Great Reset
- Media/Tech bias
- "...over time the coronavirus may become seasonal, like the flu, and affect mostly the young and healthy."
- LN-- Of course, the NYT has to "cover" their tracks and support the past year's failed mitigations, giving most of the credit to the Jab. But this is precisely what the LN/GRASSFIRE team has said FOR MORE THAN A YEAR. Not because we were so smart, but because this is what SCIENCE and our human history with coronaviruses has said all along. We think this would have happened with our without the jab since about 30-40% of Americans already had immunity from getting Covid when the jab started. Protect the elderly; keep society open; let the healthy build herd immunity; the coronavirus will mutate and it's actually better for the young to "get" this version because then the later version is more like a flu/cold in the family of annual coronas/flus; there is NO "Zero Covid"!
- DeSantis suspends all FL covid restrictions
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
- Joe visits schoolkids in plastic cages. Everything's normal (video)
The Jab...
- VaxPass coming to MLB
Cuomo -- No Jab? You "killing your grandmother" (video)
- LN -- Fearmongers Unite! Maybe Cuo hasn't checked the science for the PAST YEAR. Or maybe fear is losing its grip over the peeps.
States offer incentives for jab
- NJ -- get the jab, GET THE BEER! (VIDEO)
- LN -- ONE free beer? Insulted yet?
- Jab reaction? Oh yeah. you CAN'T SUE
- Daily jabs on steep decline
Jab for 12 year olds next week!
- LN-- Infection fatality rate for 12-year-olds of covid is about .0003%. Jab risk probably higher than that
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
May 3 Feed:
Top Feeds
- We expose the REAL crisis in America (it's not what they are telling us)
- Best read: How POPULIST RIGHT can win new class war with WOKES
- And the rest of today's top LibertyNews feeds...
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe's Race and Law & Order Crisis
- Joe's border crisis
Joe' Anti-Equality Act
- (Grassfire) Equality Act could destroy American family
The inequalities of the Equality Act
- "The Equality Act comprises 31 pages of social engineering designed to transform countless aspects of American lives, including the most private and intimate. Its tremendous reach is made possible by its central conceit — that the simple fact, understood by toddlers everywhere, that humans (like all mammals) come in two sexes, male and female, can be changed by government fiat.
- "The Equality Act would also make religious Americans a lot less equal than they are now. It specifically exempts itself from the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the protections it affords Americans of faith. Parochial schools would no longer have the right to teach students scientific facts about sex differences — not to mention the ages-old biblical concepts of human creation and the right ordering of sexual relations toward procreation and unity in marriage.
Joe's Never-Ending Tax-n-Spending
- Joe rambling about uhhh... spending (video)
- Joe's advisor: INFLATION COMING!
WSJ -- hidden costs of Joe's $6t spending spree
- "The hidden costs plus excess burdens amount to roughly $3 per additional tax dollar collected. Therefore, to determine the real cost of the big-government proposals put forward by President Biden in his first 100 days in office, we must multiply their $5.7 trillion sticker price by 3.
- The Purge
Trump and People push back
- Tucker -- What's going on with Congressional Republicans? (video)
- Steve Hilton -- our crisis is really about BROKEN FAMILIES (video)
- Romney BOOOOOED at Utah GOP event (video)
- TX city bans abortions: 'sanctuary city for the unborn"
- TX -- Trump backed candidate finished FIRST in special election
- How POPULIST RIGHT can win new class war with WOKES
- Election Watch
- Great Reset
- NO EXCESS DEATHS under 65 in non-US/UK Western countries in 2020!
- 38% of CA residents already had covid immunity from getting covid BEFORE first jab given
- Lockdowns kill. The evidence
- Doctors for COVID ethics: jab unnecessary, ineffective, unsafe
COVID-1984 Shutdown Shockers
Report: School shutdown policy driven by education lobbyists
- NYPost article
- "CDC preparing to write that schools could provide in-person instruction regardless of community spread of the virus" when unions intervened
- WSj -- America's lost year of learning
- Canada church SHUT DOWN by covid police
UK -- no cheering at sporting events?
- "Sports fans could be banned from drinking and encouraged to stamp and clap instead of cheering under plans to make mass events safe for the summer.
- Even Jake Tapper calls out Biden's Maskerade hypocrisy (video)
- Plane passengers told to wear masks "between bites" of food
Study they will ignore: Masks don't help stop covid in schools!
- "In areas of high community transmission, masked school students saw a case rate (defined here as daily cases per 100,000) 37 percent higher than non-masked school students, or 19 cases per 100,000 in 'no masks required' schools vs 26 in 'masks required' schools. Even worse, staff experienced a case rate 84 percent worse in masked schools
The Jab...
Covid jab safety system "has gaps"
- " at a time when about 100 million Americans have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19, the U.S. continues to rely on a patchwork network of vaccine monitoring systems that may fail to monitor a large enough swath of the population
- TX nurse fired for refusing jab
- VA Gov slightly loosens restrictions, ONLY FOR JABBED
- CT ENDS religious exemptions for jabs
- Why are we jabbing those on brink of death already?
- Why are we jabbing healthy teens?
Covid jab safety system "has gaps"
Report: School shutdown policy driven by education lobbyists
- Misc Don't Miss
Good sources
- Bannon's Warroom Pandemic
- Gateway Pundit
- Citizen Free Press
- Great browser: Brave
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