Archive of Liberty News' "COVID FACTS" Feed...
Below is a compilation of the LNews daily feeds related to the effort to COVID FACTS our nation of President Trump, Trump supporters, and anyone who has an opinion differing from the ruling Oligarchs. (For the LN daily feed, go here)
April 26 Feed:
- OK doing GREAT 6 weeks after restrictions lifted
- 2020 all-cause mortality was high, but actually only back to 2003 levels.
Huge Study -- natural immunity from getting covid as ood as vax
- “Our results question the need to vaccinate previously infected individuals” Huge Israeli study (n~6.4 million) demonstrates clearly that naturally-acquired C19 convalescence immunity is equivalent to vax-acquired immunity in preventing C19 infection, morbidity, and mortality
- “Our results question the need to vaccinate previously infected individuals” Huge Israeli study (n~6.4 million) demonstrates clearly that naturally-acquired C19 convalescence immunity is equivalent to vax-acquired immunity in preventing C19 infection, morbidity, and mortality
April 23 Feed:
Data on Lockdown v. Free states
- "predictions about Texas’s fate have proven to be spectacularly wrong. Moreover, many of the states with the worst growth in covid cases—and the worst track records in overall death counts—have been states that have had some of the harshest lockdowns.
- "predictions about Texas’s fate have proven to be spectacularly wrong. Moreover, many of the states with the worst growth in covid cases—and the worst track records in overall death counts—have been states that have had some of the harshest lockdowns.
April 22 Feed:
- 78% of those hospitalized with COVID are overweight
Why mass asymptomatic testing produces lots of false positives
April 21 Feed:
- Another Study: masks a health problem
The Lockdown paradigm is collapsing
- "The problem is that the presence or absence of lockdowns in the face of the virus seem completely uncorrelated with any disease trajectory.
- "The problem is that the presence or absence of lockdowns in the face of the virus seem completely uncorrelated with any disease trajectory.
April 20 Feed:
Study: masks don't help and may cause illness
- "The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks.
- "Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects. These include hypoxia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety and depression.
- Full study here
- Study -- wearing masks reduces athletic performance
- Study -- no relevant asymptomatic spread in childcare facilities
Yale epidemiologist -- lockdowns are show
- “Once an epidemic has spread widely in a population or around the world, there’s no chance you can eradicate the virus completely....“This is all show, this is all theatre.”
- Data -- why we shouldn't vaccinate young people
CNN report on masks JUST BEFORE the world was changed by the global elites:
- "To be clear once again, Americans don't need masks. The CDC says that healthy people in the US shouldn't wear them because they won't protect them from the novel coronavirus.
In fact, warns US Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams, face masks might actually increase your risk of infection if they aren't worn properly.
- "To be clear once again, Americans don't need masks. The CDC says that healthy people in the US shouldn't wear them because they won't protect them from the novel coronavirus.
April 19 Feed:
What? STudy finds NO EXCESS RISK OF DEATH in nursing homes in 2020?!
- "Covid or not, about 25% of patients died over the nine months studied"
- LN -- itobragncfi -- THIS IS WHAT GRASSFIRE SAID FROM THE BEGINNING; median life expectancy when entering a nursing home is about five months; we've destroyed our society to save us from a disease for which the average age at death is above the average life expectancy
April 15 Feed:
- UK -- 23% of covid deaths not directly caused by virus
7 Studies -- lockdowns do not suppress covid spread
- "There have been at least seven peer-reviewed studies which look at the question of lockdowns from a data point of view, and all of them come to the same basic conclusion: lockdowns do not have a statistically significant relationship with Covid cases or deaths.
- "There have been at least seven peer-reviewed studies which look at the question of lockdowns from a data point of view, and all of them come to the same basic conclusion: lockdowns do not have a statistically significant relationship with Covid cases or deaths.
April 12 Feed:
- Therapeutic -- steroid inhalation decreases hosp. risk by 90%
- All those surface-cleaning products you bought to stop covid? Didn't/don't need them
- OK is A-OK after lifting all restrictions (see chart)
- "Neanderthals" winning over "Science"
Fact-- 12x more people dying from cancer than covid and shutdown will make this worse
April 8 Feed:
- Consumers say pandemic over -- back to our credit spending ways!
- UK will achieve herd immunity NEXT WEEK
CDC -- actual covid deaths at least 20% lower than reported
- Just 1 in 1,000 covid cases from outdoor transmission (study)
CDC now says risk of covid transmission on surfaces now 1 in 10,000
- "The risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection via the fomite transmission route is low, and generally less than 1 in 10,000, which means that each contact with a contaminated surface has less than a 1 in 10,000 chance of causing an infection.”
- LN -- If risk of death from covid infection is .3%, then your risk of death from touching a covid-infected surface is .00003%. Scary. But that won't stop us from wiping down surfaces a zillion times.
April 7 Feed:
April 6 Feed:
THIS Antibody treatment reduces hospitalization/death by 70%
- See if you are eligible; where available
MORE EVIDENCE that you don't need a mask outdoors
- LN: you can also read our report here
50,000 Americans DIDN'T die from the flu this year! But why?
- 1,893 total cases; down from 290,000 last season
- LN -- mark our word -- overall real COVID mortality increase will be more like a bad flu season. Ultimately, more worldwide will die from LOCKDOWN than covid.
April 5 Feed:
April 2 Feed:
- TX cases continue to drop post mask freedom
"Neanderthal" states doing better than alleged "science" states (chart)
April 1 Feed:
- Infection provides immunity (more evidence)
No basis for vaccinating children (thread)
- source article
Data -- half of excess deaths NOT from covid
March 31 Feed:
Study": reinfection rate .3%
- There were 34,424 previously recovered COVID-19 cases who participated in the screening. Of the 34,424 participants with a history of COVID-19, 107 tested positive again, giving a repositive rate of 0.310% (95% CI 0.423–0.574%).
- Tucker: why media won't investigate origins of covid
- Dr. Scott Atlas HITS BACK at Fauci, Birx (video)
(Exclusive) Why you should NEVER wear a mask OUTDOORS
March 30 Feed:
Evidence AGAINST vaccinating children
- In terms of children and Covid-19, we know children do not transmit Covid-19 virus and that the concept of asymptomatic spread has been questioned severely, particularly for children. Children, if infected, just do not spread Covid-19 to others readily,
- A total of 1174 close contacts of the asymptomatic positive cases were traced, and they all tested negative for the COVID-19.
- A year late... CBS covers story of covid leaking from China lab
Vaccinated people do not carry the virus (CDC director)
March 29 Feed:
- TX covid numbers fall for 17th straight day following lifting of maskerade
- Time to lose the lockdowns
- What? Now Redfield says covid came from Wuhan lab?!
StudY: reinfection rate .6%
- more here: Of the initial 533,000, more than 525,000 were eligible for follow-up during the second surge from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31. In this population, 2.1% of individuals had tested positive during the first surge. Of those, 72 (0.65%) tested positive again during the second surge
Similar to vaccination
- this is arguably the kind of figure that one might compare against vaccination,
- this is arguably the kind of figure that one might compare against vaccination,
March 25 Feed:
40-50% of America likely already infected so herd immunity is NEAR!
- "Data from the California Department of Public Health, released earlier this month, show that while only 8.7% of the state’s population has ever tested positive for Covid-19, at least 38.5% of the population has antibodies against the novel coronavirus.
UK Data -- lockdowns don't work
- They don’t make any difference, the curves don’t flatten and the R0 number doesn’t drop and the lives aren’t saved (quite the opposite, as we’ve all seen).
The many scandals of the PCR test
"if you are testing 30million people (approximately just under half population of the UK), using a conservative 1 per cent false positive rate it will result in 300,000 false positives. If you take the median rate of 2.4 per cent, it results in 720,000 false positive cases. You can guess where I am going here – you’ve already got an epidemic just in false positive cases.
"if you are testing 30million people (approximately just under half population of the UK), using a conservative 1 per cent false positive rate it will result in 300,000 false positives. If you take the median rate of 2.4 per cent, it results in 720,000 false positive cases. You can guess where I am going here – you’ve already got an epidemic just in false positive cases.
March 24 Feed:
- UK researchers will investigate EVERY covid-attributed death (video)
For the umpteenth time... the data that shows masks DON'T WORK
- "From 2008-2020, 12 NEGATIVE randomized controlled trials on masking, conducted among ~18K persons, worldwide, have ESTABLISHED that masking does NOT reduce community respiratory virus transmission
- "From 2008-2020, 12 NEGATIVE randomized controlled trials on masking, conducted among ~18K persons, worldwide, have ESTABLISHED that masking does NOT reduce community respiratory virus transmission
March 23 Feed:
- US deaths dropping despite CDC prediction
- Obesity is the KEY RISK FACTOR (that nobody talks about)
- Regeneron works
Dubious Origins of Long Covid
- " Long Covid is largely an invention of vocal patient activist groups. Legitimizing it with generous funding risks worsening the symptoms the NIH is hoping to treat.
- "many of the survey respondents who attributed their symptoms to the aftermath of a Covid-19 infection likely never had the virus in the first place.
March 22 Feed:
March 19 Feed:
Report: Lockdowns serve no purpose
- "The data is in: lockdowns serve no useful purpose and cause catastrophic societal and economic harms. They must never be repeated in this country."
- A "sunk cost fallacy."
- Thread summary here
- Full 57-page report
- "Lockdowns proved a huge boon to America’s corporate media, which primed its captive audience with fear and partisanship. Everything the corporate press did regarding Covid coverage was inseparable from its yearslong obsession with attacking Donald Trump. Weaponizing Covid in an election year superseded any obligation to present the facts with needed context and perspective."
Deep Analysis: DeSantis v. "Party of Science"
- Throughout the pandemic, progressives have embraced public health theater: Heavy-handed, highly visible, costly interventions that lack evidence of effectiveness but appease the media-fueled anxieties of their voter base. Cloth face coverings, plexiglass barriers, and lockdowns all fall into this category. By contrast, DeSantis eschewed performative virtue-signaling in favor of evidence-based measures. While the “party of science” called him a murderer, DeSantis followed the science—and it saved lives.
Rand Paul takes down Fauci (video)
- "You've been vaccinated and you parade around in two masks for show.... There's virtually zero percent chance you're gonna get it.... You're defying everything we know about immunity."
- 6 minute video of exchange
- (Exclusive) Trump's vaccines: World wants US to bail them out!
- Why six feet? "It was pulled out of thin air"
- Dr. Bostom (Brown U epidemiologist) on mask mandate myths (video interview)
March 17 Feed:
- State department investigator: COVID escaped from lab
Wall Street says: COVID is "OVER"
- COVID-19 is no longer the #1 “tail risk” for the first time since Feb’20...
- COVID-19 is no longer the #1 “tail risk” for the first time since Feb’20...
March 16 Feed:
- Did scientists hide lab-origin of covid?
- Pandemic end is near
Mortality LOWER in Nordic countries in '20 for under 65
March 15 Feed:
- (Grassfire) The Left's big lie: 15 days to slow the spread
- People are BACK in Vegas!
"Zero Covid" will destroy us!
- "We are allowing government agencies and inept government bureaucrats and technocrats to destroy our lives and futures. Stopping Covid ‘at all costs’ will destroy us societally and globally!
- OK now free state!
AP: lockdowns don't seem to matter
March 12 Feed:
- "Symptomatic and presymptomatic transmission have a greater role in the spread of SARS-CoV-2 than truly asymptomatic transmission"
- " A city-wide prevalence study of almost 10 million people in Wuhan found no evidence of asymptomatic transmission"
- "Searching for people who are asymptomatic yet infectious is like searching for needles that appear and reappear transiently in haystacks, particularly when rates are falling.
- Do the naturally immune have rights?
- NEW STUDY -- lockdowns don't work
WSJ -- LOCKDOWNS made things worse
- "Mr. Trump’s biggest mistake was putting too much faith in health experts and their lockdown models."
- "Lockdowns nonetheless became an ideological battle. The media became lockdown cheerleaders as they sought to take down Mr. Trump, with tragic results for lost businesses, lost livelihoods and health damage in late diagnoses, untreated conditions and mental illness that will compound for years.
- "The Covid pandemic has seen the greatest loss of American liberty outside wartime
- The coronavirus lockdowns constitute the most extensive attacks on individual freedom in the West since World War II.
March 11 Feed:
- (Exclusive) POLL - how much do you think masks help?
- (Exclusive) SHOCK: How much do mask mandates actually reduce covid?
Stanford PRof. "Lockdowns haven't worked"
- "Part of the problem for Dr. Fauci," Bhattacharya said, "is that he is blind to the harms of the lockdown ... He seems not to understand that the lockdown creates all kinds of physical problems, psychological problems, harms that I've never seen him talk about."
Outdoor transmission NOT A REAL-LIFE RISK!
- Study: "virtually no cases" tied to outdoors
One confirmed case "outdoors" in China study
- " among our 7324 identified cases in China with sufficient descriptions, only one outdoor outbreak involving two cases occurred in a village in Shangqiu"
Study: outdoor 95% SAFER than indoors!
- " the odds of indoor transmission was very high compared to outdoors (18.7 times)"
Study: Rugby safe
- "Despite tackle involvements and close proximity interactions with SARS-CoV-2 positive players, in-match SARS-CoV-2 transmission was not confirmed.
- Expert comments
Of course, CDC doesn't really discuss the LOW relative outdoor risk
March 10 Feed:
Study: No significant benefits from non-pharmeceutical interventions
- "we find no clear, significant beneficial effect of mrNPIs on case growth in any country.
- Masks hamper learning
- No difference, masked v. non-masked states
- OK, maybe one?
- OK, maybe one?
March 9 Feed:
- CDC: 78% of covid hospitalized were OBESE
Scott Atlas's "last word"
- "The coronavirus pandemic has been a great tragedy, there can be no doubt about that. But it has also exposed profound issues in America that now threaten the very principles of freedom and order that we Americans often take for granted.
Study: Masks alone have no impact
- " masks alone have no significant effect in interrupting the spread of ILI or influenza in the general population, nor in healthcare workers.
Why CDC should be cancelled by Google Facebook
- "according to the federal government agency that is responsible for managing the COVID-1984 pandemic, the difference between mask mandates and no mask mandate is literally just a 1.32% difference.
- 17 states now OPEN and following the science!
How school closures impact young people
March 8 Feed:
- "Lockdowns lazy way of dealing with pandemic"
- "Daily case and death growth rates before implementation of mask mandates were not statistically different from the reference period"
- mask mandates lower cases by JUST 1.5% over two months
- Study here
- Do we have the will to continue as a free society?
88% of covid deaths in countries with >50% obesity
- "in countries where less than half of the adult population is considered overweight account, the risk of death from COVID-19 is around one-tenth of countries with the higher proportion of overweight adults.
March 4 Feed:
Big Lie behind "variants"
- "vaccine is here, so it's game over, right? Wrong. "Variants" are the new 15
daysyears to flatten the curve. Except the premise is built on a lie.
- "vaccine is here, so it's game over, right? Wrong. "Variants" are the new 15
- Covid numbers plummeting
The HCQ saga
- "has much of the world failed to benefit from an effective, early-stage treatment for COVID-19 because early trials of hydroxychloroquine were misleading? Based on the evidence now accumulating it would appear so.
- "has much of the world failed to benefit from an effective, early-stage treatment for COVID-19 because early trials of hydroxychloroquine were misleading? Based on the evidence now accumulating it would appear so.
March 3 Feed:
Gov. Abbot announces (video)
- “Too many Texans have been sidelined from employment opportunities; too many small-business owners have struggled to pay their bills. It is now time to open Texas 100%.”
- summary
- Mississippi too!
Gov. Abbot announces (video)
- Swedish researcher -- almost no risk to children
Cases plunge; scientists puzzled
- They shouldn't be! Respiratory viruses all peak early Jan, PLUS herd immunity, PLUS vaccine!
- They shouldn't be! Respiratory viruses all peak early Jan, PLUS herd immunity, PLUS vaccine!
March 2 Feed:
THE CASE the media was wrong to accept lockdowns
- "nearly a full year into this ordeal there is absolutely no positive statistical correlation in the United States between strong lockdown policies and better results."
If Covid deaths recorded like flu deaths -- 130k confirmed deaths in 2020
- CFR and hospitalization rates like the flu
- These are the CDC's numbers! The larger numbers used is all fear mongering for the re-set goal
Covid mortality risk is "dying out"
- good raw data here
- "In America, Government policy should reflect population mortality costs without trying to protect every citizen from the inevitability of death. Individuals should make decisions about risky behavior based on knowledge about their personal exposure to mortality risks."
March 1 Feed
- Ron Desantis -- I rejected CDC, prioritized seniors (video)
Evidence: Lockdowns do not control coronavirus
- "There is no relationship between lockdowns (or whatever else people want to call them to mask their true nature) and virus control."
- "Masks have no place in school" UK public health expert
Meta-analysis of 77,758 participants: asymptomatic infection rate 96% LOWER than symptomatic!
- Household secondary attack rates were increased from symptomatic index cases (18.0%; 95% CI, 14.2%-22.1%) than from asymptomatic index cases (0.7%; 95% CI, 0%-4.9%)
- Why no flu? "Viral interference" (audio)
From one year ago: good article on how "cognitive bias" makes us panic
- summary: we are proportionally MORE AFRAID of smaller than larger risks (see covid response)
- summary: we are proportionally MORE AFRAID of smaller than larger risks (see covid response)
February 26 Feed:
- HOPE that this (the fear shutdown) will all end...
- "Despite all the talk of a new normal and infinite mandates, there is hope that it could all unwind quickly, pushed by force of public impatience and frustration with restrictions, and a political scramble to avoid responsibility by running away from all that they did for the last year.
- Study-- Ivermectin could cut covid deaths by 75%
- Lockdown states more deaths than non-lockdown states (data)
- Corrosive fear of asymptomatic transmission
- HOPE that this (the fear shutdown) will all end...
February 25 Feed:
CDC slips in shocking data -- asymptomatic spread almost non-existent!
- The key, if not central, rationale for non-pharmaceutical interventions such as masking, distancing, and staying at home is allegedly significant transmission from people who don’t show symptoms. If the contagiousness of people without symptoms is not what drives the spread of SARS-COV-2, then no COVID restriction on public life besides staying home when you are clearly sick could be justified
Real data -- shutdowns don't work
- As we approach the one-year anniversary of fifteen days to flatten the curve, we have yet to acquire any data suggesting that the past year of life-destroying lockdowns and politicized behavioral mandates has done anything to keep us safe from covid-19.
Covid Derangement Syndrome explained
- This lack of proportion – this sudden ignorance that our lives are inescapably filled with many different risks that must be traded off against each other – this treatment of Covid deaths as being categorically worse than are non-Covid deaths – all combined with a blind faith that politicians and bureaucrats will use vast powers wisely, prudently, and effectively – is what I call “Covid Derangement Syndrome.”
- (article also include good summary of real risks and dangers of lockdown)
- not even one case in UK!
Flu renamed Covid?
- patients, he argued, "also may have some SARS RNA sitting in their nose while being infected with Influenza, in which case the influenza would be 'confirmed' to be COVID."
- patients, he argued, "also may have some SARS RNA sitting in their nose while being infected with Influenza, in which case the influenza would be 'confirmed' to be COVID."
February 23 Feed:
ND -- Mask mandates ILLEGAL!
- “Our state is not a prison camp."
- Israel's claims don't match data
What? 108k MORE NON-COVID DEATHS IN 2020 than 2019!!!
- 2.36 MILLION years of potential life lost -- due to shutdown?
- 2.36 MILLION years of potential life lost -- due to shutdown?
February 22 Feed:
- Faults in testing asymptomatic people
- Fan attendance didn't spread covid (study)
Unmasking masks (a good summary)
- "Masks take 450 years to biodegrade. How many will end up in oceans and landfills, contaminating water and food chains with micro-plastics?
CDC: most common vaccine side effects
113 deaths and Headache, Fatigue, Dizziness, Chills, Nausea
113 deaths and Headache, Fatigue, Dizziness, Chills, Nausea
February 19 Feed:
Herd immunity by April!
- "Cases are down 77% over the past six weeks....Why is the number of cases plummeting much faster than experts predicted? In large part because natural immunity from prior infection is far more common than can be measured by testing.
- "At the current trajectory, I expect Covid will be mostly gone by April, allowing Americans to resume normal life."
- FL and CA have about same numbers (fact)
- German study -- LAB ACCIDENT caused covid
Why the push for vaccines over therapies?
- "I wonder if Pfizer and the Gates Foundation would still be willing to donate if the CDC and NIH were funding studies and promoting the use of these cheap, generic drugs as an alternative to vaccines?"
- "I wonder if Pfizer and the Gates Foundation would still be willing to donate if the CDC and NIH were funding studies and promoting the use of these cheap, generic drugs as an alternative to vaccines?"
February 18 Feed:
February 17 Feed:
- Cases plummeting too quickly to credit vaccine
- Sweden actual v. model (graph)
- India winning covid battle without harsh measures
- Denmark judge ENDS curfew
- FL -- no difference in masked and unmasked counties
FL -- kids in school has worked (chart)
February 15 Feed:
- Desantis says Biden is a "LOCKDOWNER"
A doctor's assessment of the mRNA vaccines (must read)
- "While the new mRNA vaccines have good initial results and may be a breakthrough, they should be viewed as experimental and would best be used in high-risk patients (older patients or those with health conditions raising COVID-19 mortality) until we know more.
covid ER visits now BELOW summer peak
February 11 Feed:
February 10 Feed:
OBESITY is #1 covid risk factor (that nobody wants to talk about)
- "In order of priority, the conditions that have the most influence on whether a patient ends up on a respirator after being infected with COVID-19 are BMI, age, high blood pressure, being male, neurological diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, diabetes and heart disease.
CDC rule changes greatly amplified covid deaths
- "the CDC illegally enacted new rules for data collection and reporting exclusively for COVID-19 that resulted in a 1,600% inflation of current COVID-19 fatality totals,”
Florida a "beacon of liberty"
- "Floridians, along with Americans in only a few other states, live so much more freely than people in New York, California, and the dozens of other lockdown states, that we may as well be living in two different nations."
- The Vaccine
This will become endemic...
- "we are going to see new variants arise & they will spread in the population, like most of the viruses that cause colds every winter. But as long as we have enough immunity to prevent severe disease, hospitalizations & death, then we’re going to be fine in the future”
February 9 Feed:
- Masks!
Long-term mask use may exacerbate lung cancer
- "Microbiologists agree that frequent mask wearing creates a moist environment in which microbes are allowed to grow and proliferate before entering the lungs."
Long-term mask use may exacerbate lung cancer
- Report from free-state South Carolina
- Masks!
February 8
February 5
- How phony covid videos were used to scare us to death (and shutdown) (video)
What if the virus had never been detected? (analysis)
- "As this column has long stated, the coronavirus is a rich man’s virus. It’s not just that the rich and generally well-to-do had portable jobs that mostly survived the mindless lockdowns., it’s not just that the break from reality we were forced to endure could have only happened in a rich country, it’s also the case that only in a country and world in which the elderly are truly old would the virus have any notable association with death.... We wouldn’t have noticed this virus 100 years ago. We weren’t rich enough."
- The non-mask mask! (video)
- Florida is ALIVE!
February 4
- Tony Robbins truth bomb! (video)
- RESEARCH HUB: Lockdowns pros and cons
- FL just 3% excess mortality in 2020
Covid Cases are PLUMMETING!
"New infections have fallen 45% in the US and 30% globally in the past 3 weeks but experts say vaccine is NOT the main driver because only 8% of Americans and 13% people worldwide have received their first dose
"Researchers also noted that sperm was three times slower in COVID patients, and sperm count in general was much lower. The study found that sperm concentration was reduced by 516 per cent, mobility by 209 per cent and sperm cell shape was altered by 400 per cent.
Is the flu really disappearing, or is something else happening?
- "The 2019–2020 Covid-19 death numbers appear as a spike because there was no PCR test until about the middle of the flu season, giving the impression that Covid-19 physically appeared late in the season. No, the test appeared late in the season. Despite the testing results, the UK government actually declared the pandemic over in March, but then, oddly, imposed a lockdown a week or two later.
- "Overall, the death rate in the UK is not out of line with the normal death rates from other years and clearly not close to the highest in the last 22 years. "
- Naples FL surviving without masks! (video)
- Hand Sanitizers do more harm than good
February 3
- Dr. Scott Atlas pushes back against Birx (video)
- Frontline Doctors release objective look at vaccines
- Pfizer vaccine efficacy? new estimate: 50-90%
- Video showing that even multi-masking doesn't stop vapor from breath (video)
- UK strain not more deadly or virulent (study)
Ivermectin may be better answer
- "the results reveal compelling data that Ivermectin actually reduces the COVID-19 death rate while accelerating viral clearance and transmission reduction. "
Israel vaccine data raises questions
- "Turns out 461 Israelis have died of #Covid after being vaccinated (about 1/3 of those who died of Covid in January."
- Lockdown states faring worse than no lockdown states
- What happened to the flu? down 95% (video)
February 2
- Dr. Atlas -- vaccine distribution shows "complete irrationality"
- Big Pharma making Big Profits off vaccine
- Israeli scientist -- vaccine alone won't do it
February 1
- What? 23 flu cases in all of U.S. last week?
- Berenson: live with ro or destroy ourselves
Bad news on Israel's vaccine data
Six questions on masks; and six more here
- "If your mask protects you, why do I need to wear one?"
- Fauci admits "no data" on two masks (video)
Alito defends original statements on shutdowns
Comments from 2020: “we have never before seen restrictions as severe, extensive and prolonged as those experienced, for most of 2020.”
- “Think of all the live events that would otherwise be protected by the right to freedom of speech: live speeches, conferences, lectures, meetings. Think of worship services, churches closed on Easter Sunday, synagogues closed for Passover on Yom Kippur. Think about access to the courts, or the constitutional right to a speedy trial. Trials in federal courts have virtually disappeared in many places. Who could have imagined that?”
- “The vision of early 20th century progressives and the New Dealers of the 1930s was the policymaking would shift from narrow-minded elected legislators to an elite group of appointed experts. In a word, the policymaking would become more scientific. That dream has been realized to a large extent,”
Comments from 2020: “we have never before seen restrictions as severe, extensive and prolonged as those experienced, for most of 2020.”
January 29
- American Journal of Medicine study: HCQ works!
- study-- cycle threshold predicts mortality
- Desantis --lockdowns don't cure anything; people happier without (video)
- Justin Hart: masks "futile" (video)
- Flu hospitalizations down 98%
January 28
- 149 vaccine deaths (CDC report)
- christmas and thanksgiving spikes not true
- "according to Dr. Allen Sills, the NFL’s chief medical officer, “We have not seen any evidence of on-field transmission in NFL games or practices.” Dr. Sills added"
- Ron Paul-- mask mandates unscientific and unconstitutional
- WI state senate votes to overturn mask mandate
- How India is getting to herd immunity
- Professor of molecular genetics warns of adverse vaccine reactions to mRNA vaccine (video)
January 27
- Two weeks of declining hospitalizations (FACTS)
- CDC study: low covid spread in schools
- Horowitz: CDC ignoring long-lasting immunity from infection
- Israel: more vaccine side effects
- Science: asymptomatic spread 42-62% lower than symptomatic; not driver in community infection
January 26
- Graph: we're experiencing normal regional-seasonal viral wave now getting lower
Vaccine not (yet) working in Israel
- "More than 85% of Israelis over 70 have received one vaccine dose. About 55% have received BOTH doses (which means they received the first dose at least three and more likely four to six weeks ago). This means many should now be protected, based on clinical trial data. BUT...The number of new deaths and cases of “severe” #Covid - both highly correlated with age - are at all-time highs.
Fortune: Covid recession may kill more than covid virus
- the total lives lost to the virus in the U.S. may “far exceed those immediately related to the acute COVID-19 critical illness…The recession caused by the pandemic can jeopardize population health for the next two decades.”
Another study: lockdowns don't work
- "We find no clear, significant beneficial effect of mrNPIs [more restrictive non-pharmaceutical interventions] on case growth in any country….In none of the 8 countries and in none out of the 16 comparisons (against Sweden or South Korea) were the effects of mrNPIs significantly negative (beneficial). The point estimates were positive (point in the direction of mrNPIs resulting in increased daily growth in cases).
- (translation: they don't help and they may make things worse)
Stanford study, same result
- "While small benefits cannot be excluded, we do not find significant benefits on case
growth of more restrictive NPIs. Similar reductions in case growth may be achievable with lessrestrictive interventions"
- "While small benefits cannot be excluded, we do not find significant benefits on case
- Blacks disproportionately devastated by shutdowns
January 25
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