Here is the top three videos archive for February 2021:

(for the LN daily top three, go here)


February 26

Official says in-person schooling is racist, and our other top LibertyNEWS videos

February 25

How robot drones will harvest your apples and our other top LibertyNEWS videos:


February 24

Sleepy Joe stumbles even with cheat sheet and our other top LibertyNEWS videos:


February 23

Garland "hasn't thought about" whether illegal entry into U.S. should be a crime and other TOP LibertyNEWS vidoes:

February 22

ENGINE ON FIRE and our other LibertyNews top videos for today:

(OK.... four)

February 19

Laura Ingraham exposes Biden amnesty plan and our other top videos:

Feb. 18

Will Trump run again?... and our other TOP THREE videos for today:

February 16

As TX freezes, Tucker exposes the Green Bad Deal, and our other two TOP VIDEOS for today:

February 15

February 12

Exposing the Dem's hypocrisy on impeachment and more....

February 11

February 10

February 9

February 8

February 5

February 4

February 3

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  • Tina Fox