The Left is very excited about President-in-Name-Only (PINO) Joe Biden’s nomination of Anna Gomez to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
A fully bureaucrat-ed FCC has five voting Commissioners - one of whom also serves as Chairman. Three of the President’s Party - two of the other.
For the entirety of PINO Biden’s presidency, the FCC Commissioner count has been tied at 2-2.
Gomez will break the tie - should the Senate confirm her.
Which would thrill The Left. And by “The Left” - we of course include The Media.
President Biden Nominates Anna Gomez to Fill the FCC's Fifth Seat
-- Free Press
Public Knowledge Welcomes Nomination of Anna Gomez as FCC Commissioner
-- Public Knowledge
OTI Praises Nomination of Anna Gomez as FCC Commissioner
-- New America Foundation
To Return FCC to 'Full Strength,' Progressives Call for Swift Confirmation of Anna Gomez
-- Common Dreams
Biden Nominates Anna Gomez to FCC, Moving to Break Deadlock
-- Washington Post
Biden NominateTelecom Attorney Anna Gomez to FCC After More Than Two Years of Deadlock
Can Joe Biden’s Latest FCC Nominee Unjam the Agency’s Deadlock?
-- The Verge
-- Deadline
And on, and on, and…. You get the idea.
Why is The Left so anxious to break the deadlock? So they can have the FCC’s 3-2 unelected bureaucrat advantage - jam through a bunch of unconstitutional power grabs.
You see, bureaucracies like the FCC aren’t supposed to do anything - unless and until Congress passes a law expressly empowering a bureaucracy to do something.
The Left loathes the Constitution - because it is an impediment to the entirety of their agenda. And most of their agenda is exceedingly unpopular with the public.
So The Left wants to bypass the Constitutional process. Which means bypassing the elected Congress - because The Left can’t get their agenda passed by the elected Congress. And instead have unelected bureaucrats unilaterally, illegally impose it.
Biden Wants the FCC to Fix Net Neutrality - But It Can't Yet:
“The FCC won't be able to do most of the things the president encouraged in his executive order until he nominates a fifth commissioner.”
If PINO Biden wants to “fix Net Neutrality” - he can work with Congress to pass a bill expressly empowering the FCC to impose it. Which is, you know, how it’s actually supposed to happen.
Instead, Biden too wants to bypass the Constitutional process.
And lest we forget: Biden had previously nominated a fifth commissioner. Except she was too radical even for some Senate Democrats - who wouldn’t vote to confirm her.
Radical Sohn: Last Election Not a Green Light for Even More Hardcore Leftism:
“What absolutely should not happen? Is an Executive Branch nominee that was too radical for even some Senate Democrats pre-election - suddenly getting confirmed post-election…
“‘Biden…has nominated longtime Leftist government-expansion activist Gigi Sohn as the fifth commissioner.
“‘Sohn is going to break much more than just the tie….’
“But Biden’s too-radical-even-for-Democrats nominee - is exactly who The Left wants."
Sohn FINALLY withdrew herself from consideration.
New nominee Gomez may not be as overtly radical as is Sohn. The Left certainly wants us to believe Gomez is less radical than Sohn.
But The Left appears to be playing the same hide-the-ball Nebulous Game they have long been playing with bureaucrat and judicial nominees:
“Gomez’ ambiguous track record on key consumer issues like net neutrality could prove beneficial to her nomination.…”
But if Gomez does in fact intend to help unilaterally, illegally jam through hyper-partisan power grab idiocies like Net Neutrality? She is just as radical as the radical Sohn:
“‘I would say that given the Biden Administration’s support and the support of the other two Democratic commissioners for restoration of Title II authority and net neutrality, I think she will genuinely be supportive,’ Greg Guice, director of government affairs for Public Knowledge, told the Daily Dot.”
If so, Gomez should be denied Senate confirmation - just as was Sohn.
Some Senate Republicans should ask Gomez about all of this at her confirmation hearing(s).
Because we know with moral certitude Senate Democrats and The Media will not.
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