Archive of Liberty News' "NOVEMBER 2021" Feeds...
Below is a compilation of the LibertyNEWS daily feeds for the month of November 2021 (For the LN daily feed, go here)
November 30 Feed:
Top Feeds
• Lead Feed: How Joe has FAILED in covid response (video)
• Best Read: SHOCKER OF THE DAY: Kids born during shutdown have lower IQs!!!
• Pfizer CEO says ANNUAL JAB most likely scenario (video)
• WHO stooges: omicron risk "very high"
• GOP slow-walking defense bill; part of strategy to slow down spending scams?
• Tucker on Joe's failed covid policies (video)
• NBA player becomes citizen, changes last name to "Freedom" (video)
• Great Omicron TikTok mashup (Video)
• Top Three Videos here
The rest of today's news feed:
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's Spending Scams
GOP slow-walking defense bill; part of strategy to slow down spending scams?
- More from Politico
- Spending scam "land mines"
- 54% of independents opposing spending scam
BUTTigieg touts $12.5k subsidy for electric cars in spending scam (video)
- "never worry about gas prices again"
- LN-- our heads are exploding. Because the federales are doling out cash in a way that warps economics for their "social" goal of saving the planet, BUTTigieg says this is good for rural folks who drive the most miles and would have to charge to EVs all the time? And help us out.... is electricity free in the Spending Scam?
GOP slow-walking defense bill; part of strategy to slow down spending scams?
Joe's Spending Scams
COVID-1984 Lockdown Shockers-
SHOCKER OF THE DAY: Kids born during shutdown have lower IQs!!!
- "The researchers found that babies born during the pandemic have poorer cognitive, verbal and motor skills than children who came to the world before the coronavirus. The average IQ of children aged three months to three years dropped from the average of 100 in the previous decade to 79 during this period
Omicron Fearmongering
- Fed Chair says omifear could tank economy again
- WHO stooges: omicron risk "very high"
- CDC: now EVERYONE should get jab booster
- Rand Paul responds to media hype on omicron and Fauci (Video)
- South Africa: why are you blaming us?
- Pfizer: Omicron jab in 100 days!
- WSJ -- Omicron non-emergency
- Great Omicron TikTok mashup (Video)
- Tucker on Joe's failed covid policies (video)
- Hannity: Joe has FAILED to stop virus (analysis)
The Jab
- UK now says get jab booster EVERY THREE MONTHS! (video)
- Judge blocks Joe's healthcare jab mandate
- Joe delays federal jab mandate until after holidays. Merry Christmas
Pfizer CEO says ANNUAL JAB most likely scenario (video)
- LN-- was this a stockholder briefing? Hat tip TGP
Whistleblower says researchers won't publish jab-related heart findings for fear (Video)
- Since July 10k excess non-covid deaths (most heart attack and stroke), 30% increase in people dying at home
Webster's makes "vaccine" word of the year
- LN--nice. If memory serves, Webster's had to change the definition of "vaccine" to accomodate the jab which based on the definition for over 100 years, was is not actually a vaccine. This is the definition of doublespeak -- language the obfuscates meaning and even flips the meaning of words.
- Fauxi
SHOCKER OF THE DAY: Kids born during shutdown have lower IQs!!!
Chinavirus Facts
Had covid? You'll make antibodies for a lifetime!
- "Many people who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 will probably make antibodies against the virus for most of their lives.
- LN-- we've been saying this for years (OK, 18 months) but have you heard ONE REPORT from the covidmedia stating that being overweight is the main cause of covid death?
- LN-- Natural Immunity for the Win!
Had covid? You'll make antibodies for a lifetime!
Trump and People push back
- Good overview of tomorrow's SC abortion oral argument: what's at stake
- Levin's Trump interview (Video)
NBA player becomes citizen, changes last name to "Freedom" (video)
- LN-- More here. We wonder if sports media will call him "Freedom". we think not.
Election Watch
Vote Audit Alert
Vote Audit Alert
Critical Race Theory, Woke Revolution
Parent revolt against CRT "just getting started"
- “I have been saying for years that the moment that moms find out what’s going on behind closed doors in our schools, there’s going to be a national revolt, and that’s exactly what’s going on,” she said. “We’re just getting started.”
- Woke Salvation Army tries to draw back on its wokeness
Twitter getting more woke with new woke(racist) CEO
- quote from new CEO: "why should I distinguish between white people and racists."
Photo of Loudon rapist who authorities said was not "Gender fluid"
- LN--Our FB account was flagged by FB for saying the rapist was "transgender". OK. He was in a dress. He dresses like a girl. Pardon us for getting confused in this gender confused world.
Parent revolt against CRT "just getting started"
November 29 Feed:
• Lead Feed: We separate Omicron FEAR from FACTS
• SAfrica health expert: "No reason for panicking" from Omicron (video)
• Fauci on New omicron lockdowns: "prepare for the worst" (video)
• Another South Africa expert: so far cases "pretty mild"
• Fauci Hints that Sen. Cruz is the one who should be prosecuted (video_)
• Shock: Seniors dying at higher excess this year over last despite 98% jab rate
• Qatar study: natural immunity reduces risk of severe reinfection by 99 PERCENT!
• McConaughey talks for 3 minutes, says nothing other than he's not running for gov (Video)
• Top Three Videos here
The rest of today's news feed:
COVID-1984 Lockdown Shockers
Omicron RED ALERT fear mongering
- Fauci on New omicron lockdowns: "prepare for the worst" (video)
- WHO stooge: all countries must agree to stop omicron (video)
UK Stooge Johnson: we don't know if jab will work against O, but get boosted (Video)
- "boost the booster" campaign
- UK -- jab may be "less effective"
- Former FDA stooge Gottleib (on Pfizer board) says jab makers will save us (video)
- WHO skips "Xi" for name out of respect for China
- Belgian leader: It's "Covid-21"!!!
- Israel bans all foreign travelers
Omicron facts
- South Africa report: Omicron results in "mild disease"
SAfrica health expert: "No reason for panicking" from Omicron (video)
- "Looking at the the mildness of the symptoms, there is no reason for panicking, as we don't see severely ill patients" "The hype that's been created out there in the media & worldwide doesn't correlate with the clinical picture"
- Another South Africa expert: so far cases "pretty mild"
South African official fact sheet
- "Currently no unusual symptoms have been reported following infection with the B.1.1.529 variant and as with other variants some individuals are asymptomatic."
- LN-- sounds like the chinavirus
- Goldman says don't worry
- Variant actually first detected in July. ooooops
The Jab
- Fauci says Jab mandate air travel is "on the table" (video)
CDC funded study: jab gives "no statistically significant" difference in transmission
- "we found no statistically significant difference in transmission potential between vaccinated persons and persons who were not fully vaccinated. Therefore, our findings indicate that prevention and mitigation measures should be applied without regard to vaccination status for persons in high-risk settings or those with significant exposures.
- STUDY: jab creating auto-immune response that could explain heart issues?
Shock: Seniors dying at higher excess this year over last despite 98% jab rate
- "In the last 13 weeks alone ~107,700 seniors have died above normal rate. Despite 98.7% vaccination rate.
Berenson: UK data questions efficacy of jab
- "In the last four weeks for which British data are available, roughly coinciding with September, about 1,000 vaccinated English people 80 and over died from Covid and 16,000 from all causes. Compare those numbers to four weeks in May, when fewer than 70 vaccinated English people 80 and over died from Covid and 13,000 from all causes. Put another way, overall deaths rose more than 20 percent in the vaccinated elderly from May to September, and Covid deaths 15-fold.
- "What’s behind the rise in those deaths in the vaccinated elderly? We don’t know. But we’d better find out. Especially since we are now stuffing boosters into their arms.
- MASKerade
- Lockdown FOREVER!
- Fauxi
Fauci Hints that Sen. Cruz is the one who should be prosecuted (video)
Cruz pushes back
- "Fauci is an unelected technocrat who has distorted science and facts in order to exercise authoritarian control over millions of Americans.
Rand Paul pushes back at Fauci's "HUBRIS"
- "The absolute hubris of someone claiming THEY represent science. It’s astounding and alarming that a public health bureaucrat would even think to claim such a thing, especially one who has worked so hard to ignore the science of natural immunity.
- LN-- this is the first mention of "hubris" that we've seen outside our own LN commentary. We argue that the entire botched covid lockdown and response and the general disposition of the overlords on all issues (such as global warming) can best be defined by this word hubris -- excessive pride and self-arrogance. The 21st century is the Age of Hubris. We can solve everything and anything. Just get out of the way and watch us.
Cruz pushes back
Fauci Hints that Sen. Cruz is the one who should be prosecuted (video)
Omicron RED ALERT fear mongering
Team Biden Chronicles
Joe's Spending Scams
- No debt limit deal on horizon
Politico on Schumer's timeline for spending scam passage
- "Senate Majority Leader CHUCK SCHUMER hopes to pass the Build Back Better (BBB) out of the Senate by Christmas Day. But it’s not going to be easy
BidenFlation Crisis
- Prices Soar
- Supply Chain Crisis
- Joe's Law & Order Crisis
Joe's Spending Scams
Chinavirus Facts
Qatar study: natural immunity reduces risk of severe reinfection by 99 PERCENT!
- "for a person who has already had a primary infection, the risk of having a severe reinfection is only approximately 1% of the risk of a previously uninfected person having a severe primary infection,”\
- …Reinfections were rare and were generally mild, perhaps because of the primed immune system after primary infection.”
- LN-- Natural Immunity for the Win!
Qatar study: natural immunity reduces risk of severe reinfection by 99 PERCENT!
The Purge
- Rittenhouse acquittal
Trump and People push back
- Tucker on why Joe's polls are in the toilet (video)
- Let's Go Brandon -- America's Favorite Chant (warning: obscenity)
- Misc Don't Miss
November 24 Feed:
Top Feeds
• Lead Feed: Bad Thanksgiving Advice From the Overlords
• Best Read: Scott Atlas: I watched top scientists lie about covid
• NBC talking head with WORST Bidenflation Thanksgiving advice ever (video)
• Get ready to forget about Waukesha
• Even Pelosi is fleeing to Florida! See her posh oceanfront $25m getaway
• Trump speaks out on Hannity (video)
• Israel admits: almost ALL covid infections and deaths in JABBED! (VIDEO)
• Cancer deaths UP in '20; likely WAY UP in '21
• Tucker on massive jab mandate resistance (Video)
• Top Three Videos here
The rest of today's news feed:
Bad Thanksgiving Advice From the Overlords
NBC talking head with WORST Bidenflation Thanksgiving advice ever (video)
- just don't get a turkey!
- also ask everyone to pitch in $10
- "“Maybe you do an Italian feast ...If you tell everyone you’re having Thanksgiving without turkey, some guests may drop off the list & that’s a way to cut costs too.”
- White House -- we gave you enough handouts to pay for more expensive turkey
- Psaki MINIMIZES increases in Thanksgiving prices (Video)
- NYT: partially jabbed kids at Thanksgiving should "eat quickly"
- FAUCI: Enjoy typical Thanksgiving (if you're jabbed... boosted; DANGER UNJABBED) (VIDEO)
- JOe: there are NO SHORTAGES this Thanksgiving (VIDEO)
- FACTS: Last Thanksgiving under Trump one of LOWEST COST
NBC talking head with WORST Bidenflation Thanksgiving advice ever (video)
Real Thanksgiving -- 400th anniversary!
The FIRST thanksgiving... an account
- "our Governor sent four men on fowling, that so we might, after a special manner, rejoice together after we had gathered the fruit of our labors. They four in one day killed as much as, with a little help beside, served the company almost a week. At which time, amongst other recreations, we exercised our arms, many of the Indians coming amongst us, and among the rest their greatest king, Massasoit, with some ninety men, whom for three days we entertained and feasted; and they went out and killed five deer, which they brought to the plantation and bestowed on our governor, and upon the captain and others. And although it be not always so plentiful as it was at this time with us, yet by the goodness of God, we are so far from want, that we often wish you partakers of our plenty.
- God in the holiday
- David Barton on the first thanksgiving (video here and here)
- Don't let ideologues steal Thanksgiving
- Account from the first pilgrims
The FIRST thanksgiving... an account
Rittenhouse acquittal
- Trump: kyle visited mara lago (video)
- White HOuse tries to deflect Joe associating Kyle with white supremacy
- Here's Joe's ad from 9/30/20 linking Kyle (Video)
Can VA police officer have his job back now?
- LN -- FB post on offices BLOWS UP on our FAcebook page; over 200k views
Wisconsin Horror
- 6th victim, 8-y-o boy, dies
- Tucker: Left will not even examine motives (Video)
- Megyn Kelly on the WI suspect's rap sheet (Video)
- Left media drops "Christmas" from parade description
- Joe heads for posh vacation; not visiting WI victims
Get ready to forget about Waukesha
- "it seems probable that Waukesha will be memory-holed by the agenda-driven media because Brooks was a black man and, according to his social media, an anti-white supporter of Black Lives Matter. This doesn’t comport with the leftist media’s demonization of white men, whose alleged privilege and toxicity are the biggest threat to America.
Team Biden Chronicles
BidenFlation Crisis
Prices Soar
- Joe: buy an electric car to beat gas prices
- JOe: climate madness NOT raising cost of gas. Trust me. (video)
Joe's SEc Energy doesn't know how many barrels of oil U.S. consumes
- Answer: 20m barrels/day. which means Joe's release from the reserve did nothing
- Supply Chain Crisis
Prices Soar
- Joe's Law & Order Crisis
- Joe's Hunter Crisis
- Joe's Hidin Biden crisis
BidenFlation Crisis
COVID-1984 Lockdown Shockers
- Despite Jab, covid now has claimed more lives in '21 than '20
Cancer deaths UP in '20; likely WAY UP in '21
- LN-- the shutdown will kill more people than the virus
The Jab
- Israel admits: almost ALL covid infections and deaths in JABBED! (VIDEO)
- Yay! Fauci shares "great news" about boosters!!!!! (video)
- "The tyrants have been consistent in their messaging onslaught from the beginning: healthy living and natural immunity play no part in overcoming Covid; only the divine gift of pharmaceutical experiments can confer redemption from the viral demon.
Scott Atlas: I watched top scientists lie about covid
- "President Trump turned to me on his right, smiling wryly but with a genuinely puzzled look on his face. “Is [CDC Director] Redfield political or just stupid?” he asked, subtly shaking his head. I looked right back at the president and hesitated. The answer was obvious to both of us.
- Even Pelosi is fleeing to Florida! See her posh oceanfront $25m getaway
37% of truckers said 'HELL NO' to the jab (video)
- if 3.7% leave it would be "catastrophic"
- 600 Google employees revolt against jab mandate
- Tucker on massive jab mandate resistance (Video)
Scott Atlas: I watched top scientists lie about covid
Lockdown FOREVER!
The Purge
Jefferson purged from NYC city hall
- LN-- we'll take it. put it on display in our front yard.
- 1/6 witch hunt
- Joe adding 80k IRS agents. wonder why...
Jefferson purged from NYC city hall
- Trump and People push back
- Misc Don't Miss
November 23 Feed:
November 23
Top Feeds
• Lead Feed: Tucker Carlson interview with Kyle R (Video)
• Best Read: UK scientist: jabbed MORE LIKELY than unjabbed to be infected!
• Real cost of spending scam? $5 Trillion
• Sec of Energy admits energy crisis is INTENTIONAL by Joe!!! (video)
• Scott Atlas: "this is basic knowledge... natural immunity... have better protection (Video)
• NBC: with inflation just don't get a turkey!
• CNN: "Nothing more frightening than an angry white man"
• Aussie lockdown: residents 'no longer have the five reasons to leave their home" (video)
• Politico on Trump's 2024 map
• Top Three Videos here
The rest of today's news feed:
- Rittenhouse acquittal
- Wisconsin Massacre
- Bad Thanksgiving Advice From the Overlords
- Joe's Spending Scams
Team Biden Chronicles- BidenFlation Crisis
Joe's Attack on Parents
- Sen. Cotton on Justice's "threat tags" and attack on parents (Video)
63% say parents have "final say" in education
- LN--We guess the 37% aren't parents or are mindless statists
Joe's Climate Scam/Energy Crisis
Sec of Energy admits energy crisis is INTENTIONAL by Joe!!! (video)
- "We're working through an energy transition. And we’ve got to start by adding energy, and the reality is, we have to take some time to get off of oil and gas, we recognize this. This is a transition."
- Pelosi says climate change is a "religious thing" (video)
- LN -- This is a religious thing and now they are admitting the energy shortage is ON PURPOSE. Leftists global warming zealots limit oil and gas production which raises prices and strains the energy grid because alleged "clean" energy sources are costly and cannot handle demand. So prices rice, people experience blackouts and shortages, and the higher prices actually make MORE oil and gas sources economically accessible, driving prices eventually back down no matter what Joe and the GWZ (global warming zealots) try to do.
- Meanwhile DeSantis works to CUT gas taxes
Sec of Energy admits energy crisis is INTENTIONAL by Joe!!! (video)
- Joe's back door for socialist student debt cancellation
- Joe's Hidin Biden crisis
COVID-1984 Lockdown Shockers
The Jab
- Fauci admits definition of "fully" jabbed might change
Corona cases EXPLODE in 68% jabbed Germany; mandatory jab coming!
- LN--if the jab worked... wait, we know the jab doesn't work at preventing infections (and hospitalizations too). In fact, it's now most likely that the jabbed are the roaming superspreaders (see next link). Clearly, German science says we need more jabs.
Study connects mRNA jabs to heart issues
- "We conclude that the mRNA vaxes dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium & T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle & may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, & other vascular events following vax"
- More here
UK scientist: jabbed MORE LIKELY than unjabbed to be infected!
- "We know that vaccinated people who become infected commonly have similar infectiousness as unvaccinated people, while Public Health England data indicates that vaccinated people over 30 years are now more likely to be infected than the unvaccinated. We also know that unvaccinated people will, in general, suffer more symptoms, so are more likely to abstain from community gatherings when infected, while infected vaccinated people continue to be active, potentially increasing risk to the vulnerable.
- LN-interesting place our hubris has left us. We rush a jab to stop the virus only to find out that jab doesn't stop the virus but makes the jabbed the superspreaders. Our hubris response? Attack the unjabbed and more mandates.
- Even Reuters complains about FDA wanting 55 years to release data
- Double-jabbed 37 year old mom dies of covid. Move along.
- Lockdown FOREVER!
The Jab
- Chinavirus Facts
Election Watch
Politico on Trump's 2024 map
- According to the poll, a memo of which was obtained by POLITICO, the former president led Biden in Arizona by 8 percentage points, Georgia by 3 points, Michigan by 12 points, Pennsylvania by 6 points and Wisconsin by 10 points.
Politico on Trump's 2024 map
- Critical Race Theory, Woke Revolution
November 22 Feed:
Top Feeds
• Lead Feed: Anti-Jab Protests ERUPT WORLDWIDE: Netherlands, Croatia, Rome; Austria; Australia, Italy; Report
• Best Read: Analysis: Rittenhouse trial an attack on right of self defense
• WI massacre Suspect rapped BLEEP TRUMP, just let out of jail
• Fauci says ALL ADULTS should get boosted: "just go out and get boosted" (video)
• Gutfeld asks: Is Maher becoming Gutfeld? (video)
• Drug ODs SPIKED when shutdown began, just broke annual record
• Great Mashup "Fauci v. Fauci" on masks, jabs, etc (Video)
• NYT: partially jabbed kids at Thanksgiving should "eat quickly"
• Top Three Videos here
The rest of today's news feed:
- Wisconsin Massacre
Rittenhouse acquittal
- Joe "angry and concerned" by unanimous jury acquittal
- Leftists chant for "community revolution" (Video)
- Moment verdict in Rittenhouse trial were read (Video)
- Hannity: huge day for right to self defense (video)
- CBS STILL LYING about Kyle; says he crossed state lines "armed for battle" (video)
- Threats of more litigation
- Analysis: Rittenhouse trial an attack on right of self defense
- VA police officer who supported Kyle: give me my job back
- Joe's Spending Scams
Team Biden Chronicles
BidenFlation Crisis
- Supply Chain Crisis
BidenFlation Crisis
COVID-1984 Lockdown Shockers
- Bad THanksgiving Advice from covid overlords...
- Drug ODs SPIKED when shutdown began, just broke annual record
The Jab
- Fauci says ALL ADULTS should get boosted: "just go out and get boosted" (video)
- Fauci: we'll be jabbing BABIES by this spring!!!
- UK -- Jabbed under 60 dying at TWICE rate of unjabbed
- Remember... Webster's changed definition of "anti-vaxxer"
- '21 covid looks SAME as '20 covid despite hundreds of millions of jabs
- Anti-Jab Protests ERUPT WORLDWIDE: Netherlands, Croatia, Rome; Austria; Australia, Italy; Report
- Worker push back and Newport News Shipbuilding drops jab mandate
- Fauxi
- Chinavirus Facts
- Trump and People push back
- Election Watch
November 19 Feed:
Top Feeds
• Lead Feed: McCarthy delays $4.9 TRILLION spending scam vote with 8-HOUR speech (WATCH HERE)
• Tucker: Actions around Rittenhouse trial threaten justice (Video)
• UK's Lord Sumpton speaks on the devastation of lockdowns (Video)
• FDA wants until 2076 to release Pfizer authorization docs!!!
• DeSantis sets record straight: it's United STATES; fed power very limited (Video)
• OSHA SUSPENDS private sector jab mandate, pending court review
• Megyn Kelly LONG INTERVIEW with Dr. Scott Atlas (video)
• (EXCLUSIVE) DC Republicans keep spending like DC Democrats with 22 looming
• Top Three Videos here
The rest of today's news feed:
Joe's Spending Scams
- Hannity: scam will add to deficit (video)
McCarthy delays spending scam vote with 8-HOUR speech (WATCH HERE)
- "single most reckless and irresponsible spending bill in our nation’s history."
- "Never in American history has so much been spent at one time," McCarthy said. "Never in American history will so many taxes be raised and so much borrowing be needed to pay for all this reckless spending."
- Longest floor speech ever: 8:32
- Scam will cause IRS AUDITS TO DOUBLE!!!
- Dems block effort to remove amnesty from scam
- Rittenhouse Trial
Team Biden Chronicles
BidenFlation Crisis
- Prices Soar
- Supply Chain Crisis
- Joe's Attack on Parents
BidenFlation Crisis
COVID-1984 Lockdown Shockers
The Jab
- OSHA SUSPENDS private sector jab mandate!
Swedish data warns of possible HIGHER overall mortality rates post jab
- "the Swedish figures offer a very large real-world dataset apparently showing a notable increase in all-cause mortality directly following Covid vaccination.
- 10 million Pfizermectin pills coming at your expense; cost? about $500/pill!!!!
FDA wants until 2076 to release Pfizer authorization docs!!!
- "the FDA asked a federal judge to give it until 2076 to fully produce this information. The FDA asked the judge to let it produce the 329,000+ pages of documents Pfizer provided to the FDA to license its vaccine at the rate of 500 pages per month, which means its production would not be completed earlier than 2076.
- Disney cruise: 5 year olds MUST BE JABBED
UK's Lord Sumpton speaks on the devastation of lockdowns (Video)
- Notes that we learned lockdown from China
- "we have moral reasons for not behaving in a despotic fashion, for not wishing to be like China"
- MASKerade
Lockdown FOREVER!
MSNBC still asks re Thanksgiving: "If people are going to get together"; Fauci responds. (video)
- "If...if...if...go have an enjoyable Tgiving in your home."
- LN-- what about the miracle jab?
- VA's Youngkin will stop state jab and mask mandates but won't block local mandates
MSNBC still asks re Thanksgiving: "If people are going to get together"; Fauci responds. (video)
- CVS closing 900 stores, becoming a jab and health portal
- Fauxi
The Jab
Chinavirus Facts
- The Purge
Trump and People push back
- DeSantis sets record straight: it's United STATES; fed power very limited (Video)
- Let's Go Brandon -- America's Favorite Chant (warning: obscenity)
Election Watch
- (EXCLUSIVE) DC Republicans keep spending like DC Democrats with 22 looming
Vote Integrity Alert
- Critical Race Theory, Woke Revolution
November 17 Feed:
Top Feeds
• Lead Feed: Whistleblower CONFIRMS Joe's counter-terrorism move against PARENTS!
• Best Read: BREAKING: Pfizer Lied about jab testing? Actual results show MORE DEATHS in jab group than control
• (Grassfire) Spending scam WORSE THAT WE THOUGHT
• Megyn Kelly's excellent breakdown of Rittenhouse case (Video)
• Analysis: why inflation isn't going away
• Joe: how do I cross a bridge in a snowstorm? What if there's a fire on the other side? (video)
• Top Three Videos here
The rest of today's news feed:
- Joe's Spending Scams
- Rittenhouse Trial
Team Biden Chronicles
BidenFlation Crisis
Prices Soar
- Tucker: Joe is causing inflation, and he says we deserve it (video)
CA gas prices reach record high
- LN--well, Californians deserve what they get for creating such a Woke state....
Analysis: why inflation isn't going away
- "The price of fuel oil has risen by 59% in the past 12 months, gasoline by 50%, and home-delivered natural gas by 28%. The cost of new cars and trucks is up 10%, used cars and trucks 26%, car and truck rentals 39%. Furniture costs 12% more; rents and housing prices are moving up fast. Grade A eggs are up to $1.82 a dozen from $1.41 a year ago; a pound of chuck roast rose to $7.40 from $5.75.
Prices Soar
Joe's Attack on Parents
- Whistleblower CONFIRMS Joe's counter-terrorism move against PARENTS!
Excellent Christopher Rufo thread
- "This is the smoking gun. Attorney General Garland provided zero evidence that parents are engaging in credible threats or acts of violence. And yet, he mobilized the FBI Counterterrorism Division to use counterterrorism tools for investigating, tracking, and tagging parents.
- Whistleblower breakdown on Fox
- Joe's Climate Scam/Energy Crisis
Joe's border crisis
- Joe's Hidin Biden crisis
BidenFlation Crisis
- COVID-1984 Lockdown Shockers
The Jab
BREAKING: Pfizer Lied about jab testing? Actual results show MORE DEATHS in jab group than control
- "buried on page 23 of the report is this stunning sentence: From Dose 1 through the March 13, 2021 data cutoff date, there were a total of 38 deaths, 21 in the COMIRNATY [vaccine] group and 17 in the placebo group. Pfizer said publicly in July it had found 15 deaths among vaccine recipients by mid-March. But it told the FDA there were 21 - at the same data cutoff end date, March 13.
- LN -- 24% more deaths in the jab panel than the placebo group. That is very significant. All-cause mortality is the final and only real measure of whether a mitigation effort worked. LN and Grassfire have argued for 18 months that the lockdown ultimatley would cause more mortality than covid. Now the Pfizer trial shows that the jab may cause more mortality. At least, there is no trial evidence that it reduces overall mortality.
Five-fold increase in cardiac deaths among soccer players.
- LN--nothing to see here. move along...
- Joe pushes boosters, orders 10m doses of Pfizermectin
- 6th Circuit to hear Joe private sector mandatory jab case
- The View GRILLS unjabbed Jedidah Bila (video)
- New buzzphrase of the jabbed: "keep your immunity UP!"
BREAKING: Pfizer Lied about jab testing? Actual results show MORE DEATHS in jab group than control
- Shutdown leading to childhood obesity
- Shutdown causing 1st graders to be WAY BEHIND on reading
- Lockdown FOREVER!
The Jab
Chinavirus Facts
Study: long covid not real; it's in your mind
- "Persistent symptoms after Covid-19 infection may be associated more with belief in having been infected with SARSCOV2 than with having laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection"
- LN-- Natural Immunity for the Win!
- What stopped the flu? It wasn't masks...
Study: long covid not real; it's in your mind
- The Purge
Trump and People push back
- Let's Go Brandon -- America's Favorite Chant (warning: obscenity)
Election Watch
- Another poll says things look bad for Dems in '22
Vote Audit Alert
- Great Reset
- Critical Race Theory, Woke Revolution
- Misc Don't Miss
November 16 Feed:
• Lead Feed: Tucker: Rittenhouse media lies and blackout, and what really happened (video)
• Best Read: WSJ -- Spending Scam to make U.S. taxes HIGHEST in developed world
• (Grassfire) House Dems "racing" to pass spending scam
• Breitbart's "Field Guide" to woke non-infrastructure bill
• Here's Fauci saying you have a "misplaced perception" about your rights (video)
• Finally... VACCINATE ME ELMO doll released (video)
• Top Three Videos here
The rest of today's news feed:
Joe's Spending Scams
- (Grassfire) House Dems "racing" to pass spending scam
- Sen. Cotton vows to fight
WSJ -- Spending Scam to make U.S. taxes HIGHEST in developed world
- Under the Democratic plan, the combined U.S. top rate would climb to 57.4% by 2026. The U.S. would leap over 22 other countries in the OECD tax ranking, including Italy (47.2%), Sweden (52.3%), and even France (55.4%). Germany comes in at a relative bargain at 47.2%. Congratulations, America, you’ll be Number One.
- Dems moving closer to passage; CBO rushing score of spending scam
- After signing Infrastructure scam, Joe says "your life is going to change for the better" (video)
Breitbart's "Field Guide" to woke non-infrastructure bill
- BTW, about 10% actually "infrastructure". Just saying
Rittenhouse Trial
- Gun charge DISMISSED (video)
- Prosecutor says Kyle lost right to self defense b/c he had a gun (video)
- Defense closing argument (Video)
- Tucker: Facts of case totally different from what we were told (video)
- Hannity takes apart prosecutor who pointed gun at jury (video)
- Tucker interviews Jonathan Turley on trial (video)
- YOUTUBE BLOCKS independent streams of trial!
Team Biden Chronicles
- BidenFlation Crisis
- Joe's Climate Scam/Energy Crisis
Joe's Kamala Problem
- Tucker on Kamala's shocking rise to power (Video)
CNN -- Exasperation and Dysfunction: Inside Kamala
- "Worn out by what they see as entrenched dysfunction and lack of focus, key West Wing aides have largely thrown up their hands at Vice President Kamala Harris and her staff -- deciding there simply isn't time to deal with them right now
- Even White House announcer forgets Kamala (video)
- Joe's Hidin Biden crisis
COVID-1984 Lockdown Shockers
The Jab
Brits now need THIRD JAB to be fully jabbed
- LN -- Two jabs good, three jabs better; three jabs good, two jabs bad. Four jabs? Probably better.
- Finally... VACCINATE ME ELMO doll released (video)
- Video montage reminder: Joe and team said NO FEDERAL JAB MANDATE (video)
- CDC not updating "breakthrough" case data. Wonder why...
Brits now need THIRD JAB to be fully jabbed
- Why you cannot trust US covid data
Joe forgets mask, can't find mask, decides he doesn't need mask (video)
- LN -- when will the insanity ever end?
Joe forgets mask, can't find mask, decides he doesn't need mask (video)
- Lockdown FOREVER!
- Fauxi
Fauci blames Trump... and YOU!
- "misplaced perception about people’s individual right to make a decision that supersedes the societal safety"
- Here's Fauci saying you have a "misplaced perception" about your rights (video)
Fauci blames Trump... and YOU!
The Jab
- The Purge
Trump and People push back
- Parents bill of rights legislation to be introduced
- Let's Go Brandon -- America's Favorite Chant (warning: obscenity)
Election Watch
Vote Audit Alert
Vote Audit Alert
Critical Race Theory, Woke Revolution
November 15 Feed:
Top Feeds
• Lead Feed: Fauci finally admits: JAB NOT STOPPING INFECTIONS OR HOSPITALIZATIONS!; audio clip here
• Best Read: CDC has NO RECORD of person with natural immunity spreading covid
• Ted Cruz on Spending Scam #2: Joe is Jimmy Carter Redux (video)
• (Grassfire) Dems want to pass Spending Scam this week
• NBC talking idiot says "dirty little secret" of inflation is "we have the money"
• Joe approval now 38% in WPost poll!
• Americans with depression MORE THAN TRIPLES under covid shutdown
• Top Three Videos here
The rest of today's news feed:
Joe's Spending Scams
- (Grassfire) Dems want to pass Spending Scam this week
- Ted Cruz on Spending Scam #2: Joe is Jimmy Carter Redux (video)
- Joe's economic team says TRILLIONS in spending will lower inflation!
NBC talking idiot says "dirty little secret" of inflation is "we have the money"
- "This inflation is not in isolation, and the government predicted it was going to be a challenging recovery, recovery all tied to Covid. So it's why you see things like that expanded child tax credit. You've got the families of over 60 million kids, on average, getting $430 a month. For people on fixed incomes, older people on social security, they're getting those fixed payments adjusted next year up 5.9% for inflation. And the dirty little secret here, while nobody likes to pay more, on average we have the money to do so.
- Musk to tax-crazy Bernie: "I forget you're still alive"
- News outlets to get tax breaks!
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe approval now 38% in WPost poll!
BidenFlation Crisis
- Prices Soar
- Supply Chain Crisis
COVID-1984 Lockdown Shockers
The Jab
Fauci finally admits: JAB NOT STOPPING INFECTIONS OR HOSPITALIZATIONS!; audio clip here
- About Israel: "They [Israel] are seeing a waning of immunity not only against infection but against hospitalizations and to some extent death, which is starting to now involve all age groups. It isn't just the elderly," Fauci said. "It's waning to the point that you're seeing more and more people getting breakthrough infections, and more and more of those people who are getting breakthrough infections are winding up in the hospital."
- WE MUST BOOST! "I think … that the boosting is gonna be an absolutely essential component of our response, not a bonus, not a luxury, but an absolute essential part of the program."
Listen to audio podcast here
- 5:00 -- blames Delta variant
- 5:30 -- blames unjabbed
5:58 -- warns of waning immunity
- Audio clip here
- 6:50 -- must have boosters!
- 8:00 -- unbelievable... now says we didn't have the "time" to properly test!!!!
- Video montage here
Data on Worldwide Jab Failure.
- "Don't worry. Boosters will fix everything"
- Fifth Circuit rebukes Joe's jab mandate
- Louisiana Nurse testifies on underreporting of jab adverse effects (video)
Fauci finally admits: JAB NOT STOPPING INFECTIONS OR HOSPITALIZATIONS!; audio clip here
- MASKerade
- Survey: Covid shutdown is making you UGLY
- Americans with depression MORE THAN TRIPLES under covid shutdown
OPERATION HUBRIS: Our arrogance got us here
- LN -- "Operation Hubris" is the copyrighted phrase of LibertyNEWS and Grassfire so don't steal it. if one word describes our world's response to this bad flu, it's HUBRIS. We've proven that the human species isn the 21st century has more hubris than any other. We can solve everything if we give "science" and government control.
- Lockdown FOREVER! / Jab Macht Frei
The Jab
- Chinavirus Facts
The Purge
- Rittenhouse Trial
- Media/Tech bias
Trump and People push back
- Youngkin at "Ground Zero Loudon County" (VIDEO)
- Let's Go Brandon -- America's Favorite Chant (warning: obscenity)
- Election Watch
- Critical Race Theory, Woke Revolution
Faith Watch
Whitlock: what the Left is doing is "satanic"
- "What we’re really seeing here from Joy Reid, from Michael Eric Dyson, from Jonathan Capehart, this is satanism. This is satanic. — When there is an attack on truth, it’s an attack on God. It’s an attack on Jesus. The truth is what sets us free. The truth is what Jesus, God, faith, are about.
Whitlock: what the Left is doing is "satanic"
November 11 Feed:
Top Feeds
• Joe doesn't get it, but 5 reasons for INFLATION AND SUPPLY CRISES.... (see below_
• Real Wages are DOWN since Joe took office!
• Tucker's summary of the Rittenhouse trial (video)
• Rittenhouse Judge berates prosecution for baiting a mistrial (video)
• DISGUSTING: LeBron mocks and attacks Kyle
• Turkey prices up 40%! No Thanks Joe!
• Report: Manchin may delay spending scam to '22 due to inflation
• Facts: long covid mostly a long myth.... according to science that is
• Top Three Videos here
The rest of today's news feed:
BidenFlation Crisis
- 1) "Congress and the White House flooded the economy with $1.9 trillion in new spending in March, after about $4 trillion in Covid relief in 2020. The goal was to goose economic demand, though the economy was recovering smartly by summer 2020.
- 2) "That needless demand stimulus has coincided
with Biden policies that squeeze the supply of goods and services. This is the cause of the famous supply-demand mismatch.... The Biden tax and regulatory agenda is already reducing the supply of goods, notably in energy. Gasoline and natural gas prices have climbed amid higher global demand but dampened U.S. production. President Biden and his aides are trying to put U.S. drillers out of business while begging the OPEC+ cartel to produce more oil.
- 3) "Democratic transfer payments that reduce the incentive to work have created the worst labor shortage in decades. Half of all small businesses report they can’t fill open positions no matter how much they increase wages.
- 4) "Vaccine mandates are now compounding the shortage.
- 5) "Then there’s the Fed, which is still running an emergency monetary policy 19 months into a recovery with a jobless rate of 4.6%.
- Joe doesn't get it; wants govt to solve supply crisis, says spending scams deflationary
- Joe blames BidenFlation on great success of Joe, puzzles about gas prices (video)
- Joe says BidenFlation due to "y'all got checks for $1,400" (video)
- Joe explains the complexity of a pencil. Thanks Joe (video)
Prices Soar
- Turkey up 40%! No Thanks Joe!
- WSJ: Real Wages are DOWN since Joe took office!
- "the Labor Department said average hourly earnings after inflation fell 0.5% in the month. Real wages are down 2.2% since January. American purchasing power has declined, and the average standard of living has fallen, despite unheard of levels of government spending.
- Joe's Spending Scams
COVID-1984 Lockdown Shockers
The Jab
Mass KidJab effort under way; 20k clinics; 900k kids jabbed by EOD yesterday
- "Parents and families across the country are breathing giant sighs of relief
- Germany warns against moderna for young men, pregnant women
over 600k adverse jab events reported in U.S.; 8k deaths
- 634,609 adverse events, including 8,284 deaths and 52,685 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and Oct. 29, 2021. Of the 8,284 U.S. deaths reported as of Oct. 29, 10% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 15% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 26% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.
- Source: Newsom's double jab made him sick, cancel trip
Surgeon Gen.: kids' jab gets us "one step closer" to taking off masks (Video)
“As cases come down, certainly it will become a possibility.”
Mass KidJab effort under way; 20k clinics; 900k kids jabbed by EOD yesterday
Lockdown FOREVER!
- As we reported yesterday, CDC says FEWER KIDS had covid than a few months ago; impossible
Covid quiz: what was the highest percent of ER visits with diagnosed covid
- Answer here
The Jab
Chinavirus Facts
Facts: long covid mostly a long myth.... according to science that is
- "Covid was not a risk factor for chest pain, or breathing difficulties, or trouble focusing, or stomach pain, or any of the many, many other complaints that long Covid “patients” and interest groups say are real. There was one interesting exception; people with Covid antibodies did have a much higher rate of anosmia, losing one’s sense of smell. Because anosmia is a known and lasting side effect, it serves as a useful control of sorts.
- And then Berenson drops this nugget.... "The researchers also found that almost 60 percent of the people with antibodies HAD NO IDEA THEY HAD EVEN HAD COVID AT ALL. Meanwhile, while more than half the people who said they had had Covid had no antibodies. (Welcome to the plague so severe most halfway healthy adults don’t even know they’ve had it.)
Facts: long covid mostly a long myth.... according to science that is
The Purge
Rittenhouse Trial
- Tucker's summary of the Rittenhouse trial (video)
- Kyle breaks down on stand (video)
- Listen to prosecutor barrage Kyle (video)
- Funny-- Judge's phone rings to tune of "Proud to be an American" (video)
- Rittenhouse Judge berates prosecution for baiting a mistrial (video)
- Judge Jeanine: this young man will be acquitted (Video)
Rittenhouse Trial
Election Watch
- VA now ground zero in '22 battle for House
Vote Audit Alert
- Critical Race Theory, Woke Revolution
November 10 Feed:
Top Feeds
• Lead Feed: Inflation is UP and so are jab deceptions...
• Best Read: Legal analysis: forced covid jab for kids is unlawful
• Oct. Inflation HIGHEST IN 30 YEARS!
• Pelosi: we're going to "decarbonize every sector of the economy" with Scam (video)
• CDC caught LYING about the covid numbers again
• Jab now being tested on BABIES!!!
• WOW! Gates admits that jab doesn't block transmission! Ban him from social media! (video)
• Twitter bans NewsMax employee; then NewsMax bans her, too, for post on jab ingredient
- LN-- we have so many questions; 1) who came up with this? 2) why is science groping brain? 3) why is brain sweating when science gropes brain? 4) why is science a giant pink blob? 5) shouldn't "science" be pointing brain to competing theories or data instead of holding brain back from something?
• Top Three Videos here
The rest of today's news feed:
- Joe's Spending Scams
Team Biden ChroniclesBidenFlation Crisis
Prices Soar
Oct. Inflation HIGHEST IN 30 YEARS!
- "the consumer-price index—which measures what consumers pay for goods and services—rose 5.9% in October from the same month a year ago. That would mark the fastest pace since 1990 and the fifth straight month in which inflation topped 5%.
- Misery index highest in more than a decade
Oct. Inflation HIGHEST IN 30 YEARS!
Prices Soar
Joe's Climate Scam/Energy Crisis
COVID-1984 Lockdown Shockers
The Jab
- LN-- we have so many questions; 1) who came up with this? 2) why is science groping brain? 3) why is brain sweating when science gropes brain? 4) why is science a giant pink blob? 5) shouldn't "science" be pointing brain to something else instead of holding brain back from something?
WOW! Gates admits that jab doesn't block transmission! Ban him from social media! (video)
- "We didn't have vaccines that block transmission. We got vaccines that help you with your health, but they only slightly reduce the transmission. We need a new way of doing the vaccines."
- More here
- French health authority issues Moderna jab warming for men, heart issues
- Soccer players collapsing. NOthing to see here...
- Newsom disappeared for two weeks to go trick or treating after jab booster. Nothing to see here
- Jab now being tested on BABIES!!!
Legal analysis: forced covid jab for kids is unlawful
- "The emergency-use authorization of the Covid vaccine also creates a legal distinction. Federal law requires, among other things, that potential recipients of EUA products be informed “of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product, of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks.”
- Twitter bans NewsMax employee; then NewsMax bans her, too, for post on jab ingredient
Cancelled Aaron Rodgers responds
- "I realize I'm in the crosshairs of the woke mob right now so before my final nail gets put in my cancel culture casket, I'd like to set the record straight on so many of the blatant lies out there,"
- more here
- Jab mandate protests: New Zealand;
Cancelled Aaron Rodgers responds
- MASKerade
Lockdown FOREVER!
CDC caught LYING about the covid numbers again
- "CDC finally updated their burden estimates... and they bizarrely find that the percent of age 0 to 17 ever-infected fell from 36.7% through May to just 29.9% through September.
- LN-- so FEWER kids had covid through September than through May. It's a covid miracle..
- Meanwhile UK kids 80% infected
- ANOTHER CDC LIE -- says only 58m Americans have gotten the ro since LAST SEPTEMBER!
- LN-- Why is CDC lying? Because the overlords LOSE CONTROL as the pandemic becomes endemic and majority have natural immunity. High natural immunity numbers undermines their jab mandate push.
CDC caught LYING about the covid numbers again
The Jab
Chinavirus Facts
India, Pakistan doing fine without much jabbing
- "It’s almost as if Covid-19 infection waves have a predictable natural course over a two- to three-month period - a sharp rise and nearly equally sharp decline. It’s almost as if the virus then disappears as many, many people gain natural immunity - including many younger people who never knew they were infected at all because the coronavirus is barely dangerous to them.
- UK mortality rate no worse than 2009 despite 18 months of panic
- Dennis Prager on natural immunity
- LN-- Natural Immunity for the Win!
India, Pakistan doing fine without much jabbing
- The Purge
Media/Tech bias
Is Facebook getting ready to attack conservatives EVEN MORE? This WSJ post indicates yes...
- LN-- FB is going to go after so-called "recycled" posts; what conservatives do to counter the LEFT SPIN in the news. Get ready for conservative sites to get throttled even more...
Is Facebook getting ready to attack conservatives EVEN MORE? This WSJ post indicates yes...
Trump and People push back
Deep dive on Durham probe -- he's unraveling major conspiracy
- "It shows that the special counsel’s probe is methodically unraveling a huge conspiracy, seemingly engineered by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and implicating James Comey’s FBI, either as a willing participant or as utterly incompetent boobs.
- LN-- tell us something we didn't know four years ago...
- Sky News Australia calls it "hoax of the century" (Video)
- Let's Go Brandon -- America's Favorite Chant
Deep dive on Durham probe -- he's unraveling major conspiracy
- Election Watch
- Critical Race Theory, Woke Revolution
- Misc Don't Miss
November 9 Feed:
Top Feeds
Is Joe's Chaos a PLAN to destroy America?
Wayne Root: Cloward-Piven Plan, version 2020-1
- It was called Cloward-Piven – named after a Columbia University husband-wife professor team. Their insane goal was to turn America into a socialist/communist hellhole.They planned to do it by overwhelming and collapsing the US economy with massive debt, created by getting as many Americans as possible on welfare, food stamps and unemployment.
- Tucker: Joe's destroying America on purpose (video)
- Candace Owens explains the WHY behind all the Joe chaos (video)
Wayne Root: Cloward-Piven Plan, version 2020-1
• Best Read: Analysis: Jab mandate poses "grave danger" to freedom
• Candace Owens explains the WHY behind all the Joe chaos (video)
• PROJECT VERITAS' O'KEEFE'S HOME RAIDED; he responds on Hannity (video)
• WSJ article (unintentionally?) exposes FARCE of jab for children
• The moment the Rittenhouse trial should have ended (Video-- obscenity)
• EXPOSED: FOXNews and Newsmax actually imposing Joe's mandates
• BUTTigieg fights racial bridges and roads (video)
• Marjorie Taylor Greene on her visit to 1/6 protestors in jail (video)
• Top Three Videos here
The rest of today's news feed:
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe's Spending Scams
BidenFlation Crisis
- Prices Soar
- Supply Chain Crisis
- Joe's Climate Scam/Energy Crisis
- Joe's Hidin Biden crisis
COVID-1984 Lockdown Shockers
The Jab
STUDY hints that jab may interfere with natural immunity
- "Other scientists have found that natural immunity from Sars-Cov-2 continues to strengthen for at least six months after Covid infection and recovery - perhaps more than a year. The Qatar paper at least suggests that the vaccines may hinder that evolution of memory B-cells. In other words, they may actually damage the body’s ability to build broad protection against reinfection.
Analysis: Jab mandate poses "grave danger" to freedom
- "Clearly, evil like this can’t be obeyed, but rather must be opposed with every possible measure at our disposal"
- Pfizer pushes FDA for BOOSTERS FOR ALL!
- Joe's team: ignore court, impose jab mandate
- EXPOSED: FOXNews and Newsmax actually imposing Joe's mandates
WSJ article admits jab link to myocarditis
- One new theory under examination: improper injections of the vaccine directly into a vein, which sends the vaccine to heart muscle.
- That myocarditis appears to happen more among younger males after vaccination than in other age and sex groups suggests a link to the hormone testosterone, which is usually at high levels in younger males, according to researchers.
WSJ article (unintentionally) exposes FARCE of jab for children
- article says don't agonize over kid jab decision because risk low "either way"
- admits of Pfizer test: "no child in either the vaccine or placebo group developed severe illness from Covid.
- admits "If a child already had Covid, there’s no scientific basis for vaccination." And adds: "Natural immunity is likely even more robust in children, given their stronger immune systems.
Here's the jab study on children that CONFIRMS NATURAL IMMUNITY!
- “No cases of COVID-19 were observed in either the vaccine group or the placebo group in participants with evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.”
- LN-- Hmmmm. So kids aren't at risk and don't benefit from the jab but we can't just say DONT GET THE JAB because we'll get cancelled? C'mon Marty. You have half a spine. You're almost there!
STUDY hints that jab may interfere with natural immunity
- Lockdown FOREVER!
The Jab
- The Purge
- Media/Tech bias
Trump and People push back
- Hannity of Joe's cratering low approval ratings (Video)
- Trump hints at '24 rematch
- Let's Go Brandon -- America's Favorite Chant (warning: obscenity)
Election Watch
Vote Audit Alert
Vote Audit Alert
- Critical Race Theory, Woke Revolution
- Faith Watch
- Misc Don't Miss
November 8 Feed:
Top Feeds
• Lead Feed: How 13 GOP members saved Joe's spending scam
• Joe says people can't understand supply chain, then can't explain supply chain (video)
• Thanks to Joe, over 100 MILLION not in labor force and not looking for work!
• Kamala asks... can NASA "track trees by race" (video)
• Watch Aaron Rodgers for yourself; he makes intelligent argument for his unjabbed decision (video)
• Huge study shows all three jabs lose efficacy to prevent infections
• Sesame Street pimps for kids jab (video)
• What? NYC offering kids $100 in "candy" money to take jab?!!!!
• Top Three Videos here
The rest of today's news feed:
Joe's Spending Scams
Infrastructure scam passes House
WSJ -- GOP members saved JOe's spending scam
- just 10% for actual "infrastructure"
- "With their narrow House majority, Democrats couldn’t pass the bill themselves after six left-wing Members voted no. Without those GOP votes, the bill would have failed and Democrats would have suffered another political defeat and more recriminations. Instead, Democratic leaders are moving ahead fast to focus on their $4 trillion entitlement spending and tax bill that is now more likely to pass.
- 13 HOuse republican for YES for scam
Trump says GOP should be ashamed
- "All Republicans who voted for Democrat longevity should be ashamed of themselves, in particular Mitch McConnell, for granting a two month stay which allowed the Democrats time to work things out at our Country’s, and the Republican Party’s, expense!,
- breakdown of infrastructure scam
- All the crazy stuff in the infrastructure scam
WSJ -- GOP members saved JOe's spending scam
- Bigger spending scam is next
Infrastructure scam passes House
BidenFlation Crisis
- Prices Soar
Supply Chain Crisis
- Insanity -- Energy Sec Grantholm says we have to get everyone jabbed to solve supply chain crisis
Joe says people can't understand supply chain, then can't explain supply chain (video)
- "Why is the price of agricultural products, when I go to the store, why is it higher? What, like for example. if I had, if we were all going out and having lunch together and I said let’s ask whoever’s at the next table no matter how, whatever restaurant we’re in, have them explain the supply chain to us. You think they’d understand what we’re talking about. They’re smart people. The supply chain. But why’s everything backed up? Well, it’s backed up because the people’s supplies or materials that end up being on our kitchen table or in our, in, in, in our, our fam, our, our life. Guess what? There close those plants because they have COVID.”
- Thanks to Joe, over 100 MILLION not in labor force and not looking for work!
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe's border crisis
- Joe's Hidin Biden crisis
COVID-1984 Lockdown Shockers
- Aaron Rodgers CANCELLED for being unjabbed
The JaB
Huge study shows all three jabs lose efficacy to prevent infections
- Between early March and Septemper, as the Delta variant rapidly became the dominant strain worldwide, the ability of Moderna's two-dose vaccine to prevent infections dropped from 89% - 58%, Pfizer's went from 87% - 45%, and J&J's single-dose vaccine went from 86% to just 13%.
- CA's Newsom not seen since jab booster 11 days ago
- Appeals court puts injunction blocking Joe's Jab mandate
- Joe now pushing jab mandate for small businesses as well
- Here we go... the Pfizer pill will save us all (and boost their profits)
- NBA now pushing BOOSTER to count as fully jabbed
- Sesame Street pimps for kids jab (video)
- What? NYC offering kids $100 in "candy" money to take jab?!!!!
Huge study shows all three jabs lose efficacy to prevent infections
- Chinavirus Facts
- The Purge
- Media/Tech bias
Trump and People push back
- Tulsi Gabbard points way to more civilized society (Video)
- Joe's approval in mid 30s.
- Let's Go Brandon -- America's Favorite Chant (warning: obscenity)
- Tulsi Gabbard points way to more civilized society (Video)
Election Watch
- Vote Audit Alert
- Critical Race Theory, Woke Revolution
November 5 Feed:
• Lead Feed: Radicals Harass Manchin; Scam vote TODAY!
• Best Read: WSJ: real cost of scam "trojan horse" is $3.98 TRILLION
• Joe Manchin Harassed By Radical Leftists (video)
• Dems push spending scam votes to THIS MORNING
• Sen. Graham: they knew it was a Russian spy! (video)
• Shelby Steele on Dem's racial denials (Video)
• Rand Paul to Fauci: "You're covering your ass!" (video)
• Joe considering expanding Jab mandate to ALL EMPLOYERS, even under 100 employees!
• ANALYSIS: God's universe beats Zuck's "Metaverse"
• Top Three Videos here
The rest of today's news feed:
Joe's Spending Scams
- (Grassfire) Dems accelerate plans to pass scams
Dems push spending scam votes to THIS MORNING
Politico's deep dive on backroom dealing
- "A central part of Pelosi’s Thursday push focused on the five centrist Democrats who have said they’d be unwilling to back the full social safety net and climate bill until Congress’ budget offices can prove that the $1.75 trillion legislation will be fully paid for. Privately, even more centrists had aired the same grievance. Leaders chipped away at the holdouts — originally around a dozen — whose numbers have dwindled but are still numerous enough to block passage.
- More on rushed vote here
So they can get on flights at noon....
- "One reason for Democrats to be optimistic today: “[M]any in the caucus are set to embark on overseas trips ahead of next week’s recess.” A deadline, in other words, could help push them to act.
Politico's deep dive on backroom dealing
- Joe making calls, begging
- WSJ: real cost of scam "trojan horse" is $3.98 TRILLION
- Dem says Middle Class must "invest in government" in spending scam (video)
- Joe Manchin Harassed By Radical Leftists (video)
Durham Probe on Russiagate Scam
Arrest of spy in Russiagate probe a "seismic development"
- "The office of Special Counsel John Durham has confirmed that Igor Danchenko, a key source for British ex-spy Christopher Steele, has been arrested. This is the third arrest by Durham who is moving toward the prosecution stage of his investigation into the origins of the Russian collusion scandal.
- Jesse Watters summary (Video)
- Sen. Graham: they knew sub source was a Russian spy! (video)
- Trump Jr. responds
Arrest of spy in Russiagate probe a "seismic development"
2021 Election Fallout
- Shelby Steele on Dem's racial denials (Video)
- Hannity: Dems still reeling; blame everything on race (Video)
- VA -- Glenn Youngkin's first remarks (video)
- Hollywood FREAKS OUT over VA
Analysis: Trump and culture war won in VA
- "All Republicans who campaign against critical race theory, “transgender” bathrooms, and the demonization of parents who dare to speak out against these things will have the support of an electorate that is fired up to a level not seen since 2010. And, just as importantly, they will have the blessing of the 45th president of the United States, who crafted this strategy in the first place.
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe's border crisis
BidenFlation Crisis
- Prices Soar
COVID-1984 Lockdown Shockers
Joe's Oppressive Mandates
WSJ: Joe's 490-page jab mandate "overkill"
- "Covid cases and hospitalization have blessedly plunged since the summer Delta surge as more Americans have been vaccinated or acquired natural immunity.Yet the Biden Administration is still fighting the last virus war, and on Thursday rolled out its worker vaccine mandate, which will likely do more harm than good.
JOe's statement blaming unjabbed for new jab mandate
- "While I would have much preferred that requirements not become necessary, too many people remain unvaccinated for us to get out of this pandemic for good.
- Joe considering expanding Jab mandate to ALL EMPLOYERS, even under 100 employees!
WSJ: Joe's 490-page jab mandate "overkill"
- Lockdown FOREVER!
- Lab Origin
Joe's Oppressive Mandates
- The Purge
- Trump and People push back
Election Watch
Vote Fraud Alert
Vote Fraud Alert
- Critical Race Theory, Woke Revolution
- Faith Watch
November 4 Feed:
Top Feeds
• Lead Feed: Truck driver spends $153 on campaign; best campaign vid EVER!
• Best Read: (Exclusive) After huge loss, spending scam must be cancelled
• Nancy pushes forward with double scam votes this week!
• DeSantis great Dr. Fauci quote! (video)
• BEST 2 MINUTES on how Pfizer trial did NOT reduce overall mortality! (video)
• INSPIRING WORDS from Winsome Sears (video)
• REST OF STORY behind Rockwell's "Freedom of Speech" painting
• Top Three Videos here
The rest of today's news feed:
2021 Elections
- (Grassfire) It's morning again in America
- Liberal media ignores diverse GOP winning ticket
- Tucker: we are at an inflection point (video)
- Youngkin WINS latino vote!
- Youngkin on Tucker: this became a movement at this moment (video)
- Manchin: "wake up call"; not sure where he belongs (Video))Sears: "we beg to differ" with Dem's race narrative
- WSJ: Big racist fail in VA
- More proof against media gaslighting on "NO CRT in VA"; and here as well
- INSPIRING WORDS from Winsome Sears (video)
- NJ
Joe's Spending Scams
- (Exclusive) After huge loss, spending scam must be cancelled
- Manchin opposes paid family leave
- House GOP -- spending scam should be dead
- Dems add more amnesty to scam
- Nancy pushes forward with double scam votes this week!
- Treasury Sec doubles down on IRS SNOOPING in spending scam (Video)
- Why is there a special tax break for news organizations in the scam?
COVID-1984 Lockdown Shockers
The Jab
- Joe says Jab for 5 year olds is "relief and celebration" (video)
- If covid cases are down, why are hospitals so full? Hmmmm
- Disgusting Pfizer ad tells kids jab makes them superheroes
- Surgeon's career destroyed by jab side effects (video)
- Pfizer trial had MAJOR FLAWS -- whistleblower
- BEST 2 MINUTES on how Pfizer trial did NOT reduce overall mortality! (video)
If jab works, why is govt. expecting overall mortality to stay elevated for TWO MORE YEARS?
- LN--As Ben M notes, isn't this an admission the jab doesn't work? if the vast majority are jabbed, how come overall death rates aren't dropping? Or perhaps this is because the SHUTDOWN elevated deaths over the short and long term.
DeSantis great Dr. Fauci quote! (video)
- ""A recession is when your neighbor loses his job, a depression is when you lose yours, a recovery is when Dr. Fauci loses his."
DeSantis great Dr. Fauci quote! (video)
- Lockdown FOREVER!
The Jab
- The Purge
Trump and People push back
REST OF STORY behind Rockwell's "Freedom of Speech" painting
- " Rockwell, by chance, attended a town meeting where one man rose among his neighbors and voiced an unpopular view. That night Rockwell awoke with the realization that he could paint the freedoms best from the perspective of his own hometown experiences using everyday, simple scenes such as his own town meeting.
- Let's Go Brandon -- America's Favorite Chant (warning: obscenity)
REST OF STORY behind Rockwell's "Freedom of Speech" painting
Election Watch
- Gingrich predicts electoral tsunami in '22, 70 House seats
Vote Audit Alert
November 3 Feed:
Election Night 2021
VA Gov Race
Youngkin: "defining moment" (Video)
- Youngkin victory speech clip on education (video)
- Youngkin: We will not be a commonwealth of low expectations (Video)
- LN -- THIS is a theme that will resonate coast to coast. The statist Left has taught us to LOWER our expectations for life and accept government control. And we REJECT THIS! We will not be a people of low expectations!
- Trump thanks his base
- FOX DEAD LAST in make call; 14 min after NBC!
- LIberal media heads explode
- Economy and education are winning GOP issues
- Youngkin out-did Trump with the base!
- In fact, in rural Virginia and among non-college-educated whites Youngkin racked up even bigger margins than Trump, according to exit polls. Trump won rural Virginia 52-46 last year. Youngkin won it 64-36. Trump won non-college whites 62-38. Youngkin won those voters by a whopping 76-24. Youngkin’s pivot to the center was successful, but his quiet fueling of the Trump base seemed to pay even bigger dividends.
- Victory for moms and dads
- Winsome Sears - first statewide black woman elected (video)
- Kamala -- Virginia will determine '22, '24 and beyond (Video)
Youngkin: "defining moment" (Video)
- NJ Gov
- Others
- LN-- maybe we can start waking up from this nightmare. The first glimmer of the coming sunrise... it's morning again in America.
"So as the "dark winter" begins, can you envision the end of Nancy's reign in just two years?"
- " The Left will overreach on policy as well. It's already happening. Massive amnesty has already been announced, and that's just the beginning. Thanks to Biden, Pelosi and Schumer, the Democrat party will drive itself so far out of the mainstream that its midterm losses could be historic in size.
- "the "Great Reset" won't work, because deep in the heart of the human soul is a thirst for liberty and a thirst for truth. Yes, the PURGE is dangerous and insidious. But it will force us to restructure ourselves and get engaged in building infrastructures and networks that support liberty. It's already happening. But we are just at the very outset of what could well be the end of Silicon Valley's "lordship" over our electronic lives. And if it weren't for this crisis, we might never take the difficult -- but necessary -- steps to ensure the long-term freedom of our society in the digital age.
"So as the "dark winter" begins, can you envision the end of Nancy's reign in just two years?"
VA Gov Race
Joe's Spending Scams
- Dem leader worries VA vote puts spending scam in jeopardy (video)
POLITICO: Dems mulling two paths for Scams post Youngkin win:
- How will this affect reconciliation talks? We see two possibilities: A) That the loss in Virginia will light a fire under Democrats, providing the urgency they needed to get Build Back Better over the finish line. That’s what Chris Cadelago, Laura Barrón-López and Natasha Korecki report Democrats are vowing this morning. Or B) It triggers a whole new round of infighting, as progressives push to go bigger and moderates slimmer.
COVID-1984 Lockdown Shockers
The Jab
- Republicans formally reject Joe's private sector jab rule
Emails show CDC changed definition of "vaccine" because it was "problematic" (video)
- “The definition of vaccine we have posted is problematic and people are using it to claim the COVID-19 vaccine is not a vaccine based on our own definition.”
- LN--well, it's NOT a vaccine, at least by the standard of how the word was defined up until the groupthinkers changed the definition a few weeks ago!
- the actual emails (.pdf)
- researcher blows whistle on Pfizer jab test shenanigans
The Jab
November 2 Feed:
• Lead Feed: MAGA-like rally closes VA gov race; videos here and here
• Manchin explodes Pelosi's scam chessboard; (Video clip)
• Joe's jab mandates for private sector companies THIS WEEK!; 80 million workers impacted!
• Henry Kissinger: If AI thinks, what are we?
• Sleepy Joe falls asleep at climate nonsense conference; who can blame him (video)
• Top Three Videos here
The rest of today's news feed:
- Joe's Spending Scams
Election Watch
VA Gov Race (vote today)
- McAulliffe closes with inflecting RACE into education again (video)
Youngkin closes in LOUDON COUNTY to massive, patriotic crowd; video here
- Another shot of crowd
Youngkin's riff on education (Video)
- "On Day One I will ban Critical Race Theory"
- Youngkin's closing video
- Trump: Youngkin's a "fantastic guy"
Politico: McAuliffe lies while Youngkin's crowds are huge
- Youngkin’s were large and rollicking, with many of the trappings of a MAGA rally — a similar dad rock playlist, hats and flags and T-shirts paying homage to the former president — but, to the great disappointment of Democrats, not Trump himself.
VA Gov Race (vote today)
COVID-1984 Lockdown Shockers
The Jab
- Mayo Clinic study: J&J Jab increased blood clot risk by 350%!!!
- Joe's jab mandates for private sector companies THIS WEEK!; 80 million workers impacted!
- 9K NYC workers on unpaid leave due to jab mandate
All-cause mortality INCREASED for jabbed in Pfizer jab trials
- "In Pfizer’s 6 month clinical trial in adults — there was 1 covid death our of 22,000 in the vaccine (“treatment”) group and 2 Covid deaths out of 22,000 in the placebo group (see Table s4). So NNTV = 22,000. The catch is there were 5 heart attack deaths in the vaccine group and only 1 in placebo group. So for every 1 life saved from Covid, the Pfizer vaccine kills 4 from heart attacks. All cause mortality in the 6 month study was 20 in vaccine group and 14 in placebo group. So a 42% all cause mortality increase among the vaccinated.
- MASKerade
- Lockdown FOREVER!
- Fauxi
The Jab
- Chinavirus Facts
- The Purge
Trump and People push back
- Legit school choice bill passes MI legislature
- Let's Go Brandon -- America's Favorite Chant (warning: obscenity)
- Critical Race Theory, Woke Revolution
Misc Don't Miss
Henry Kissinger: If AI thinks, what are we?
- "That leaves humans needing to define—or perhaps redefine—our role in the world. For 300 years, the Age of Reason has been guided by the maxim “I think, therefore I am.” But if AI “thinks,” what are we?
Henry Kissinger: If AI thinks, what are we?
November 1 Feed:
• Lead Feed: Trump's LONG INTERVIEW with Judge Jeanine (VIDEO)
• Best Read: Spending Scam undermines marriage, will kill 5 million jobs
• Trump smiles during LGBrandon cheer (video)
• 26 NYC firestations shuttered due to jab mandate!
• Left plays race card in VA with staged Tiki-torch-waving debacle
• Maher: "natural immunity is the best kind of immunity" (Video)
• Absurd: global warming leader/idiots rip masks off at end of photo shoot (video)
• Top Three Videos here
The rest of today's news feed:
Joe's Spending Scams
- Nancy now pushing for dual scam votes this week
- (Grassfire) Spending scam called "malarkey"
Spending Scam undermines marriage, will kill 5 million jobs
- "For each year that a couple has children under 5, being unmarried could easily save them over $10,000 annually in child-care costs compared with being married.
Team Biden Chronicles
- Joe's Attack on Parents
- Joe's Climate Scam/Energy Crisis
- Joe's Hidin Biden crisis
COVID-1984 Lockdown Shockers
covid shutdown has caused MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS among young people
- "The proportion of children seeking emergency mental-health services who required immediate hospitalization, including for eating disorders, rose 75% in 2020 compared with 2019.
- The Jab
- Lockdown FOREVER!
covid shutdown has caused MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS among young people
- Chinavirus Facts
- The Purge
- Media/Tech bias
Trump and People push back
- 71% say America headed in wrong direction
- Judge Jeanine's interview with Trump (video)
- Trump does tomahawk chop (Video)
- Let's Go Brandon -- America's Favorite Chant (warning: obscenity)
- Critical Race Theory, Woke Revolution
- Faith Watch\
- Misc Don't Miss
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