Archive of Liberty News' "CRITICAL RACE THEORY" Feed...
Below is a compilation of the LNews daily feeds related to the CRITICAL RACE THEORY. (For the LN daily feed, go here)
July 23 Feed:
- Dept Ed promotes radical CRT group
- Gen. Miley says "white rage" is "too complicated" to discuss now (video)
- Bill O'Reilly: I'm rooting against US women's soccer team (video)
- Pushback -- Hillsdale's free "1776" curriculum
July 22 Feed:
- Pentagon says "Truth about BLM" is sign of extremism
- Tucker on the coming "Pregnant Man" emoji (video)
- Kristi Noem sounds off on CRT
SI goes woke with swim cover
- Same for Victoria's Secret
July 19 Feed:
July 16 Feed:
July 15 Feed:
July 14 Feed:
- Report: Navy brass more woke than ready
CRT is a "hustle"
- "Ultimately, it’s about blaming your problems on other people—based on their race—which might be the last thing we should be teaching our children.
- Lowry on CRT fight: goal should be to take over schools
July 13 Feed:
July 12 Feed:
Team Joe backs CRT (video)
- Psaki: "The president believes that in our history, there are so many dark moments, & there is not just slavery & racism in our history. There is systemic racism that is still impacting society today. He believes..that kids should learn about our history."
- CRT and the big lie behind it
- Trump -- we will completely defund CRT
- Tide turning against CRT
July 9 Feed:
- Group exposes MLB's woke agenda (ad)
- VA parents stand up to CRT (video)
- CRT leaders now gaslighting, changing terms to save CRT
July 8 Feed:
- BLM Utah -- U.S. Flag "symbol of hatred"
- WSJ -- NEA all woke, pro CRT
PUSH BACK -- Americans turning tide on CRT and woke revolution
- LN -- we predicted this in June 2020. We called it a "counterwokening". Read it here
July 7 Feed:
- Tucker on radical left's push for CRT (video)
- Best read: Why culture war against Woke Crusaders must go on
NEA pushes CRT, then bans statement from website
- "We oppose attempts to ban critical race theory and/or The 1619 Project.” It also included a provision to jumpstart a study into that “critiques empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society.”
- link to deleted posting
Black parent explains why CRT should be banned (video)
- partial transcript here
- Parents are fighting back!
- CNN defends CRT... again and again
- Raytheon launches CRT propaganda campaign
- 1/6 Witch Hunt
July 6 Feed:
July 2 Feed:
- Evidence CRT harms military unit cohesion
VA GOP gov candidate comes out against CRT
- “I want to make sure everybody hears this. On day one, I will issue an order banning the teaching of Critical Race Theory in our schools,”
June 30 Feed:
- Media gaslighting real dangers of CRT
McCarthy exposes Dem's racism in CRT and purging of Capitol (video)
- "Democrats are desperate to pretend their party has progressed from their days of supporting slavery, pushing Jim Crow laws, and supporting the KKK. But today, the Dem Party has simply replaced the racism of the Klan with the racism of Critical Race Theory
- CT State Senator: CRT is "trojan reparations"
June 29 Feed:
- Gutfeld rags on National Archives finding racism in BUILDING (video)
- Tucker: Why Dems want to eliminate suburbs (they're racist) (video)
- CRT banned in 6 states; more coming?
Whitlock: Dear fellow blacks, we are being lied to
- The faux race war the mainstream media have promoted is a tool being used to convince you and non-black Americans that our system of government has been a giant failure. They want you to believe that a great reset is necessary to achieve fairness. The reset is communism, which starts with the gateway drug of socialism and ends in full-blown Marxism. China is run by the Communist Chinese Party. Communism has no respect for individual freedom or religion of any kind. Communism has no tolerance for political dissent.
- "I believe Jesus is under attack. That's why I'm at Blaze Media. You can't defend Jesus at corporate media outlets. Advertisers won't allow it. You can discuss the religion of racism every day at ESPN, CNN, MSNBC, and even Fox Sports. But it's taboo to discuss the cure for racism — Jesus — on those platforms.
- Inside the "white privilege" teaching in schools
June 28 Feed:
CRT latest battleground in culture war
- CRT is "a radical ideology that seeks to use race as a means of moral, social and political revolution.
June 24 Feed:
- Parents pushing back against CRT marxism (FoxNews video)
Chair of Joint Chiefs says CRT "important" and wants to understand "white rage" (video)
- LN -- Army of Woke
CRT violates constitution
- “The demonization of one group of people because of the color of their skin is something that is discriminatory.”
- CRT could be key issue in '22
- Radical teacher FUMES she can't teach CRT (video)
June 23 Feed:
VA parents reject CRT, gender indoctrination; Left ERUPTS as school board meeting
- "fireworks erupted when the seventh, who identified herself as the mother of a transgender Loudoun student, was booed after saying "hate" was "dripping from the followers of Jesus in this room" – a swipe at Christian parents in the district who have argued that transgender discussions should be held at home and not in public school.
VA parents ARRESTED for speaking against CRT (Video)
- More chaos video
- Woke militants facing parental buzz saw
Tucker interview with Chris Rufo on white shaming and CRT (video)
- WPost's attack piece on Rufo here
Iowa schools brand MAGA as "white supremacy"
- "Teachers of Iowa are being INSTRUCTED to classify the vast majority of Iowan children as Racist & White Supremacist."
- NEA prez -- race "built into every social system"
- DeSantis says NO to CRT: implements better standards
CRT is "opposite of education"
- CRT insists "that a traditionally liberal approach to evaluating the merits of competing ideas is itself an outgrowth of an illegitimate system of oppression. Rejection of their critique is the product of false consciousness, since critical thought is itself invalid, the product of white male hegemony.
June 22 Feed:
June 21 Feed:
President Trump -- plan to rid America of CRT
- "For decades, the America-blaming left has been relentlessly pushing a vision of America that casts our history, culture, traditions, and founding documents in the most negative possible light. Yet in recent years, this deeply unnatural effort has progressed from telling children that their history is evil to telling Americans that they are evil.
- Facts: crisis in black community MOSTLY about family
- New standard for college admission: random selection?
- Americans opposing CRT; here's why
- Bill Maher rips Miranda for woke apology (video)
- Democrat Senator defends "long tradition" of all-white club membership (video)
June 21 Feed:
- U.S. in own cultural revolution
- 58% of Americans oppose CRT
- NBC attacks parents opposing CRT
- Southern Baptists embracing CRT?
June 16 Feed:
- DeSantis rejects CRT (video)
- GOP lawmakers move to defund 1619 project in public schools
- Clay Travis: revolution against woke universe (Video)
June 9 Feed:
June 8 Feed:
June 2 Feed:
- Gutfeld: White People don't like White People (video)
- Black moms turn on BLM
- Black Dad destroys CRT (video)
June 1 Feed:
- Steve Hilton on new religion of "wokeism"
- CRT is a "toxic, racist, anti-American conspiracy theory"
- Brandeis Dean: "All White People are racist"
- BLM FLAGS fly over U.S. embassies (photos, video)
- 3 Minute Interview explaining the dangers of CRT (video)
May 27 Feed:
May 26 Feed:
- VA school board member is fighting (video)
- (Grassfire) Marxist BLM flag to fly over U.S. consulates?
NYC Brearley private school parent interview with Tucker (Video)
- Parent Andrew Gutmann's letter exposing CRT bias
- More military woke indoctrination: JSOC encouraged to get retrained
- TN bans CRT teaching
Book exposes flaws in 1619 theory of America
- Mr. Woodson writes that his goal is not to offer point-by-point rebuttals. Rather, he wants to “debunk the myth that present-day problems are related to our past . . . specifically, debunking the myth that slavery is the source of present-day disparities and injustice.”
- 1776 PROJECT PAC website
May 25 Feed:
Memo shows State Department officially promotes BLM
- " The Department supports the use of the term ‘Black Lives Matter’ in messaging content, speeches, and other diplomatic engagements with foreign audiences to advance racial equity and access to justice on May 25 and beyond (italics added) We encourage posts to focus on the need to eliminate systemic racism and its continued impact.”
- "This cable constitutes a blanket written authorization for calendar year 2021 from the Under Secretary for Management (M) to display the BLM flag on the external-facing flagpole to any Chiefs of Mission who determine such a display is appropriate in light of local conditions.
- More here
- Tucker on State Department support of BLM (video)
- Amazon's donation to BLM tie to convicted terrorist
- 1776 commission pushes back against CRT
- New 1776 project PAC to support those who fight CRT at local level
WSJ on CRT race bias at Harvard and in America
- "In America today the principle that drove the civil-rights movement—equality for all—is fast giving way to the view that race must be a dominant factor in every decision from college admission to eligibility for a federal farm program to the makeup of corporate boards to who gets priority for a Covid vaccine.